With this score release, my relationship might be over. - Page 3

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  • #198516

    So, my boyfriend got his results back, and he got a 45 on FAR

    He supposedly studied for 3 months. I’ve never, ever heard of a score that low, from someone who studied.

    I worked my butt off and passed my exams 2 years ago. He was supposed to work on his then too, and put it off.

    I’ve been super supportive about him “finally getting the motivation to study” and now he gets a 45

    I’m so confused. Has anyone who actually studied for 3 months failed that bad? Or should I assume that he really didn’t study and let another 3 months of our lives slip away?

    I’m super frustrated. I know how hard the exams are. Studying was a real low point in my life. But a 45???

    Edit: I know I sound harsh. I’m just honestly confused about how he got a 45. I put no pressure on him. Gave him time, made no plans to do anything. I’m just shocked. Even a 60 or 70 would have made more sense than a 45.

    And a couple of years back, he did lie about studying for the exam, when he wasn’t. so I’m honestly just tying to figure out if that’s happened again.

    I don’t care if he becomes a CPA too. Wasn’t my idea for him to pursue this again, but I was 100% supportive.

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  • #744797

    I agree with most of the replies on this thread – y'all have bigger problems than him scoring a 45 on the exam. And yes, especially for someone who doesn't have a strong accounting background, I could see it possible that someone scores that low after studying legitimately. I'm lucky in that I'm a good test taker (I took BEC last May, after getting one hour of sleep, did not study one bit, had a dead battery in my car that caused me to be 15 mins late to the exam, and I got a 74), but I've seen test anxiety destroy people's performance. I have friends who are taking the exams at the same time I am, and they get nervous and tense every time the subject comes up. I think you need to talk to him and let him know it's ok (if it is) with you if he doesn't want this. Motivation is key too – I took 2 years off from getting my BA and 2 years off from getting my Master's before even attempting to study for these exams. It goes against advice I received, but I wasn't motivated at all. Part of being an adult is doing things you don't like sometimes, but life is too short to be pouring yourself into something that you aren't motivated to do. I wish him the best of luck.

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    Any chance he might be reading this forum? Then again part of the probem might be he hasn't found this site.


    Maybe he was pretending to take the exam to make you happy, but not really committed to it. Credit for effort, but questions for honesty…talk to him openly…


    this whole thread is childish.


    Passed all sections between 5/15 - 10/15 order AUD REG BEC FAR (used Becker only)


    This thread has nothing to do with a low score. Most of us get that.

    It is super-easy to sit down to study and instead accidentally start binge-watching a netflix series.

    It happens to the best of us.

    It might be a lack of discipline/accountability.

    Sometimes when you really don't want to do something – it helps to have someone keep you accountable and get you over the finish line…sounds like the OP needs to start studying for the CMA and study together? 🙂

    Just my $.02 giving the guy the benefit of the doubt.

    AUD - 79
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 76
    REG - 92
    Jeff Elliott, CPA (KS)

    and study breaks wink wink 🙂

    AUD - NINJA in Training
    BEC - 86
    FAR - NINJA in Training
    REG - NINJA in Training
    AUD - 71, 73

    BEC - 74, 86

    REG - 77*

    FAR - 57


    (I have been trying to become a CPA since 2013). only one test down.......

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    This post is horsecrap. Don't ask the anonymous internet world for dating advice. Treat your boyfriend like a human being and speak to him about this. Honestly, if you were my girlfriend I'd be pissed you brought this to a CPA forum before me.

    BEC-86 (07/07/12)



    I just got here and this is the first post I've ever read here.

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