Q1 2015 Score Release (Indie States) - Page 9

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  • #191816

    For the Indie States…

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  • #665915

    @Szwagier1555 its still not stopping me from “logging in just to look” lol

    This weeked is going to drag on FOOOOOOOOOREVVVVVERRRRRR!


    So what day should we expect the results to come in?


    @cpahopeful the scores will come in on the 24th as they said. So many people sitting on the NASBA site refreshing every few mins in the past & crashing the site is why we now have to wait until the exact date. But of course, i'm sure people, will STILL sit on the site and refresh all tomorrow. They'll prob close off the site and put up a timer until the 24th


    Did anyone get their exam showing as taken in IL? I have the same problem…. it's not my first time taking the exam and I've never had this problem before. On top of it, I can't find the prometric confirmation 🙁 Will be calling to NASBA first thing tomorrow… It's so weird – two days till release and they won't even show that we took the exam!


    What day did you take the exam @Margo? I'm still having the same problem as of the last time I checked (yesterday evening). All they said was as long as you were confirmed you're fine (ILBOA) and I spoke with a person at the NASBA number I posted a few posts back and they were able to say they could see my exam. I guess tomorrow…or sometime this week depending on the speed of ILBOA we will find out.


    I took it on 02/12 at noon. It usually takes couple of days to show the score as pending…but not two weeks!


    @Margo, I took mine on Friday the 13th and it still hasn't shown up either. Did you have any luck tracking down an answer for your exam?


    I also took the exam on 2/13 but I can see the “W” for waiting. I hope everyone gets their score.


    Took my BEC exam on Feb 13 also. very anxious to check if I passed or not.

    does anyone know if we get the result before or after the NASBA release date?

    CA Candidate


    brianna8915, called to NASBA twice and both times I was transferred to exam coordinator but it goes straight to the voice mail! Will try ILBOA now…. I am sure they will be super annoyed with my questions. Well, at least I found the prometric confirmation that I took the exam. Sucks that on top of worrying about the score, now we need to worry about having our exams lost of something :((


    Well, actually ILBOA was much more helpful! They looked me up and confirmed that they have me in the system and it shows as W… I wish I could see it as well but at least my exam is not lost!


    CA candidate here

    My last score release was in December. If I remember correctly, scores released at 6am on the day of. So maybe we'll find out 6am tomorrow morning? Did any CA candidates receive a score earlier this month? If so, when were scores released?

    BEC - July 2014
    REG - Aug 2014
    FAR - January 2015
    AUD - May 2014
    Ethics - 3x...


    waiting for another 24 hrs is brutal.. my last one was in Nov. and CBA released the score 2 days prior to NASBA date so I was expecting the same this time. I guess I shouldn't 🙁 I just wish they release scores consistantly every time. It's just hard to wait.


    Yeah, I'm thinking 6 am tomorrow is when they will have the scores up.



    What did you ask them? Did you just ask if your exam was there? I just want to make sure that they can see it.

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