WI Scores - Page 12

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  • #159394

    Does anyone know when the loophole will start working for Wisconsin? I’m waiting on my Audit Score which its sounds like is out but not sure when the loophole would begin working.

    BEC - 80
    REG - 74
    FAR - 72
    AUD - Waiting

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  • #276160

    They'll wait til Friday yet……..


    So, from past experience have our dear friends at NASBA ever posted scores after 9:00pm? Is it worth it for me to sit here refreshing my browser every 15 minutes?


    Scores have always been realeased on days that I'm not paying attention so I don't know if its always exactly at 9 or if it takes time to load and maybe you get them at 915. Who knows, getting pretty upset though

    BEC - 08/12/10 - 85
    FAR - 10/01/10 - 84
    AUD - 10/30/10 - 81
    REG - 11/30/10 - 85



    AUD 89
    BEC 84
    FAR 87
    REG 94!! ALL DONE


    For the July/Aug window, I received my score at 10 pm. This past window I already knew I failed from the loophole and I checked my score at 10pm and it was there.

    Paper Exam May 2002; AUD 62, LPR, 63, FAR 49, ARE 70
    Paper Exam Nov 2003; AUD 72, LPR, 72, FAR 67, ARE 71
    CBT 2010; AUD 83 FAR 76 BEC 78 REG 73,(2/28/11 NTS # 446) 75 and DONE!


    When I took BEC in July, I received my passing score after midnight. I remember because I was so excited and it was too late to call anyone to share the news. 🙂


    10:26 p.m. and nothing here yet.

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)

    peter olinto fan


    I'm not even waiting for a score, but i keep checking on here to see how you did. I'm pulling for another absurdly high score for you! good luck.

    FAR - 81
    BEC - 73, 73, 79
    REG - 72, 75
    AUD - 72, 68, 82



    peter olinto fan – Gosh, thanks! I never would have thought I could achieve these scores. You wouldn't believe how afraid I was to refresh the screen in case there was some kind of computer glitch! I appreciate all of the info and support on this forum – a great group of people. Great job on FAR, and keep plugging on the rest! You'll get it done.

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    6:50am wednesday…still nothing. So I guess when they said scores will be released “today” they meant “not today”?


    “Today” is an abstract term with many possible interpretations. :o)

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    I just dont have any thing left to say. I dont even know why I am making this post other than it makes me feel a wee bit better. If I didnt have a new puppy at home to ocupy my thoughts I dont know what I would do with my self. I am trying to stay productive at work by reading tax updates, but every 5 minutes my concentration is broken thinking about the scores. oh well….

    AUD 89
    BEC 84
    FAR 87
    REG 94!! ALL DONE


    WI11 – Given your other high scores, you probably passed REG. I believe I passed BEC. I think it would be worse if one really felt uncertain about the pass/fail status. I don't know what else to say either. I didn't think we'd be waiting this long for scores, that's for sure. At this point, I don't want to get my hopes up too high on any particular day. They should be released soon – very soon. Give that cute puppy a lot of attention! What kind of dog?

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)



    I agree w/you about my results, its just such a downer not knowing for sure. My heart used to pound when I checked my scores and now it barely skips a beat. You just never know. My puppy's name is Duke. He is an australian cattle dog-hound mix. he is so cute he looks just like a cattle dog except has floppy ears! Do a google image seach for cattle dog puppies!! We are best buds for sure.

    AUD 89
    BEC 84
    FAR 87
    REG 94!! ALL DONE


    Well, I just had an interesting conversation with Kat Tucker in the WI state licensing department. She said that that NASBA has not submitted the scores to WI yet and she has no idea why. I explained to her that I talked to NASBA this morning and they told me to call her to ask when the scores would be released. She was upset and said that was inaccurate and NASBA is responsible for releasing them. She agreed the entire process is very inefficient and stated there were too many people involved with WI scores and that is why the scores take so long. She made the comment on how other states pay much less to process scores and candidates receive them quicker. She said unfortunately it will be a long time before any changes are made because WI signed a 10 year agreement some time ago. Kat also said that she was planning on calling NASBA about the scores and providing candidates with incorrect information.

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