Anyone having to readjust their plans for failing marriage or divorce? - Page 6

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  • #187684

    I graduated December 2013, started my experience requirement the same time. I’ve taken the majority of the additional classes since then – just have two business classes left. Plan was to complete all 4 sections/experience/150 Hours all at the same time.

    Husband was on board – but kind of glossed over the detail of how freaking busy I’d be working for a tax/compilation firm AND getting all of this done. He only heard the part of “Done in one year”. He’s now emotionally involved with an ex girlfriend — and we’ve had these issues MANY times in the past.

    It’s hard to concentrate on Gleim when your life is falling apart, ya know?

    FAR - 86
    BEC - 88
    REG - 83
    AUD - 74, 89 Done!!!!

    Two business classes between me and being a FL CPA!!!

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  • #676861

    Keep up the hard work and passing @FlaglerAmanda. You can do it, and if you can put as much effort into your relationship as the CPA exam, you'll be just fine. 🙂

    BEC - ✔ REG - ✔ AUD - ✔ FAR - ✔

    Becker + NINJA MQCs for FAR

    Licensed January 2015


    @Everybodyswaiting – we've had honest conversations. I've let him know exactly how the whole situation is affecting me, but he's still going to her rescue.

    The little rebellions aren't for him. They're for me. And very well hidden.

    FAR - 86
    BEC - 88
    REG - 83
    AUD - 74, 89 Done!!!!

    Two business classes between me and being a FL CPA!!!



    I'm sorry to hear about your current situation, I recently just finished with a divorce of the about the same amount of years. It's not easy, and extremely challenging and emotionally draining.

    I would say this. If you think your marriage is savable, I would focus on that as it is more important than any CPA exam. Put the CPA aside, focus on truly what matters, as the exams will always be here. If you believe it is not savable, it will be a challenge to complete, but not impossible.

    I put my CPA aside for over eight years because my ex didn't want me putting the required time into studying for it, as I was already putting in a lot of time with my job. So I never got it done. Once she left, I was a wreck emotionally and couldn't focus on anything. Then I learned it is important as part of the healing process of divorce, to focus and succeed at something, anything. So I chose the CPA exams. It was hard, is hard as I have one exam left (BEC). However, it really helped me heal through my divorce, and gave me a lot of hope and needed positive outlook I needed the time.

    My suggestion, do the same, make a goal and fight as hard as you need to to accomplish the goal. As you do, it will help you during this horrible time. It will be difficult, and may take some time, but it you can succeed. Good luck, and let me know how it all goes.


    @FlaglerAmanda – I'm sorry that he's not responsive to your conversations. In my thought, what if you suggested that you help in her situation and not just him trying to? That way, it'll seem like you're connected with her and that she's not some trophy or at whatever status he is putting her at. Kind of a shot in the dark, but like reverse psychology?… :/

    BEC - ✔ REG - ✔ AUD - ✔ FAR - ✔

    Becker + NINJA MQCs for FAR

    Licensed January 2015


    I've tried that. Just makes him talk about her more.

    Last night they were on the phone for an hour and he's going to be calling this dude she met on some dating site to screen him to approve their relationship.

    1 – What guy talks on the phone that long with someone he isn't trying to sleep with?

    2 – Really? She can't make her dating decisions without his approval?

    FAR - 86
    BEC - 88
    REG - 83
    AUD - 74, 89 Done!!!!

    Two business classes between me and being a FL CPA!!!


    The answer to #1 is no one.

    #2 is especially odd. It is safe to say that Seminole and his gal pal have a relationship that really runs deep.

    It is just a matter of how hard you're gonna stick it to him in court I guess. I think he's trying to make you force him out so he's not the bad guy.

    BEC - 78
    AUD - 75
    REG - 74, 79
    FAR - 75

    You have to buy a ticket to win the raffle.


    What's keeping you with him at this point?

    Licensed Florida CPA:
    B: 71, 73, 79
    A: 83
    R: 78 (expired), 77
    F: 74, 74, 80

    It's finally freaking over.



    No matter how you slice it, he is just not a good guy. Certainly not one worth wasting my time on. It sounds like he's not willing to change.

    Unless you are willing to put up with more of the same, I would leave. There are other men out there that know how to treat women better.

    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.


    Rocky123, CPA


    ^^^ money and kids.

    BEC - 78
    AUD - 75
    REG - 74, 79
    FAR - 75

    You have to buy a ticket to win the raffle.


    Emotional cheating is worse than physical cheating IMO. I applaud your restraint for not snatching the phone out of his hand and beating him with it. I know there are two sides to every story and I know that the CPA exam has a lot of your attention right now, but turning to someone of the opposite sex (regardless of whether they have a past or not) is foul and the fact that he is blatant about it and doesn't care that it bothers you is him seeing how far he can take this thing. I am all for trying to make a marriage work and not giving up but I don't think you should allow someone to disrespect you like that. Pack his stuff and put it outside.

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    Kids should not be the reason to stay. Your kids are seeing how he is treating you and they are learning from this. Daddy is talking to his “friend”. Mommy is upset. Etc. I don't know how old your kids are so I don't know what they would pick up on, but you're setting an example of what relationships should be like. They would be better off seeing you strong and independent than hurt, confused, and upset all the time. Even if you think you're hiding it from them, they probably notice more than you think. Just my $0.02.

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    Not sure if you have daughters or not, but the WORST thing a dad can do is treat his wife bad in front of his girl(s). They look to him as a male role model and their choices about boys/men in the future will be heavily influenced by the way daddy treated mommy. No question. So not only is he being a douche canoe to you, he's messing with your children as well.

    Licensed Florida CPA:
    B: 71, 73, 79
    A: 83
    R: 78 (expired), 77
    F: 74, 74, 80

    It's finally freaking over.


    Agree with Mama again but it is really hard when kids are involved. I would put up with nearly anything to be around my kid daily. It's def a tough spot.

    BEC - 78
    AUD - 75
    REG - 74, 79
    FAR - 75

    You have to buy a ticket to win the raffle.


    Yes Gatorbates!!! I tell my husband frequently that he has 4 daughters watching his moves and learning exactly what type of guy they want based on how he treats me. It's more important than you realize.

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    Childcare is the biggest issue. I can't afford a nanny to take care of the kids so I can study/go to school.

    2 exams to pass, 2 classes to take. Then I'm done with more than my CPA certificate.

    FAR - 86
    BEC - 88
    REG - 83
    AUD - 74, 89 Done!!!!

    Two business classes between me and being a FL CPA!!!

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