Exam Order?

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    So I’m retaking AUD sometime in Jan (haven’t decided yet) and I’m unsure what to do next. I hear a lot of people suggest getting FAR out of the way asap. I dug a little bit into FAR but oh my word.. it’s boring! Not to mention my motivation was nowhere to be found after taking the first exam. Basically I’d have to restart on FAR.

    So is still probably smart to try and tackle FAR next or would BEC or REG be a more feasible option?

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  • #1681766

    My personal opinion – start off with an easier one first; get your feet wet. I would recommend BEC — less material to memorize / focus on overall. Once you pass one you will know what review process to do and can carry that into your second test.


    The advice is to take FAR first because it has the most material, and in theory takes the longest to prepare for. So take it first to avoid cutting into your 18 month passing window if you end up failing it. I think once you've decided to take AUD first there isn't a great reason to take far next.

    If I were you i'd take BEC after AUD. Both AUD and BEC have some concepts that crossover into FAR.


    I will suggest FAR before all because myself benefit so much after studying FAR – it's so fundamental that everything makes much more sense and seems easier after FAR, I failed REG in May with a 71 and got 91 yesterday, I studied FAR in between my two REGs




    Hmm.. maybe passing BEC and AUD at the same time would boost my motivation, lol


    Far and reg first. Trust me on this.


    I'm with Bourne.
    FAR first. it has the lowest pass rate, and the most amount of material.
    You don't want to get stuck on FAR and start having credits lapse due to the 18 month window.
    That's only 6 testing windows from start to finish.
    If you did one exam per window, and passed each on the first try, that would leave you with 3 tries for FAR, which sometimes is not enough.

    Good luck.


    Keep in mind I've already taken AUD once and have gone through that material.. so the question is where to go from there.


    I think it depends on the individual. For me I took BEC, REG, AUD, FAR. I was most comfortable with BEC and REG. I needed that pressure of a clock ticking to pass the harder parts for me which was AUD and FAR. For me I felt I wouldn't push myself hard unless I had a time limit to finish the other two exams. Luckily it worked out.


    Is anyone concerned with taking REG before all the tax law changes? Or maybe taking it after the changes would make more sense for the purpose of practical knowledge…


    @ixlr82day That might work for me honestly.. I just recently graduated and barely studied in my 4 years.. honestly it was kind of a joke, and all for a dumb piece of paper! But I digress.. maybe the pressure would actually get me to study.


    I would do FAR first. Helps having that foundation for the other sections


    I'm also planning to take FAR first and I have 4 months to study it. -application processing-

    my plan is to study Becker book + final review for 3 months and then practice on Wiley test bank + roger cram course in the last month
    is it too much?
    any opinion is appreciated


    @eMeRGeD Honestly my way isn't for everyone. I half assed studying for years and never really gave it my all. I would pass a part (BEC) which for me was due to taking a ton of IT and Finance/Law courses in undergrad. Then not study much and fail the rest. This time I paid for Becker which costs a ton…but they also have a time limit and I set it up where I took the two parts I was strongest in for the same window (BEC and Reg). One in the very beginning and one at the very end. Passing both of them gave me a push to study hard for the remaining two. I failed FAR and AUD once but luckily was able to pass. If I took FAR first I probably would have given up because as shown by my 49 I don't think I would have gotten threw it if that was first.

    My bosses all thought I was an idiot for taking my weakest two parts last and continually questioned my logic…and I started to question it to at the end. I guess a word of caution about doing it this way is that by the end…everyone gets burnt out. Having FAR as the last one may be too much. So I guess if I did it over maybe BEC/REG/FAR/AUD. Good Luck.


    I'm on the FAR, AUD, REG, BEC plan because I knew I would become more and more burnt out as time went on. Now that I'm on BEC if I had to do it all over again (barf) I'd do REG, FAR, AUD, BEC. I hate tax. I blindly followed what everyone says is the hardest to easiest knowing that I have always struggled with tax. So in the end pick which difficulty order you want (hardest to easiest or vice versa) and then determine which ones will be the hardest FOR YOU.

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