Feeling like giving up - Page 3

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  • #185880

    I have been at this thing for almost two years now. I passed BEC my first time taking it and AUD my second time taking it but REG and FAR are taking me several tries so BEC now expired. All of my coworkers are seeming to pass without any troubles and nobody in personal life understands the struggle. I’m so fed up with this exam that I don’t have any motivation at all to study anymore. I literally am unable to force myself to sit down and study. I take FAR tomorrow. I can already tell I’m not prepared and I’m not able to push it back. AUD expires in August. What to do, what to do. I know I’ll regret it and hate myself if I give up, but at this rate I’m just wasting a lot of time and money. I’m tired of missing family events, holidays, and not allowing myself to watch TV if I want to or at least feeling guilty for doing it. I don’t know what to do anymore. I want to just finish this thing and be done with it, but I’m finding it impossible to stay motivated and study. Look how many times I’ve sat for these exams based on my signature! I’m sure I just look like an idiot to my coworkers. It’s not that I can’t understand the material, it’s just that I don’t want to take the time to study and memorize anymore. I’m beyond burnt out.

    Advice please!

    BEC - 78*, 7/26/14
    AUD - 66, 81
    REG - 70, 62, 67, 8/26/14
    FAR - 68, 73, 64
    *indicates expired due to 18 month rule

    "Your dream doesn't have an expiration date. Take a deep breath, and try again" -kt witten

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  • #569249

    @kelslynn1028 – I'm taking the lid off of the box and letting the Ragin' Cajun out because it sounds like you need it!

    This is a test and you have let it get in your head. You have convinced yourself that you need to find motivation. That can only come from within! You can read all of the famous quotes and other BS on the internet but none of that is going to mean anything until you decide to stop looking for inspiration and decide to go out and be one!

    You have it in you to pass. You always have. You just have to tell that little voice in your head to shut the hell up. Because that little voice will tell you that it's alright to check Facebook instead of working problems. It will tell you that it's alright to listen to music when you should be listening to the Ninja audio. It will tell you that it's alright to send an e-mail to a friend while you are watching lectures.

    But then, that little voice will tell you that the reason you haven't passed is because you don't deserve it. You aren't good enough. You can't do it. It will tell you that you are a number. It will beat your self confidence into a bloody pulp and laugh at you. Tell it to shut up! Kick it's little ass out of your head and start doing what you set out to do. The only person who can make you feel like a failure is you. No one else matters. Other people's opinions mean nothing and you can't control them. So don't worry about them.

    It's time to get mad! It's time to get revenge! It's time to take back your damn life! Ask yourself a few questions:

    How bad do you want it? How bad do you need it? But more importantly, do you believe you can do it? Because, if you believe it, then you can achieve it!

    We are going to forget about today's test since you said you hadn't studied 1/2 of the material, and act like that $250 was spent on booze or something frivolous. When you get back from your vacation, and I believe you need one desperately, then you need to let us know that you are back. Tell us your goals to pass the next test and what you are going to do to achieve that goal. We will keep you on track. We will harass you like hell to keep you going if we have to. We are here for you. We want to see you succeed. We know you can do this. You just need to know you can do this.

    The lid is firmly back on the box and Kricket is back.

    We will get you through this. Jeff got me through it, albeit, he was much nicer than the Ragin' Cajun. I was on the slow train ride through hell for 5 years and I'm done. 25 exams later, I'm a CPA. You can do this! Have faith in yourself.

    And please, no one tell me that I should be a motivational speaker because every time I hear that I'm afraid I'm going to be living in a van down by the river. LOL


    Kricket, you're awesome!

    kelslynn1028, I know it's hard work, but I think if you start eating better and exercising, you'll find that your ability to study effectively and retain information will improve immensely. Especially if you find exercise that you like (that's Zumba for me), it can really help both physically and mentally.

    You can do this. It just takes a little more focus. Write a schedule out. You can do it.

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    @kelslynn1028 – This is what will happen if you quit.

    You quit studying for the CPA exams

    You go back to school and major in Computer Science

    You graduate with honors

    You go work for a tech company

    You work on an Artificial Intelligent project dubbed S.K.Y.N.E.T.

    S.K.Y.N.E.T. become ” self-aware”

    Builds Killer Robots to destroy the human race.

    Moral of the story

    Study for the CPA exams

    Don't create S.K.Y.N.E.T. and build killer robots that destroys the human race.

    AUD - 90
    BEC - 78
    FAR - 84
    REG - 87
    World Domination Plan

    Phase I : Pass CPA Exams - Complete
    Phase II : Megan Fox - In Progress
    Phase III : Megan Fox & Scarlett Johansson Lingerie Pillow Fight
    Phase IV : Form the new Charlie's Angels with Megan Fox, Scarlett Johansson, & Gal Gadot
    Phase V : TBD

    BEC : 78
    REG : 87
    FAR : 84
    AUD : 90

    World Domination Plan

    Phase I : Pass CPA Exams - Complete
    Phase II : Megan Fox - Initiated
    Phase III : Bring back 8-Tracks
    Phase IV : Megan Fox & Scarlett Johansson Lingerie Pillow Fight
    Phase V : TBA


    Well…I failed FAR with a 64, but honestly, for how little I actually studied, I'm kind of impressed with myself. I was expecting more like a 30. BEC here I come and I am DETERMINED I will pass!

    BEC - 78*, 7/26/14
    AUD - 66, 81
    REG - 70, 62, 67, 8/26/14
    FAR - 68, 73, 64
    *indicates expired due to 18 month rule

    "Your dream doesn't have an expiration date. Take a deep breath, and try again" -kt witten


    OP- Thank you for this thread. It's just what I needed. Hopefully we can both get through this asap!

    Kricket- Your words and wisdom are always appreciated. I'm so scared that I'm going to go balls out and fail again. I just lost my FAR credit due to failing REG and I did what I normally do to pass the other sections and it didn't work. So I want to hit the ground running and knock the test out, but at the same time I'm bewildered that what I normally do wasn't enough, if that makes sense. And now I have 2 windows to knock out the 2 hardest tests. It will be REG attempt #4 and FAR #4 (I passed last time on the 3rd try). At this point I just want a recipe for success and I'll do it! I just need to get off this horrible horrible ride.


    Krickey, boy did I need to read that tonight. It applies to so many things in life. Thank you.

    kelslynn1028, stick with it and you will make it.

    AUD: 73, 81! Thank you Lord!
    BEC: 73, 77! Thank you Lord! and WTB
    REG: 71, 82! Thank you Lord! and A71
    FAR: 72, 78! Thank you God and my Mommy in Heaven!

    CPA Excel, Ninja Notes & Audio, Wiley Test Bank, CPAreviewforfree

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