Next-to-Last 2016 Score Release Party – December 16 - Page 4

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    I take AUD tomorrow (the 10th) and I’m already dreading the wait. I took my last test (BEC) on the first day of the window and had to wait six weeks, so I’m over with the waiting already!

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  • #1391267

    @waffle House.I can relate it.I felt the same. For me REG is my last section.I took it last week. SIMS was a nightmare and not even one SIM remotely similar to the Becker SIMS. Also most of the lectures are waste of time. Tim Gearty just reads the book and ask to underline. he doesn't explain at all.I don't see anything valuable in the lectures and also in the SIMS.I also bought the Becker final review one. They had around 40 SIMS for REG and totally waste. They need to redesign the lectures and also the SIMS.Its not worth for the money.

    I know I did poorly. Anyway I am not going to start studying till this month end. I will start from Jan 1st week.

    Good luck to all of you.


    I sat on the 9th as well DT… I am holding out hope for you even if you don't have hope for yourself. My last BEC one I would have bet MAJOR sums of money on the fact that I had failed and I didn't. Only pray that this holds true with FAR…. oh get here already Friday.

    and they ask me why I drink...

    FAR- 61-next time I'll ask for lube instead of a calculator
    REG-75- Never been so happy to see such a low grade
    BEC- 8/11
    AUD- 9/2


    @mckan when did you take BEC and what was your experience? Curious why you were sure you failed?


    @needsa75 I took it as soon as the Q4 window opened. My exam was heavily weighted towards one specific topic with the most esoteric questions imaginable on it… seriously a bunch of stuff not covered in any of my study materials. I flagged over half of the first testlett…. each testlett at least to me seemed to get progressively easier as well- seriously by the third one I was almost in tears because the questions seemed so basic and easy. I really walked out feeling blindsided and P__ED off and rethinking my whole CPA journey. It was really that bad.

    and they ask me why I drink...

    FAR- 61-next time I'll ask for lube instead of a calculator
    REG-75- Never been so happy to see such a low grade
    BEC- 8/11
    AUD- 9/2


    @mckan514w Thanks for the hope man lol

    @esenthil Yes I agree with you on Becker SIMS too easy compared to what you see on the actual exam. The damn Becker final exam SIMS are completely sh*t lol. I did really well on my FAR Becker final exam sims and on the real exam I failed because of the SIMS, go figure.


    hmmm….it really is impossible to know how if you passed or failed after these exams. they are the ultimate mind F…

    my BEC experience was a bit of the opposite. I didn't think the first two testlets were all that bad (still had tricky and random questions thrown in there) and then the third one felt like it got noticeably harder and wordier. WC were not too bad.

    After my experience with REG (sure that I failed), I'm really concerned I absolutely bombed BEC because it wasn't quite as bad as I was expecting (still not easy by any means though)


    I've never been the type to try and find out in advance if I missed certain questions but since I can't move on to any other sections my harder questions are singed in my brain! It's amazing that I can't think of a single easy question lol.

    Needsa75 on your REG what made you think you did terrible? Just felt like a lot of guessing? How many questions were you marking per testlet?

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16


    Not a lot of straight up guessing, but a lot of tricky questions based on familiar topics but with an added “wrinkle” in the problem that made it harder than the questions I had seen in the study material on those same topics…if that makes any sense?

    After it was all said and done I'd say on average there were at least 8 questions per testlet that I was pretty unsure of. I got a lot of B-Law that was totally out of left field too.

    The saving grace was that I actually put together a solid performance on the sims (the opposite of what happened with my original REG exam).

    I scored “stronger” in every category except 2 of the MC sections where I scored “comparable”. That really, really surprised me.


    I really think the key is getting at least “comparable” on the sims. I've heard of people passing with weaker on the sims but in my 3 attempts I have always done well on the mcq's. Sounds like you probably had a lot of pre-test questions marked.

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16


    REG is my last section. Cmon babyyyyy ready to be done! ….and then complete my four remaining classes for the 150 D=

    FAR - 78, 5/7/16
    AUD - 87, 7/16/16
    BEC - 8/27/16
    REG - 12/3/16


    Waiting on my REG expired retake! If I passed, I am done!


    I need a miracle…literally. If somehow I have passed FAR I am going to scream like a mad person. Its like when you get on the scale knowing that you ate that rice bowl at night but praying you lost 2 lbs anyway….This is my last test!


    Can Dec. 16th come already! I need this grade to be done!

    FAR - MAY 2015 PASSED
    AUD - NOV 2015 PASSED
    BEC - JUNE 2016 PASSED
    REG - SEPT 2016


    I'm waiting on BEC. This is my first part taken and, of course, I'm freaking out! I'm also new to this forum.
    Any pointers? How do you guys set the signature to include your parts attempted/passed?


    Acc, how did you feel about BEC??

    There should be a link under you name to set your signature.

    Its funny, I'd really be as happy with a 75 as I would a 99. I really couldn't care less…passing is passing!!

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