FAR Retake Question

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  • #1323454

    Just received my FAR retake score: 72 (up from 68). I thought my score was coming out later in early December but it came early so I took some time off before I was going to start studying for my AUD retake. I already schedule my AUD retake for Jan 14 and was going to start studying right after Turkey day.

    Should I reschedule AUD and get back into FAR while it is somewhat fresh? Or plan to take AUD as scheduled. Ultimately I want to take one of these two + BEC before the exam changes.

    Thanks ahead for any advice!

    AUD - 75
    BEC - 71
    FAR - 84
    REG - 76
    FAR- 68, 72, 84
    AUD- 65, 75
    BEC- 71, 77
    REG- 76
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  • #1323473

    When does your NTS expire? Based on that, I would retake FAR ASAP, since you are so close.

    I honestly hate the number 67..... officially the worst number ever. Ugh, but 73 feels so much worse.


    AUD -  67 ; 73 - retake August.

    BEC - 69

    FAR - 63, 67, Retake TBD

    REG -  eventually 🙂


    My AUD NTS expires April 1st. I agree with you…just looking for some guidance

    AUD - 75
    BEC - 71
    FAR - 84
    REG - 76
    FAR- 68, 72, 84
    AUD- 65, 75
    BEC- 71, 77
    REG- 76

    I know what you mean. I just got my FAR retake score back, which was a 67. I am scheduled to take AUD on the 9th of December, so I am going to keep studying. I am going to plan to retake FAR in late January. I really want to have FAR, AUD, and BEC done by the test change.

    I honestly hate the number 67..... officially the worst number ever. Ugh, but 73 feels so much worse.


    AUD -  67 ; 73 - retake August.

    BEC - 69

    FAR - 63, 67, Retake TBD

    REG -  eventually 🙂

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