Cannot stop watching YouTube and going on Reddit - Page 2

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  • #1435298

    I just barely finished Section 2 Chapter 3 of FAR, every time I open the book i get bored and start youtube videos, yesterday i was supposed to finish the third section but all i did was watch stupid youtube videos and go on reddit till 11:30pm. I was supposed to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 4am to start studying. None of this happened. On top of that I have to look for a better position to fulfill this stupid work experience requirement, so far i have put in two applications. Can someone suggest what I can do to stop being so unproductive after work. This is my schedule.

    8 to 5 work
    5-630-ish get home..depending on how late i get off work
    6:30 to 8-ish walk the dogs and entertain them till they are satisfied, they can be very very demanding
    8 to 10 try to focus on job applications/studying

    i am single and have no kids. my semester starts next week and i am taking two accounting classes, one online and one in person.

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  • #1435616

    Here is my peanut gallery thoughts:

    I had similar issues – couldn't focus, couldn't stay focused was not interested. I ended up seeing the doctor and they said I'm on the focus spectrum of ADD (from what she said a mild case but it's still there) and I'm also a very aural learner which is probably why I did so well in college because classes were lecture based. Now with studying, it's a whole different ball game. Anyway, there is medication for ADD – I tried but it made me too jittery so I started seeing a counselor/life coach. That was best thing I ever did. I saw him for about 6 months, here's some tips he gave me.
    – Study 50 minutes then take a 10 minute break – commit to those 50 minutes though. Say I'm going to study really hard for 50 minutes and do it. If 50 minutes comes up and I'm in a groove, I go until the groove has ended. During the 10 minutes take a walk, make a light snack etc – something away from any screen
    – Set mini rewards – if I make a plan to do chapter 3 in 3 days and succeed, maybe I allow myself to spend 4 hours binge watching my favorite TV show on NetFlix or go to the movies or do something else fun
    – I have since purchased the NINJA software – I listen to the audios in my car. When I'm watching football, I read the book/notes during intermissions. During football games, I get tons of studying done – it just makes the games a little less fun to watch.
    – Make flash cards and carry them around with you wherever you go. Waiting in a long line – pull them out, commercials on the TV? That's enough time for a couple cards – waiting for meetings to start at work, pull them out, etc…
    – This might sound weird, but I like to change up where I'm studying. I have a standing study area, another area at a table, I bought a mobile lap desk and take it to the couch when I want to lounge – sometimes I'll bring it into my room and lay down. Something about the different study places keep it interesting. I also change between using my laptop, desktop and ipad. That seems to help a little bit too.
    – Saturday I eat breakfast and head to the library. They have free private rooms that you can sign up for. I block out 5 hours and usually just stay there until I get hungry or I get bored. I get some of my best studying done at the library.

    Good luck!!


    I had this problem in the beginning. Once you get serious you'll stop.


    I would study 20 minutes (using timer on phone) … 7 minute break (allowing 5 minutes to check the another71 forum and reply to a few posts) and then back at it.

    20 minute sessions…not too long, but long enough to make an impact.


    “…a test of discipline and persistence…”

    No worries if you can't muster up your own motivation. Tough love says there are plenty of people who can and will put in the effort, and they'll contentedly move ahead of those who can't and won't.

    Find the reasons you want to do this, and make it a priority. Or not.

    B - 77 (2.27.16)
    A - 81 (4.18.16)
    R -
    F -

    Roger Review + Ninja MCQs


    Thank you so much you guys for all your tips, im 30 mins away from getting off work and am going to do my best tonight and will let you guys know how it went.

    Thank you!!!
    Thank you!!!
    Thank you!!!
    Thank you!!!
    Thank you!!!
    Thank you!!!


    if you have a mac use the self control app, i am sure other types of computers have them too, it allows you to block certain websites for a certain period of time and no matter how much you try you won't be able to get around it until the time period you is set is over.


    Agree with the poster above that mentioned using an add-in to block sites. I've done that before. Sure, I can get around it, but it keeps me from “accidentally” opening it. Like, I can open up A71 when I get home to see what's new, and do it on “autopilot”. I don't always think “Oh, I want to go check A71”, I just sit down and before I know it I'm reading my 5th thread and still haven't started dinner.

    So, use an add-in that blocks the sites, or blocks them during certain times, etc. Truth be told, I got an add-in to block A71 at work, cause I was using it to research some stuff, then got side-tracked, then since I'm salaried (aka there early and late for no extra $$ lol) and never take my breaks I'd think “Well it's just a break” if I got on for a few minutes, and then I realized I was probably spending a lot more time on here than I realized. So, I blocked A71 at work. The add-in I used has a redirect option, so I found some quote about working hard on Google Images and made A71 redirect to the quote.


