9/10 score release - Page 4

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  • #2662620

    I am freaking out!!! I took REG yesterday, find out score on 10 sept. Hoping for an early release and get it over with..

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  • #2694861

    I didn't pass! Just found out that I didn't pass. I've been in this journey since 2016, took BEC without studying on 2017 and got a 65…. I studied for AUD since May until August 24 and obtained a 56! I'm so disappointed and sad.


    john b

    anyone know when the California scores are released? Probably in the middle of the night?


    Definitely was the most nervous for this score release out of the 3 I've taken. The sims are what lead me to feeling unsure about my results. BUT, I passed REG with an 89! I feel like it can be near impossible to gauge your results correctly. Only AUD left!


    @NewPRcpa that's entirely too long to study for AUD. You forget what you studied in the beginning. Even working full-time you should try to cover more material in a shorter span of time. If working full time, study for all sections except FAR shouldn't exceed 8-10 weeks. You should be putting in 2-3 hours each weekday and 6-7 hours each weekend day. FAR I'd say is so much material it might take 12-14 if working full-time. And you should be sure to review what you studied in the beginning. If you're not working, 6-7 weeks for FAR and 4-5 weeks for everything else. I studied for REG from mid December 2018 until February 2019 and I was working full-time, and I probably could have cut it a little shorter than I did. I studied for BEC from mid April to the beginning of June, working some of that time. Then I took the summer off and I did FAR in 6.5 weeks (it was torture I'll admit!) and AUD in 5 weeks (I took a week off in the middle to go see my dad out-of-state).

    I really think that this is a mistake a lot of people make, and it causes them to drag out this exam process for years. There's no sense in it. Either do it or don't do it, but don't play around studying months for a single section. You're likely wasting your time and it's probably not going to work out for you. You CAN do it. If you managed to make it through enough credit hours to have the board approve you to sit the exam in the first place, you are capable of it. You have to decide that you want to sacrifice a short time of your life to have NO LIFE so that you can get through this. If you have a family, they're going to have to sacrifice with you, or you won't get through it. If you play around at it, you'll be here in ten years and still not done. And as Larry the Cable Guy says, “Get ‘er done!”


    @John B I got my BEC and REG score the night before around 11:30

    FAR - 78*
    AUD - 66, 79
    REG - 73, 76
    BEC - 79

    john b

    my advisory score for CA is up. passed REG with an 86! only BEC left


    Same boat. cA scores released got an 82 on REG. Only BEC left.


    Went back to look and of course my score disappears the minute I post this. I’m scared.


    PASSED AUD with a 93!

    I'M DONE!!!

    FAR - 78*
    AUD - 66, 79
    REG - 73, 76
    BEC - 79


    @bigstakk mine disappeared too lol. I took a screenshot of it though so I hope that was the real thing.

    FAR - 78*
    AUD - 66, 79
    REG - 73, 76
    BEC - 79


    passed AUD with 82!!!!!!! (advisory score, again!!)


    Passed. Done. Forever. FYI – my first time taking the exam was in 1999. That's right, I took it last century!

    BEC - 74,85 Expired (12/09/14)
    AUD - 75 Expired (04/23/11)
    FAR - 74, 78
    REG - TBD


    Congrats to those that passed and are done!!! @LA_Wildcat, well at least you're done. I might have started 10 years after you and just can't get over the hump. I'm studying Far now after soooo much procrastination and stress. I am proud to say I had and am having a great study today.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Passed AUD!!! 3 done 1 to go! Just the strength I needed to focus on BEC!!! Good luck to everyone studying and congrats to people that are done! Can’t wait to have my life back. Next month cannot come fast enough!



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