No words for this BS

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  • #1680310

    Been at this since Oct 2013 and Im tired! I swear someone is effing with me. These ppl after making me the entire summer give a 73 and now they give me a 74.

    This test is straight up BS! PERIOD!!!!!

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  • #1680326

    I agree! I'm in the same boat. REG came back with a 73 and now I have to take BEC again when I was hoping to be done. Been doing this since 2014 and I was extremely confidant in my answers for this last REG exam. Starting to wonder since I was able to get a free NTS is this the reason I didn't pass. Just gonna shed a few tears and get back to it because my AUD expires in Feb. This year was a fluke for this exam as I spent more time waiting for score release than studying.

    REG - 77 (will lose in Jan 2016)

    BEC - 67 74, 75

    AUD - 56, 70, Will try again 🙁

    FAR - ??

    Save the beast for last.


    I just want to know what I did to deserve this. I say that bc it took me from 10/13 to 4/16 to pass my 1st exam. 7 failures sandwiched between there. Then I proceed to pass AUD(62,73,76) BEC(77), FAR(60,70,67,67,73,75). So now after passing 3 consecutive exams I'm supposed to believe that I can't pass REG(60,66,73,74), FOH!

    What pisses me off the most about this attempt is the situation about a pencil and paper. I formally requested to use it for this attempt, got hassled by some chick trying to be employee of the year. 10 effn mins of unnecessary stress before my exam and I fail by point.

    Then the stories ppl tell on this site about leaving multiple SIMS blank and passing.

    Nope I'm bitter. I enjoy all the time and money I spend on these exams. I just feel honored to be part of such a transparent process…


    Should be I'm not bitter…


    I'm right there with you man although I've only been at this since September of last year.

    Just got a 70 on AUD and 71 on FAR after feeling really confident on both. Was scoring in the 90s on Becker progress tests for AUD. Dedicated three months and a trip to Dallas for FAR. It's frustrating bc you crush the study materials and put the time in only to fall short by a few points.


    I feel the same way. At this point I am just angry and over this brutal process. My first attempt on AUD was over a year ago and I don't even count that because I bombed it. Since then, the exams I actually felt good about – 69, 71, and now 73. I can't think of anything more that I can do. Scoring very well on my study materials and during the exam I feel confident. To fail by 2 points kills me inside.


    @operation it's bc they are trying to break you. Don't let them do it.


    “Tthe stories ppl tell on this site about leaving multiple SIMS blank and passing.” I think luck plays a big factor in this BS process to become a CPA.
    The process is not very transparent. I spent nights going to bed at 1-2am and only 1/3 of what i studied appeared on the exams.

    The Audit exam i was confident i passed but then i got a 72. I guess it's true you can really tell about this exam. Regarding BEC i got testlet 2 that was a disaster of IT questions i couldn't prepare for. there was only 3 Cost Accounting questions, there was no NPV, Capital Budgeting, Cost of Debt questions and the SIMS reminded of the audit SIMS being ambiguous but i fought this exam at least to get a 76 but got a dreadful 72.

    The AICPA stole our x-mas!


    @Wanna_B_TXCPA2014 Hang in there Cuz. I know the feeling but you will make it!

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    @latinocpa they did steal it. Me and my wife kind of got into a little. She's just tired so am I. I told her I really don't have it to travel for Xmas this year. I can't make the best of it. I just want to scream angry hateful that I mean to hurt someone like how I've been hurt with this BS score.

    I asked how a person could pass without completing all Sims on the nasba fb messenger. The response was don't believe everything you read on the internet. Uh thanks for the tip…

    Anyway if we are going to do this we have to soldier on. They are counting on 40% that start this process to quit, bc as the analytics guy smuggly stated on 60% finish…


    I feel you… this exam is just so discouraging and ruined my life. It gave me extremely low self-esteem.
    I hate spending so much time and money on a 74…. sigh


    Last night I could not believe I failed FAR… AGAIN. Every time I fail I feel like it kills my confidence a little more. How is it possible that I have been within 5 points for four consecutive tries? THEN I remember, oh yeah, THIS IS ONLY THE FIRST EXAM OF FOUR. I have been at this since December 2015.

    Have you noticed the notice on the score notification? It says: “The score represents your overall performance on identified exam section. The scale does NOT represent “percent correct.” A score of 75 indicates examination performance reflecting a level of knowledge and skills that is sufficient for the protection of the public.”

    Does that mean there is subjectivity to grading?

    Whatever it means, this test is designed to make us feel this way. Don't give in!!


    @wanna_b_txcpa2014 Good luck on the next part. It does suck but you are very close to being done.


    I Always think of it like this: deep down you know you will become a CPA. And 2 years from now the failures won’t matter at all.


    @mtaylo24 Hey! Thanks for the encouragement. Im slowly coming back to life. I wrote out my plan at lunch today and will start with a new batch of notes tonight.

    Ixlr82 thanks for the encouragement! I feel like I'm close that's why it's so hard. I've got to figure how to get those last 5 pts


    @wanna_b_txcpa2014 For me I used Becker so I ordered new books and started fresh. I know it takes forever but I feel it helped to start from the beginning. On your timeline I guess your scheduling REG for January? Does AUD expire in Jan? Good Luck Man! You got this!

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