Official October/November 2010 Score Release Thread #2 - Page 40

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  • #159435

    Apparently the other one got stuck?

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  • #268557

    Has anyone received their official score release letter? I usually receive it 3-5 days after it's posted online, but I haven't seen the letter for REG I took on 11/20. I am not sure if it has anything to do with this being my last part.


    BEC - May 8, 2010 - 83
    FAR - July 20, 2010 - 75
    AUD - Aug 27, 2010 - 76
    REG - Nov 20, 2010 - 88 ALL DONE!!!


    DWS – Could you please tell me how many hours you spent studying for Ethics? I just received the CD, wondering how much time I should spend on studying for it. Is the test hard?


    BEC - May 8, 2010 - 83
    FAR - July 20, 2010 - 75
    AUD - Aug 27, 2010 - 76
    REG - Nov 20, 2010 - 88 ALL DONE!!!



    RE: Ethics study… I first went through the whole CD… took me ~ 2 evenings @ 2.5 hrs/evening. Then I went through the CD again… another 2.5 hrs or so. Whenever it said that there was additional material to read (online) I did that and then printed out the material. Then I took the exam. It is “open book”… so, you can use your notes. It was 40Q all MC… I didn't think that it was that difficult. Just pay attention to what the Q is asking… in IL we had to score a 90… I'm not 100% sure if that is the case for all of the other states,

    Oh… and, in the unlikely event you don't pass it… I'm pretty sure that you have 3 attempts in which you can re-take it.

    GOOD LUCK!,,,

    What are we doing online Christmas Eve???


    @Study4CPA… just noticed… you passed the exam! CONGRATS!!!

    I rec'd my letter from the ILBOE stating that I passed the exam AFTER I rec'd my CPA Certificate #! I took REG on 10/17, online score 11/20, my Certificate sometime ~ 12/10(?)… and my letter w/my score on 12/17!


    DWS-thanks for the info! I hope ethics is not too tricky, can't be worse than FAR right?

    I was wondering why I haven't got my last score in mail. Oh well, it's NASBA!

    Merry Christmas!

    BEC - May 8, 2010 - 83
    FAR - July 20, 2010 - 75
    AUD - Aug 27, 2010 - 76
    REG - Nov 20, 2010 - 88 ALL DONE!!!

    Bob Moritz, CPA

    @ osidecompass I'm here I didn't pass AUD on my second try. So I'll be giving it another go sometime in 2011 after busy season. Congrats to those that have passed and Merry Christmas to everyone.

    Bob, 75%CPA


    Bob Moritz, CPA

    Happy Holidays! You will get it next time. What materials did you used? I would recommend Yaeger and Becker this helps me a lot to pass in my first try!. Anyway, enjoy the holidays with your family. You are almost there!!!! I will be praying for you!

    BEC 2/8/10 - 75 (studied hard & prayed less)
    REG 5/15/10 - 88 (studied less but prayed hard)
    AUDITING 8/9/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard)
    FAR 11/30/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard) Thanks GOD! I'm DONE


    Hey Bob,

    Good to hear from you, sorry about the bummer of a score. Sorry to be a pest, just wanted to see if there was anything we could do for you. Hang in there, and hope you had a nice Christmas time with you family.

    AUD - 99 (10/4/10)
    FAR - 92 (11/29/10)
    BEC - 87 (1/24/11)
    REG - 90 (5/30/11)


    So I got a 74 in Aud… even though my breakdown says I did comparable in MC and stronger in sims… whatev. But, now I am trying to figure out how to get a new NTS… I know I have to do something with the CBA (reapply?) and then pay NASBA, but the CBA won't let me log into my account. And somehow this site being down? It has convinced it's because they scored me wrong. Pretty sure I will need serious therapy because of this exam. haha

    A- 74, 80!
    B- 83
    F- 85
    R- 86!!


    CPAWannaBE…. I've been trying to figure it if you finally beat the beast, but with so many posts on here it's hard to filter through, especially when you're not on all the time. Anyway, I'm really excited to see that you did. Congratulations!

    Aud- Pass, BEC- Pass, FAR- Pass, REG- Pass.... Done!


    @IslandCPA: I also got a 74 (Aud-CA), my breakdown is way above 74. It says something like 88, 85, 78 and 75. Don't knw how they got to the 74. Anyhow, this was my 1st exam and im preparing for BEC on Feb '11. I'm gonna tackle aud after im done with the other 3. CBA site is down right now. was wondering the exact same thing you said . . . hope this gets us somewhre though im not betting on it. hehehehe.

    Good Luck.



    YES!! I slayed The Beast!!!

    I have been having trouble posting on these threads for some reason. Hope this one works.

    For my fourth attempt at FAR, I switched to Yaeger and started from scratch. I increased 13%. Woo Hoo!!


    @TXCAL4CPA UGH! I was wrong… it just meant the site was down! haha I have reapplied and now I am hoping it doesn't take forever to get a new payment coupon. Good luck on your other exams! I just booked my REG exam for February 24, so maybe I should start studying so I don't get ANOTHER 74!

    A- 74, 80!
    B- 83
    F- 85
    R- 86!!


    Finally got my first two scores today from MN (available online) when they received my transcript and processed everything! Now I just have to start studying for REG…then FAR…

    AUD – 99

    BEC – 95

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