Q2 2020 exam score release today/tomorrow? - Page 2

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  • #3010122

    Is this going to happen today or tomorrow? AICPA score release dates on their website haven’t changed due to COVID19.

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  • #3012717

    Good luck everyone! I'm waiting for California…

    Katt Pham

    waiting anxiously for score in Chicago, IL.. I think I logged in more than 100 times to check in the score today. Nothing as of yet. It has been such a long day today.


    Happy to find out that I received a 93 on FAR! Some good news after getting my butt kicked around by AUD today. 2 down 2 to go albeit the remaining 2 are not my strengths. Got to keep pushing forward! Best of luck to everyone.


    @taxmachine WOW! Conarats! You are now under tremendous pressure to get a 93 on both of your remaining exams. 🙂


    Thank you! Going to be hard to earn 2 more 93s. AUD is/most likely will be my weakest section as my comfort level with the material is nowhere near the range it was for both REG and FAR. Will be glad just to get a 75 on that one but am optimistic that over time, I can feel more comfortable with the material. As for BEC, there are some areas that I will probably feel comfortable with (Economics, Finance) and others not so much (Information Technology which not surprisingly is tested in AUD as well!) Regardless, I'm looking forward to the challenge of finishing the remaining 2 sections. For those that have any questions related to REG or FAR, I'd be happy to help/share what I did to best prepare for the exams.


    Congrats!!! Second time failed BEC with 71, so tired of this shit, I haven't had any life over 2 years… and my REG exam is next week.


    It's official… I'M DONE! Passed REG with a 77! 22 months of my life! So glad to finally be free!
    Alright world….it's ME…. I'm BACK!!! Let's party!!! Wait!!….. Frickin Corona Virus…ugh smh!….Why I oughta…

    Reg tip @ AndreaA – basis, basis and more basis!


    I did it! CPA! So Happy. Thank everyone on this forum for the support!


    @Andrea OUCH! I feel your pain. Since you have REG next you week you have to find a way to ignore your disappointment in your AUD results so that you can pass REG. It’s not going to be easy but you have to do it. Good luck and keep your head up.

    @Tiff Congrats! Sounds like a zoom party is in order! 😀


    Trust me, I feel your pain too. Just keep trucking and things will pay off. TRUST me.


    @taxmachine what are your study tips for REG? My retake is on 6/8 and I can use all the help I get!


    My best advice for REG is to understand the fundamental tax concepts you learn such as Corporate Tax, Partnership Tax, Property Taxation, etc. and when getting a question, being immediately able to identify what you are being tested on. This will save you a ton of time as you will immediately know whether you know the concept being tested well enough to answer the question.

    As for specific content, C-corp, S-corp, Partnership, Individual, and Property Taxation are all musts. You need to have an 80-85% understanding of the material. I'm not sure whether the review course you are using to study gives tips for which areas in taxation are tested heavily but from my experience, know basis VERY WELL and for ALL the tax topics. From practice questions testing your knowledge in taxation, pay attention to what you are asked for and focus on UNDERSTANDING, not just memorizing how to do something. Memorization of major topics only becomes an option when you have exhausted all your efforts in learning the material and still do not understand it (it happens so do not panic and try to make sure this happens in areas that are not as heavily tested. For me, this was advanced questions pertaining to estate and trust taxation).

    Another tip is to master the fundamental questions for ALL the study units/topics. I got some estate/gift/trust taxation questions on my exam but the questions were fortunately basic and just required some good memorization and a little bit of application but nothing too complex. Please do not ignore business law and answer questions that ask you to APPLY a b-law concept to a specific scenario (these are harder than the b-law questions that test your memory of certain terminology).

    Do realize where you can earn the most points. B-law memorization questions that test your understanding of certain terminology are great ways to earn points so become familiar with terminology.

    Finally, practice sims. On the exam, the sims I got were a bit harder than the ones I got in the Gleim Review System. Think of them as multi-step MCQs that require you to put more effort in deciding how to proceed. Save yourself 2 hours for the 8 sims at the very least. I forgot to mention this but do not focus on memorizing all the tax credit phaseout limits. I had a fundamental understanding of the tax credits and memorized some phaseout limits that I felt could be asked on the exam. This should be the very last thing you focus your efforts on.

    Apologizes for the long response but I hope this helps. While I cannot disclose the quantity of specific topics I saw on the exam, do know the AICPA blueprint for REG is quite accurate for the content area percentages on the exam. Study smart, not hard (do not study when you are getting tired as you will not retain much of what you study! Take a break.) and best of luck on your retake.


    @taxmachine I have REG in a few weeks and B-LAW has been draining me. Thanks for the tips.


    Hey, did anyone pass BEC and also get an “eye” icon to download the Score Report? I passed, but no icon is there and I'm hoping it shows so I can use it for the AUD exam I took today on the 8th. Thanks!


    It takes one day to get it.

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