Where to start 2023 FAR or BEC?

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  • #3315685

    Posting in a different forum…

    With the exam changing in 2024 I’m not sure where to start. Should I take BEC or FAR first? I’ve been out of school 27 years and not worked in accounting in 14 years. I failed FAR in 2017 so I’m expecting to spend more time on this section. I also don’t want to underestimate BEC and risk passing it in 2023.

    I was also looking at using Becker or Ninja. I’ve used both in the past but it seems like a lot has changed since I last sat for the exam.

    Thanks in advance for suggestions.

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  • Author
  • #3315703

    Jan-June CPA Exam order: FAR/AUD/REG/BEC

    July-November order: AUD/BEC/REG/FAR

    You want AUD and BEC out of the way before 2024 for sure.

    AUD - 79
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 76
    REG - 92
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