74!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Page 2

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  • #163832

    I am going to be so mad if I get a 74 on FAR.

    Good thing about a 74:

    Possibly less studying involved for retake

    Bad thing:

    1 stupid point was all that kept me from passing!!

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  • #314019

    CPAman – Sorry abt the 74. It is very frustrating. Are you going to retake it in Q1 2012?

    BEC - 78
    AUD - 78
    FAR - 86
    REG - 02/29/2012
    NY Candidate


    @CPAMan – Cant believe you got a 74 on your last exam. Well, only one test remains and you clearly know the material. Good luck in 1st testing window 2012.


    @Minimorty- Nobody is more shocked than I am. I was so sure I had it. I should get my score report in a couple of days. I'm pretty sure it was the Sims that killed me.

    Oddly enough, my Sims in AUD were pretty difficult, but I passed with flying colors. This grading process is messed up!!!


    Like CPAman, I got a 74 on my last part as well (AUD). I still have the next two windows to try and finish up without losing FAR.

    Here's to us getting this done!


    I agree CPAMan! How is this ethical? Just curious?

    FAR- 63, 75
    AUD- 61, 78
    REG- 63, 74, 80
    BEC - 63, 61, 75!!!!! I'm done!!!!


    go to youtube and search for cartman best buy. That is what every cpa candidate wants to say to the AICPA when they get a 74.


    I too got a 74 on my last section. And I know why. I was lazy with my studying.

    I didn't put the same effort into my last section as I did with earlier ones.

    I skimmed Becker FAR F8 and skipped F9 entirely.

    Surprising I got my score report and I was “comparable” in Govt & NFP.

    There was one topic that Peter Olinto tells you in the lectures is heavily tested, it was a difficult chapter and I didn't know it well. And of course I got an entire SIM on it, which I had no idea to do. The SIM was straight forward and I should have know how to do it.

    I said to my co-worker after I took the exam ” I do not deserve to pass that exam”

    I would start the Becker pass master questions and say ” I'll just do half of these”

    Now, I'm kicking myself because if I had just put in more effort I would not have to spend the next 3 weeks re-studying. I could be enjoying the holidays and having some fun. Plus, I was accepted into a grad program contingent that I passed my last CPA exam section, so looks like that is on hold as well.

    Since, I don't have a time machine I just have to face up to the lesson I need to learn from this experience.

    My plan of attack is to start on Sunday and take the exam again on 1/3/2011.

    I'm not going to watch the Becker videos again except for F8 & F9 which I skipped last time.

    I'm going to re-read the book.

    My notes for F1-F6 are pretty extensive so I will just note F7-F9.

    Then re-do all the pass master questions.

    Work the Becker SIMS

    Use the Wiley test bank for a core concept review.

    No shortcuts ! My last go-round I would see a difficult problem and just look at the answer.

    My score report shows “Weaker” in Specific Transactions/ Events….anyone know what topics fall into that category ?

    Also I use Becker from the CD not the web most of the time, is there a way to reset the pass master questions so they all appear as not answered ?

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