Credit extension hasn’t been updated yet

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  • #3042723

    Hi all,
    I have been checking since they announce the credit extension(for Maine state), but anything have changed yet…
    should I contact them? or just wait until it appears on my score board?
    my first exam will be expired in October so… I am wondering If they are gonna update within three months…:(

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  • #3043149

    Yeah mine too unfortunately. They told me it takes them a month to update. I think 3 weeks passed by. We can wait another week before we hassle them again, lol

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    Thank you Cpahope!
    I think I will have to wait a week more then 😉


    Mine is updated smallgiant! You should get updated too !

    AUD - 78
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    FAR 80

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    "Theres no limit unless you allow it"



    I noticed on CPA Central back in June that one of my credits showed an extended expiration date of 12-31-2020 when it was supposed to expire 06-30-2020. Now when I log in it says “Lost Credit” and “Expire: 2020-06-30”. I'm freaking out. Anyone else have this happen? I know I shouldn't freak out because it CLEARLY says TN credit expiring will be extended until December 31, but it's really strange that the credit showed it was extended and now isn't. Maybe it happened as a result of the new quarter? I emailed NASBA and they haven't responded.


    Mine has said this also. My exam that expired 6/30/2020 had said 12/31/2020, but now says “Lost Credit”.

    AUD - 77
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    Its a glitch! Mine is still ok!

    AUD - 78
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    FAR 80

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    AUD 78!!Final

    BEC 76

    "Theres no limit unless you allow it"



    Here is the NASBA page that lists all state extensions. If something on your record has changed and you should have an extension I think you should contact your Board or NASBA, as applicable for your state.

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    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    I had contacted NASBA a couple of days ago, I'm sure they're busy, but I haven't heard back from them yet. My state is TN, and I saw where the extension was applied until 12/31/2020, but now it's saying Lost Credit as of 6/30/2020. Their twitter is quiet about it, also.

    AUD - 77
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    Interesting that you are also TN – bmj2s. Makes me feel better. NASBA still hasn't answered my email either.


    @laur try emailing

    I've had two people respond to me today that are contacting NASBA about this situation. 🙂

    AUD - 77
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    I just heard back from them, NASBA told them they were aware some people's had reverted back and it will be corrected. False alarm. Phew.

    AUD - 77
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    AICPA Ethic Exam = 91%

    Phew! I just received an email as well and CPA Central is now updated again.


    Good news is the best news!!! So happy to hear just keep on them till it is fixed!

    AUD - 93
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    How have you been?
    Ninja book and MCQs and the forum, all first try! 2016
    Licensed State of Montana April Fool’s Day 2020
    State of Colorado June 2020 - AICPA Ethics 93
    Experience was the worst part of the journey for me. You?
    If you want things to change you have to do something different.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Hello team,

    I am from Canada and first time candidate. my NTS was expiring in June 2020, was first extended till September 30 by Maine, so I booked my exam on August 19 and September 4. Per NASBA, Maine has further extended NTS expiring between April and December to December 31 2020, however, my NTS is still showing September 30 deadline and I am unable to reschedule my exams with prometric to a later date because of this. I contacted NASBA last week but they did not reply. Is anyone else in the same boat as me? Has Maine not extended NTS deadline till December 31? Am I missing something here? Please let me know if I am mistaken. If not what should be my next step?

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