Next-to-Last 2016 Score Release Party – December 16 - Page 22

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  • #1375257

    I take AUD tomorrow (the 10th) and I’m already dreading the wait. I took my last test (BEC) on the first day of the window and had to wait six weeks, so I’m over with the waiting already!

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  • #1392824

    This was my last section. I passed FAR with a 78… I took a week off work before the exam to study nearly half of the FAR material so this attempt was just a test run at the exam… Told everyone I failed because I was 100% I did not pass.

    I am in disbelief…

    REG 80 [07/27/2015]
    BEC 84 [11/25/2015]
    AUD XX [02/01/2016]
    FAR XX [05/30/2016]


    @mperez Make sure you read those notes. Don't think about your missed score. It will pass. I've taken these exams more than 8x in total. No shame you will be done


    @Mikey Lo yeah that's your final score.


    FAR advisory score of 67, back to the grind for me


    I failed effing FAR! I'm a little numb- I think the kick in the A$$ is that I was confident I had done MUCH better than my first sit and I only came up 8 points– WTF???!!! Sigh this will not beat me!

    Congrats to all who passed especially those who are done– I can only imagine and almost did 🙁

    Hang in there to all who are in my boat we WILL pass!!

    and they ask me why I drink...

    FAR- 61-next time I'll ask for lube instead of a calculator
    REG-75- Never been so happy to see such a low grade
    BEC- 8/11
    AUD- 9/2


    My last section is REG and failed with 72.

    Any suggestion how to bounce back and get motivated. I feel so depressed and hopeless.

    Also any suggestions how to prepare for the SIMS. I used BECKER Self Study material. I think Becker SIMS are not that great. I need to focus on SIMS.Maybe some additional practice.Any advice helps.

    Congrats to all who passed.


    Finally passed Audit! I had gotten a 74 on my 3 prior tests (2 Audit, 1 FAR) so this is the confidence booster that I needed. Now to pass FAR!

    Also, I used Becker for my 91 in BEC and my three 74's. Bought the Ninja MCQ's and raised my Audit score by 5 points. Best $47 i've spent in a long time.

    BEC - 91 (2/29/16)
    AUD- 74, 74


    Oh my goodnees, passed BEC with 80, really did not think I did as good. 2 down, 2 more to go!

    Good luck everyone!


    I'm drunk and I passed REG with a 77! I'm done!!! So bizarre, I really thought I tanked it!

    FAR - 07/07/2016 - 81
    BEC - 08/23/2016
    AUD - 10/05/2016
    REG - 11/23/2016


    Refreshed the website at least 20 times from 1am, didn't get my score till 1:30. But all worth it because I got an 82 on AUD!!! TRULY thought I failed and was prepared to see a 68 or something pop up. Ran around my apartment and couldn't sit still for an hour. I'm finally settled down to continue studying for my last final tomorrow but holy shit, what a relief. 2/2 now, could not be happier (although I have the 2 hardest, FAR and REG, to go).

    BEC- August 31


    BEC- 74,75
    AUD-71, before April!
    REG- 74,76
    FAR- 55, FEB Retake


    Got a 65 on Audit…back to the drawing board.


    Took FAR last Saturday and was absolutely certain I failed. And yet somehow, I got an 84!!!! I'm officially DONE!!!
    To everyone still testing: no matter what you see on that exam, do not give up. Even if you think you're getting everything wrong, even when when your brain is exhausted, keep pushing through and do not stop trying for every point you can!!

    AUD – 95
    REG – 86
    BEC – 84
    FAR – 84


    BEC Bubbled 🙁

    FAR: 74 1/15/16, 72 7/2/16 -_-
    BEC: TBD
    REG: TBD
    AUD: TBD

    "Nothing is impossible to him who will try" - Andy Bernard


    Congrats to all that passed.

    I didn't get my audit pass and I gotta say it was a good run but I am going to accept my defeat and not continue this journey. I can't keep getting these failing scores. My family won't let me put in the time I need to study and I can't find a study program that works for me. My credit card is almost maxed out from this damn thing and I honestly don't think I can do it. I am 40 years old and I have enough wisdom to know when something is a lost cause. I had the same experience 9 years ago when I attempted this test for the first time. So round two is repeating history so time to accept that this is one goal that can't be achieved. Thank you to everyone who have had nothing but kind words for me.


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