    Right now, you don't want it enough and you are making excuses.

    If the dogs are that big of a problem, give them away. And that is easy for me to say since I absolutely hate dogs, they scare me like snakes do for normal people. But it doesn't change the fact your are just making excuses for not working hard enough. There are hours in the day, everyone else that has worked full time while passing the exam has had to find those hours to study and we have found them. You will too if you want to get serious about it.

    And planning on passing them all the first time? I planned on that too, but I didn't plan on quitting the CPA on the first sign of failure. So go ahead walk your dogs, go do cartwheels with them. Then when you fail one, you're going to quit? Just like that?

    And I love Reddit and Youtube. I didn't quit it when I was studying. I also drank a lot when I was studying. Do you want to make excuses or pass the CPA exam? Sounds like you just want to make excuses and be lazy.


    “If the dogs are that big of a problem, give them away.”

    – funny you mentioned that…as a matter of fact I just got back from throwing them both in the back woods…thank you for that wonderful advice… are sooo smart and kind!!! freaking Mother Teresa over here….

    … NO I AM NOT GOING TO DO THAT!!!!…but I'm glad you don't have dogs, or insects, or any other non human as a matter of fact. pls dont have kids. smh….you have issues.


    So to the rest of you guys, I did study yesterday, it wasn't a lot but I finished the section i had left the day before because i was sitting on reddit. And this morning i woke up at 4am and right now it's 5:33 and ive applied to a number of jobs YAY!!! So I am going to leave the job search to the mornings from 4 am to 6am cause I really cannot start using my brain right away for studying and i will leave the studying for the evening time.


    @Aspencookie, i hear ha. The worst part about youtube is the damn comments. I can read those for days, no matter what video 😂😂😂

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    No issues here, and I obviously wasn't trying to coddle you. If you want to get through the exam you have to mitigate your distractions. If you can't do that, you need to get rid of them, or you will not find the time to study then not be able to pass.

    This test is about self control and time management. You made a topic about how bad you are at managing your time due to Reddit and Youtube, then made more excuses on how it is impossible to walk your dogs in less than an hour and a half.

    I don't care about your excuses or feelings, and you know who cares a whole lot less? The AICPA.


    uhhhhhhhh…ok…thanks there “Mitch” whatever it takes to get you to stop responding to me.


    “Not to be rude,” like others have said, but your first replies to Jeff's suggestions were either excuses or tentative statements. That's fine and all- we all do it sometimes, but it's an attitude that will lead to the exams never getting done. How do I know? I've been trying to pass the exam going on four years.

    -Bought Becker with my own money after graduating in February 2013. Didn't even study for six months because I started working full time.

    -Let that lapse, as well as testing fees

    -Started “seriously” studying in 2015, bought Ninja, the Blitz and MCQ expired for that as well, as more testing fees.

    -Always blamed it on working long hours, even though I spent hours a day vegging.

    This year, I quit my full time job (amicably) to make studying my full time job. This certification might well cost me as much as a year of tuition at a state school when all is said and done, but it will earn me that back in a year or less.

    So in short, don't give up the dogs, but do give up the excuses. Decide how much you want to pass, and find solutions to the excuses.


    I think all Mitch is saying (maybe in more harsh words) is that all of us are going through the same experience, and while we are all here for support, no one is going to feel sorry for you because of things you have going on in your life (taking care of dogs too much, can't keep yourself off of social media)

    We have all had to give up many things while studying, some of us more than others. That is just what the test requires. If you are not willing to give up things for a short period of time, your chances of passing are slim to none. There is a reason why the cumulative passing score rate in 2016 was 48.25%. And just think, that is also made up of many people who do nothing with their time but study and still may fall short….

    If you ever need any advice on here for study habits or specific questions about Ninja MC or Becker, I and everyone else on here are more than willing to help. Once i hopefully get my passing score, i hope to still pop on here every now and then to “pay it forward” to others who are struggling. But for the sake of you not getting rude comments back to your posts, I would recommend not posting about how your not motivated to study or can't get yourself off of youtube…..


    i used a plug in for all of my browsers to block any website i would find myself stuck on from 6a-11p… if i went to facebook it would block and say “shouldn't you be working?”

    it had nothing to do with motivation, but sometimes you get lost looking at real estate… maybe that is just me.

    try to stay focused… breaks are nice, but go for a walk.. not on your computer.

    R - 86
    B - 79
    A - retake 7/7/16
    F - 76

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