AICPA – Q2 score release

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  • #1511103

    Here me out.

    I could be wrong here but reading their answers and rational behind the Q2 delay contradicts other statements they have made about the exam. Their different messages do not corroborate with each other.

    Statement # 1 –
    Question: Is the CPA Examination scored on a curve?
    Answer: The CPA Examination is NOT curved. Every candidate’s score is entirely
    independent of other candidates’ Examination results.
    The CPA Examination is a criterion-referenced examination which means that it rests upon pre-determined standards. Every candidate’s performance is measured against established standards to determine whether the candidate has demonstrated the level of knowledge and skills that is represented by the passing score. Every candidate is judged against the same standards, and every score is an independent result.

    Also from FB Chat
    Question: NASBA stated that the reason for the extended period of score release for the first quarter is due to “provide sufficient time to statistically validate candidate performance in newly launched exam”
    Does this translate to mean our scores are given related to how other candidates perform on the new exam? If not, why the long wait for the new Exam?
    Answer: The Exam is not scored on a curve and your performance is not related to other candidates.

    Statement # 2 –
    Scores will be released once after the close of those windows (see table below). The score release holds provide sufficient time to statistically validate candidate performance on the next Exam and set the passing score.

    To me I don’t understand how Statement #2 and both of Statement #1 can be true. If I take an exam in April and my score is an independent result and not based how other candidates scored then what is there to “Statistically validate”? If there is a question that 90% of candidates got incorrect and they change the point value or how that specific question will be scored then it is factually true that my score is not independent and does depend on the results of others.

    At the end of the day if it is a 100% true statement that no one else’s performance will impact what my final score and the scoring is done by compute there is zero logical explanations to why I cannot have my score in a few days.

    Honestly I would rather them tell us that they are not going to tell us how the exam is scored, or tell us they are not going to give an explanation as to why the scores are released. But do not play games with us as to why the score release will be delayed. As CPA’s and aspiring CPA’s we are held to a high professional standards and the organization we will be a part of should always portray those same values.

    If I am seeing something wrong please correct me but being misleading is not what I expect of the AICPA.

    Bec, 6/8/2016 - 84!
    Far, 7/12/2016

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  • #1511107

    It's total bullsh*t….no argument from me. They should cop to how the exam is really scored and stop feeding us a line of BS IMO

    shawn in VA


    very strong points. 10 weeks to wait for a score is insane. If my score is independent of the other candidates as they claim my score should be released in a timely manner (1 week let's say). There should not be any SCHEDULED score release dates as the current process is (i.e. scores released in waves throughout the window). If my score is truly independent then the score should just be released 1 week after taking it for example.

    There is NO transparency when we fail such as getting the exam back to study our wrong answers like in high school or college. They can pull any number out of their rear end and we just have to be OK with it and pay another 250 dollars to retake it. They are a business like any other business to make a profit, but they run their operations unethically.


    As I posted in the other thread, I feel that an August score release is a harm to the test takers.

    BEC: 80
    REG: 75
    FAR: __, ?/2016


    Shawn in Va

    do you see how releasing the answers to questions that are currently in use (in the form of corrected tests) to tens of thousands of CPA candidates could be a problem?

    should the AICPA retire every problem each quarter and come up with completely new ones?

    im confused… if you got the question wrong, you either didn't memorize the fact, or didn't understand the application of the theory..

    how would knowing the answer benefit you in the future any more than actual studying would?


    I posted about this a week ago or so. The words “statistically validate” pretty much prove the the pass rates are kept around 50%. Do better than 50% of the people in the scoring period then you pass.


    as I understand it, the AICPA gathers statistical evidence from candidates in order to help them decide how to weigh each question.

    for example, if 20% of candidates get a question correct, it will be worth more points than a question that the majority of candidates answered correctly.

    so while the tests are not curved, our grades are influenced in a way by how other candidates have performed.



    Well said. I cannot believe the AICPA would have the balls to tell candidates to wait until August. The AICPA will pinch you for every penny you have and is very inefficient with their examination process. It's ironic that we spend so much time studying transparency, efficiency, and effectiveness yet the AICPA seems to be lacking these qualities in one way or another! We already have to wait 2 weeks to a month to receive our score, which is a miserable process itself. Okay, end rant but I hope they read these complaints and get their crap together.


