Q2 CPA Exam Score Release (CA, IL, & other Indie States) - Page 12

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    Can’t forget the indie states…

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  • #772287

    @GSD512 Thanks! I had a couple people at work ask and is wasn't as embarrassing as I thought it would be (yet again, I'm used to embarrassing myself haha).

    I am using Becker to study and writing down all of the notes they have me highlight (which take FOREVER because instructor Timmie G basically has you highlight the entire page), then I re-read the chapter and do the MCQ's related to the chapter (I saved the sims for my final review phase during the final 2 weeks before the test). I did MCQ's until I felt like puking, and this upcoming time I will do them until I actually do throw up haha. I probably didn't do as many progress tests as I should have and will make sure I do more this time around.

    So far, auditing is not going as badly as I thought it would be. With Becker, I feel like it involves more memorization (which I am not the best at). I just have been using critical thinking on a lot of the MCQ questions and am able to get most of the questions right, and on the ones I am unsure on, I am able to narrow the answer down to two choices. I am about halfway through my book, so I am definitely taking it in July. If you are only 1 week into BEC, I think you should go back to FAR because it is still fresh in your memory (but I am not the best person to ask, maybe someone in the forum could offer their advice).

    FAR - 71 (retake 9/3/2016)
    AUD - 71 (ugh)
    REG -


    @ipadminihalf Yes I'll definitely do plenty of MC questions this time around so hopefully next time I'll chug a bottle of wine for different reasons. Haha!

    I noticed you have not taken FAR yet so good luck!! I'm probably not the best person to give you advice but in my experience Roger's Sims are pretty much useless. Also, I found the exam to be very conceptual and another mistake I made was the fact that I focused too much on the math.


    @TA_Rule: Haha, that could be the case. Only one person has asked me so far but since I just took the exam, most of them might not know my results are in.

    Yeah I kind of decided to go back to FAR starting tomorrow (I need the day off, a bottle of wine and a pint of ice cream are waiting for me at home). I just sent the application fee to the CBA so hopefully it won't take long to get approved so I can schedule that exam for late July. I just know that my next exam will have a lot of governmental accounting which I just don't get. 🙁

    Oh yeah you should definitely take Audit since you've already covered half of the material. I think we should really focus on our next section rather than feeling depressed about our first failure (except for tonight when I drink that wine lol).


    I'M DONE!!! PRAISE THE LORD. I finally have my life back.

    CA Candidate – soon to be CPA (only a matter of paperwork!)

    FAR – 78
    BEC – 79
    REG – 79
    AUD – 92 (!?)
    Ethics – 92


    @GSD512 The wine and ice cream sounds AMAZING! I am going to sound like a crazy person here, but I have been refusing myself alcohol because I do not want to kill any brain cells. I need every single one to pass this test. Yes, I am a little mental, but I blame the CPA exam for making me this way haha.

    I’m okay with governmental accounting, the Not-for-profit accounting is where I sometimes get a little tripped up. Also, I get the basics of Bonds, but when it starts asking about the warrants and all that jazz, I start getting confused.
    Good luck on the FAR retake! You got this! This time around, you will be more familiar with the topics giving you more time to focus on the stuff you struggle with.

    FAR - 71 (retake 9/3/2016)
    AUD - 71 (ugh)
    REG -


    @ebjorndahl PRAISE GOD! We both passed! CA candidate!

    You cannot have success without failure. Success is hard. If it was easy, everyone would do it. But it's the "hard" that makes it great!

    AUD 70,75!
    BEC 69,71,72,68,75!
    REG 71,70, 80!
    FAR 75!

    Becker live and MCQ


    @GSD512 thanks for the tip! I hope the sims got better since they updated the course update earlier this month. For REG, I felt the Roger sims were just okay (I did poorly on the exam, but MCQ was enough to push me over, thankfully). For AUD, I thought the sims were more inline with what was being asked on the exam and I think they were helpful. For the exams I have taken so far, it seems that the MCQ more theory and less calculation, and then simulations are were the majority of calculation problems are. Good luck on the retake!!

    REG - 2/19/16 - 77!
    BEC - 4/16/16 - 79!!
    AUD - 6/04/16 - 84!!!
    FAR - 8/31/16


    Is anyone else waiting on scores in North Dakota? It's psychological torture watching every other state post their scores and ND waits an extra day to individually email them out.


    74 on AUD…so close yet so far away

    BEC - Jan 2016 - 81 (Used Becker & NINJA Flashcards)
    AUD - May 2016 - 74 (Becker ONLY) Retake: Dec 2016
    FAR - July 2016
    REG - Nov 2016


    This is my first post, but I've been reading this board for a few months as I prepped for my first CPA exam. I'm SUPER proud to say I found out today I passed FAR on my first try (California exam). I got an 82, which blew me away, because I was CERTAIN I failed after some brutal sims.

    I just want to say THANK YOU to the current and past users of this board — you didn't know I was reading, but your words helped pick me up in times when I didn't think I could do it. And to anyone out there now or in the future who may read this post — YOU CAN DO IT TOO.

    One down, three to go! AUD up next….

    FAR - 6/4/16 - 82
    AUD - 8/27/16
    REG - TBD
    BEC - TBD


    What time will CA scores release


    What time will CA scores release?

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