Next-to-Last 2016 Score Release Party – December 16 - Page 2

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  • #1375257

    I take AUD tomorrow (the 10th) and I’m already dreading the wait. I took my last test (BEC) on the first day of the window and had to wait six weeks, so I’m over with the waiting already!

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  • #1376169

    You are not alone. I do this after every test. I walk out numb, since I am not the crying type. Then I get home and get mad because I know I failed. Only to wake up the next morning thinking that I passed. Honestly, it is a roller coaster with my emotions. Here is what I always tell myself, you believe you failed, but you hope you passed. It is like a constant battle in my mind !! Glad I am not the only crazy one !!


    I just took BEC today. I really hope I pass. I need to finish AUD and REG by March 10th. Trying to wrap up the exams before the new format comes out. Don't want to deal with the long wait for results and more difficult exam for Q2 2017.


    I really hope that I pass FAR! Started studying for my BEC rematch to keep me occupied. I really do not want to take the new BEC format in Q2, let alone any exam in Q2. My auditing pass expires in May, does that mean it will automatically expire if I fail out in Q1, or will they honor the exam date? Damn the pressure is on!

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    so im in CA, and just got out of the test (it's 4:30), on December 10th

    should I get my score back on the 16th?


    Hoenstly, at this point, I'm just waiting for the score so I can reapply for the NTS. 🙁

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    @supergirl – Are you an auditor by chance? Wondering how your audit score is so different from your others



    can you elaborate more?


    In theory, if you got it done on December 10th then you should be in this release of December 16th.

    The issue is that it says here:

    For the vast majority of candidates, the AICPA receives the Exam data files from Prometric within 24 hours after a candidate completes the Exam. The scores for the examination data files received after the AICPA cutoff dates will be in the subsequent scheduled target score release.

    In other words, they need to receive it by December 11th, 23:59 pm… which means if you took it any point on December 10th then they should've received it.

    The only thing that needs considering is that they say a vast majority… which gives leeway for them to push some people back as necessary.

    AUD: 85 (3/8/16)
    FAR: 77 (6/7/16)
    BEC: ??? (9/7/16)
    REG: ???


    I am not sure what to expect; hoping I am done as I do not think test was that bad.

    I am going to take something on Thursday night (Maryland releases scores around 6-7am) as I ALWAYS woke up in the middle or very early on score release day.

    Materials: Wiley book + Ninja MCQ

    FAR - 83 (Jan 2016)
    Study time: 6 weeks
    BEC - 87 (April 2016)
    Study time: 2 weeks
    AUD - 92 (July 2016), (74 Feb 2016), (72 May 2016)
    Study time: 4 (Feb) + 2 (May) + 3 (July) = 9 weeks total
    REG - (70 April 2016)
    Study time: 3 weeks


    All i need is to pass BEC which I took on the 8th.

    I just want to start the new year and go into tax season with my CPA license in hand.


    Failed audit, got a 73, which was suppose to be the last exam but had to retake FAR on Friday. Please let me pass so I can just take audit and pass and be done 😑


    @bigcore20 I wonder how I pulled a 94 on AUD all the time, lol. I've been working for a small-ish public accounting for a little over two years where they have you do both tax and audit as staff. I'm mostly tax now as a senior, but I guess the exposure to audits and reviews helped me some. I was already familiar with reports and procedures–the basic stuff.

    I studied for REG in the very little extra time I had during our fall busy season, so I skipped quite a few parts I was familiar with and hoped for the best!


    Waiting for BEC which hopefully is my last exam! Good luck to everyone!!!

    FAR: 76
    AUD: 75
    BEC: 07/16
    REG: TBD


    Waiting for my REG. It is my last section left. Not confident enough. Hope for a miracle .


    My husband and I both took FAR last week and are waiting together. I'm honestly not sure if that makes it better or worse.

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