Anyone having to readjust their plans for failing marriage or divorce? - Page 9

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  • #187684

    I graduated December 2013, started my experience requirement the same time. I’ve taken the majority of the additional classes since then – just have two business classes left. Plan was to complete all 4 sections/experience/150 Hours all at the same time.

    Husband was on board – but kind of glossed over the detail of how freaking busy I’d be working for a tax/compilation firm AND getting all of this done. He only heard the part of “Done in one year”. He’s now emotionally involved with an ex girlfriend — and we’ve had these issues MANY times in the past.

    It’s hard to concentrate on Gleim when your life is falling apart, ya know?

    FAR - 86
    BEC - 88
    REG - 83
    AUD - 74, 89 Done!!!!

    Two business classes between me and being a FL CPA!!!

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  • #676906

    @SomdayCPA2015 – I feel we are in very similar situations. Thank you so much for you kind words. They mean a lot. I also moved back in with mom and dad after living away for over 5 years! Yeah my pride is a thing of the past. We had a house and now we have to sell. I get mad I relied on someone to help me keep the house but that's marriage. And the process of divorce brings out the very worst in people. It just rips the soul of the body and spits on it…

    I think I am going out of town to Oklahoma this weekend to get my head on straight in the country air. I am hoping to pick up the books Monday if I don't have too much to do to the house to get it on the market. I am really hoping that I will just be in it like a billion percent more then before. Everyone seems to say that so hopefully I can do the same.


    I'm still hanging in there. Date nights are a little more frequent (at my insistence), but anytime he brings up a bizarre medical condition it's about her.

    My hours have been cut to halftime at work, so I'm looking for a job and studying for AUD.

    She's actually dating some dude now. So he's less about her and more about two other ex girlfriends.

    I'm just ready for the career struggle to be over.

    FAR - 86
    BEC - 88
    REG - 83
    AUD - 74, 89 Done!!!!

    Two business classes between me and being a FL CPA!!!


    Also wanted to mention that skynet is the mother effing bomb.

    FAR - 86
    BEC - 88
    REG - 83
    AUD - 74, 89 Done!!!!

    Two business classes between me and being a FL CPA!!!


    Im not understanding why you're still with him. When someone shows you who they really are, you might aughta believe them.


    Amanda u do what u got to do. Just keep studying get this done for u and ur kids 🙂

    AUD 69, 92 7/15 Gleim and Ninja test bank
    FAR sometime in 10/15 Gleim
    BEC not taken
    REG not taken

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