CPA Exam Application

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  • #165349

    I have a question–when I applied for the CPA exam back in September I only applied to FAR…I know seems stupid of me to do that since I have to take all of them. Now do I have to redo the whole application to apply for the other sections?? Shouldn’t my information be saved??

    This is annoying, I would assume that the information should be there…

    Please help..

    AUD July 2013
    BEC August 2013

    Using Becker, Ninja audio, and Wiley test bank.

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  • #321176

    You only apply for certain test at a time. Once you get your Notice to Schedule you have like 60 days to schedule and take that test (I can't remember how many days it is).

    But you can fill out a new application for another test if you were planning on taking it soon also. The price is going to be the same no matter how you do it.

    AUD - NINJA in Training
    BEC - 75
    FAR - 90
    REG - 87
    AUD - 73 twice, third time's a charm!

    F - F ('12), 90 (Dec '15)
    A - F ('12), 73 (Feb '16), ? (July '16)
    R - 87 (May '16)
    B -

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