Next-to-Last 2016 Score Release Party – December 16 - Page 23

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  • #1375257

    I take AUD tomorrow (the 10th) and I’m already dreading the wait. I took my last test (BEC) on the first day of the window and had to wait six weeks, so I’m over with the waiting already!

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  • #1393005

    Passed Reg., that was my last exam. back to normal life, I will have to go through social rehabilitation to be able to interact with humans again 🙂

    Congrats for all those who have passed and good luck for the ones who didn't make it, Hang in there.


    I'm still waiting for my BEC score here in IL.

    AUD Passed 78 (4x) Thank you Lord.
    REG Passed 81 (2x) Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino
    FAR Passed 77 (3x) Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino. Thank you Lord.
    My CPA journey started in 2013 and it will be finished in April 2016. That's for sure!!
    Ethics 91


    bec May take an extra week if you're in the Bubble


    Well in true fashion to this site, I got a 71 on REG lol D: Sucks because I passed the other sections on my first try and this was my last one! But looks like my luck ran out. Oh well, at least I'm not far off from passing. Time to get back to the grind for about a month and re-take in January.

    Congrats to everyone that passed this time around though! It's a great feeling. For everyone else, no worries! Jump back on the study train and get ready to re-take. We can do this.

    FAR - 78, 5/7/16
    AUD - 87, 7/16/16
    BEC - 8/27/16
    REG - 12/3/16


    Anyone here waiting for CA scores? Do you know when the release time is?


    I passsed I really passed 😭😭😭. I lost FAR after failing audit in the previous window. Studied my ass off for 13 days and passed with a 77. Allah is good. Hopefully I'll be done with this exam next quarter. Failed audit by 2 measly points


    I got a 75 on REG!!!!


    THANK YOU JEFF! I passed FAR!


    RJRizvi: California usually realeases scores at 6am….there are just over 20 mins left in the CA clock of doom!


    I failed AUD with a 63. I felt pretty good after the exam, I was confident about the MCQ and thought I did well enough in the TBS to pass. I guess I was horribly wrong.

    I passed BEC in October with a 78. I did everything the exact same when studying for AUD. I seriously don't know what I did wrong. Sometimes you can walk away thinking “Wow, I really didn't know X material, I should have studied that harder.” I have no idea what I didn't get. If my score was over a 70 then I could just review and try again. But there is obviously many things I don't understand at all and I don't even begin to know how to approach restudying.

    I'm getting married in April, I wanted to get at least 3 of these exams out of the way before then. Obviously that's not going to happen now. I'm really struggling with the motivation to keep going. I work full-time, have two kids, etc. I'm sure many of you are in the same boat. But my 4 year old doesn't understand that I have to study and towards the end my fiance gets tired of me being locked in our bedroom for several hours a night.

    I'm not ashamed that I failed, I know it's no one's fault but mine. I just can't keep doing this, I'm so burnt out. That's two months of my life completely wasted. I just don't know what to do.


    Wooooo I passed REG, my final exam with an 83! I'm most excited that I never have to hear Becker's Tim Gerety say “again” again!

    FAR - 85 (01/2016)
    BEC - 88 (05/2016)
    AUD - 09/2016
    REG - plan to take in 11/2016 or 01/2017


    @vee. I completely understand where you are coming from. I work full time just took on 6 additional write-up and payroll clients that start beginning of year plus I am married with 2 kids. I have failed for the third time and like you I am burnt out and lack the ability to put enough study time in. It's different when your the mom versus being the dad. I have made the decision to quit and not persue this anymore. Whatever choice you make you need to make for you and your family. Good luck to you.



    Geez a 63….that's so low. Oh well. Back to the books. I have to pass FAR in the next testing window.


    I passed AUD!!! 2 more to go!


    Jll and DISL: I'm a mother of a toddler so I could understand how difficult it is to study when you have young kids. I chose to leave my job in June to pursue this. I didn't want to compromise my time with my daughter and wanted to set myself up to pass before 2017 Q2. I'm lucky to be financially capable to take time off but I understand a lot of mother's don't have that luxury. I respect you ladies for trying.

    I'm in California and haven not received my score.

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