Becker Sections Missing?

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  • #1688200

    I recently registered for all four Becker sections (paid for by my firm). I already received the physical books for all four tests, but when I logged on to Becker online for the first time today, I could only access AUD and BEC. It said I was only licensed to use those two even though I checked the receipt from Becker and authorization from my firm and they indicate I purchased all four. I sent an email to Becker but with the holiday weekend, I have no idea when they’ll respond. My online class for REG (first one studying for) are supposed to start for me on January 6th. Has anyone else had this issue?

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  • #1689098

    Not that I know of, wait for their response and follow up if you don't hear timely. I would just call them as they're usually pretty responsive.



    Just call the customer service, they will fix it. It happened to me to purchase a final review and have no access.

    Good luck!

    "Self-trust is the first secret of success" -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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