Official October/November 2010 Score Release Thread #2 - Page 39

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  • #159435

    Apparently the other one got stuck?

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  • #268542

    Congrats to everyone who passed. To those who didn't pass yet, keep at it. You haven't lost any of the material you studied – you may have to review, but you will get it next time. Keep fighting!




    This is the third time I've failed FAR! I feel like Becker material, especially the lectures, were great. But I also feel like like I'm too familiar with Becker material. Should I stay put and keep studying with Becker and supplement my understanding with other test banks (ie, Wiley)? Thoughts?

    BEC: pass
    REG: pass
    AUD: pass
    FAR: pass


    @jnavarro I think you should consider getting Yaeger for a change. I have been out of college 26 years ago and I graduated outside US. I used Becker and Yaeger in all 4 exams but I believed that Yaeger did a lot for me than my Becker materials. I would never passed those exams on my first try if not for Yaeger.You can try the FAR Cram it is much cheaper.

    Created with Compare Ninja

    BEC 2/8/10 - 75 (studied hard & prayed less)
    REG 5/15/10 - 88 (studied less but prayed hard)
    AUDITING 8/9/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard)
    FAR 11/30/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard) Thanks GOD! I'm DONE


    Jnavarro, I'm sorry for about your tough scores. I'm definitely not an expert, but your scores look like you are relatively close. Is there a certain area that you feel the wheels come off in? I would supplement your studying with maybe reading your old accounting text books. It can help clarify some of the basics of topics. I used Becker for FAR and found it to be pretty good, although the MC questions were VERY disconnected from the material in the book. I almost learned as much from reading the answers to multiple choice questions than from the book. Let us know of any specific topics and we can either chat on here or you can email me if you'd want. If not, that's cool too.

    AUD - 99 (10/4/10)
    FAR - 92 (11/29/10)
    BEC - 87 (1/24/11)
    REG - 90 (5/30/11)


    Jnavarro, I'm sorry for about your tough scores. I'm definitely not an expert, but your scores look like you are relatively close. Is there a certain area that you feel the wheels come off in? I would supplement your studying with maybe reading your old accounting text books. It can help clarify some of the basics of topics. I used Becker for FAR and found it to be pretty good, although the MC questions were VERY disconnected from the material in the book. I almost learned as much from reading the answers to multiple choice questions than from the book. Let us know of any specific topics and we can either chat on here or you can email me if you'd want. If not, that's cool too.

    AUD - 99 (10/4/10)
    FAR - 92 (11/29/10)
    BEC - 87 (1/24/11)
    REG - 90 (5/30/11)


    Oh and one more thing: I work a full time stressful job, commute 3 hours a day to and from work in traffic, and have a baby at home to take care of after work and on weekend. If I can do this, ANYONE can do it! Keep pushing ahead folks, it can be done. Anyone can make the time. I sacraficed TV, sleep, and my lunch breaks, but it can be done. Of the 3 times I've taken FAR, I've never once finished my sims, so I guess the best thing I can recommend is just to do your best on what you can finish in the time allotment.


    Any hear from Bob Moritz?

    AUD - 99 (10/4/10)
    FAR - 92 (11/29/10)
    BEC - 87 (1/24/11)
    REG - 90 (5/30/11)


    I think Becker material sucks myself. I had Becker in my Big Four days and it was horrible. Switched to CPAExcel and cpareviewforfree and they were good for three sections. Switched to Roger because of his lecture style and easier to understand textbook. In headsight, would use Roger + cpareviewforfree if I had to do it all over again. Well, maybe only for REG, AUD, and BEC.

    REG - 67, 76 (Q4 2009) - Used CPAExcel first time, Used CPAExcel + CPAReviewForFree
    BEC - 83 (Q1 2010) - CPAExcel + CPAReviewForFree
    AUD - 89 (Q2 2010) - CPAExcel + CPAReviewForFree
    FAR - 81 (Q4 2010) - Roger CPA + CPAReviwForFree


    I guess different materials work better for different people. I Swear by Becker. Becker is worth every penny. If i ever get tired of public accounting i might even go and work for Becker lol. But i do have a strategy when i study and it is Questions, Questions, Questions. Before i started studying my friend told me to do as many questions as possible so i have been following it. And it seems like it is working for me. Some of the questions on the exam are almost identical to those in Becker. Good Luck everyone!!! Anyone, any tips for REG?

    BEC – 77 (Q2 2010) (10 days after i had baby #2)

    FAR – 83 (Q3 2010)

    AUD – 89 (Q4 2010)

    REG – Feb 2011 (I wish i had time to take it in 2010)


    CBT totally redeemed themselves by releasing their AUD scores before Chirstmas. Now that I'm done with the exam using Becker in one window, I would definitely recommend it as the primary study material for people who have no problem memorizing lists of material without thinking too deep about it.

    It has worked out well for me by covering most of the difficult subjects tested on all parts of the exam (except BEC IT section).

    Also I spent some time doing the problem sets from CPAreviewForFree and I gotta say it was a waste of time if you already have Becker. All the problems that I didn't know how to do were not tested at all, and the ones I knew how to do were already covered in the Becker MCQs. I could of used those wasted time making flash cards and notes instead.

    11/08 FAR 92
    11/11 REG 92
    11/18 AUD 87
    11/24 BEC 88


    I was able ot pass REG and FAR on second attempt when I used as a supplement to Becker. I thought I needed a different set of questions. I also second time around I just read the book and solved questions and wrote them down. No lectrures the last time around b/c cause they took up too much time and I learned more by reading.

    AUD- 84 BEC-79 REG-86 FAR- 81 Ethics-95


    The best Xmas gift ever, just found out my score with 82 for FAR!!!

    BEC 10/09/10 - 88
    FAR 11/30/10 - 82
    AUD 05/03/11 - 93
    REG 05/26/11 - 79


    for what it's worth – every review course licenses their questions from the same source: the AICPA



    I found that working MCQ's over and over again really helped. I sort of used a “layering” approach… once I finished a study module I would keep going back to it, if only to answer 20-25 Q's/day… and, then go onto the next module. That way I wouldn't forget what I studied. Plus, I think you need to get to the point where you can answer the Q's quickly. When I took REG, I literally had one minute left after I finished all the testlets/sims.

    I used the Gleim materials… I also checked out the Wiley review materials too… but, only to check-out new Q's.

    Good Luck!

    AUD 80 (Apr 09)

    BEC 75 (Jul 10)

    FAR 78 (Oct 09)

    REG 81 (Oct 10)

    Ethics (Nov 10)


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