    Guys, I hate to be the guy to rain on the whine sesh.. and some obvious trolling.. but this is ridiculous. If you put the amount of effort into studying and testing that you put into complaining about how the AICPA and this process is unfair you might be done and wouldn't need to worry about it. At some point, you have to accept that you're the only one responsible for whether you succeed or fail, and take the steps to get the result you want. Go study. Good luck!

    1:Everyone who has started the process of becoming a CPA within the last 2-3 years has known about the upcoming exam changes. They announced the Q2 scoring delay sometime in 2016. The AICPA is not springing any changes on anyone to personally victimize you. It's not about YOU, deal with it.

    2:Do you really want our licensing board to loosen up its standards to the point where anyone who pays the $500 application can buy the letters? I know I don't; I put in the hard work to pass before the changes and would prefer my license remains valuable by limiting the number of people who pass.

    3: Regarding the “Curve” argument; the AICPA has reiterated several times that the exam is not scored on a traditional curve. They have also said the scoring is a complicated process in which each question is individually weighted. My interpretation of them holding all scores for Q2 is to ensure their question-weightings are appropriate so we don't end up with a huge swing in passing (or failing) rates. This ensures consistency in grading and keeps this test process in its rightful place as one of the most difficult and respected of all professional licensing exams.

    B - 88 (2/16)
    A - 84 (4/16)
    R - 73 (6/16), 82(7/16)
    F - 67 (1/16), 84(4/16)

    Ethics - 93

    Roger course & Ninja MCQ - HiYa!


    @cpa4928 That's exactly my thoughts. Through out the different exams we are tested on efficiency, ethics, and integrity yet they themselves continue to nott walk down the very path they are requiring all of their members and future members to walk. Honestly their “Tone at the top” Lead by example is not where it should be IMO.

    @shawn in VA the thing is it's only 10 weeks minimum assuming you test at the end of the block. For those who test early April you could be looking at 18 weeks and over 4 months!

    Bec, 6/8/2016 - 84!
    Far, 7/12/2016


    This is one of those things that you can put on a tinfoil hat for but ultimately if you put in the time, you will pass. If you take the AICPA at their word, the reason for the delay is the added time to assess how to weight individual questions and determine what constitutes a 75. It is frustrating that we don't get much more to go off than a score report, but as @EZ_Sims_4_Me_Pls said, they can't just give hand out the questions to anyone curious about what they got right or wrong.

    Hard to complain when you have unlimited tries though. I have heard in some countries that once you fail a certain amount of times, you lose the opportunity to be the country's equivalent of a CPA. In those countries, people have to find a new career, while all we have to do is pay a few hundred dollars and keep trying.


    And here comes @rtalfson with the Strawman!!

    First some stating an opinion and putting forth an argument on a topic is not whining. Looking up the definition on whining would show my argument is not that at all.

    Strawman Argument #1 – IF you put effort into studying and testing blah blah… you would be done. So this has zero to do with the argument laid out in my post. Honestly I have had no issues so far studying, testing, and passing the exams. So your argument is irrelevant. Even if I was done with the exam I would still make the same argument as my point is being dishonest or misleading on any level is not ethical.

    Strawman Argument #2 – Everyone knew the changes were coming blah blah… Again this has nothing to do with my opening argument. That's like saying IF you know someone is going to cheat you out of your money between October and December you should not speak on the fact they cheated you, you should have just prepared around their known cheating. At the end of the day everyone's life is unique and might not of had the option or ability to be done before Q2. EVEN STILL the delay is not the main concern in being unethical it again the lying and dishonesty around the reason for the delay which contradicts previous statements. In Auditing they say we are supposed to have a Professional Skepticism. Dive deeper and ask question when inquiry with clients produce information that does not corroborate with each other. Welp I am simply doing what is taught in their own exam using skills expected of an CPA.

    Strawman argument #3 – Do you really want to loosen up standards? Again loosening standards was never apart of the argument nor have I every said I had issues with the new test. What I do want them to do is not lie, mislead, and in some facets act in a hypocritical manner.

    Response to # 3. Again this is our point. There is nothing wrong with your interpretation on why they need to wait to score.If that was the case and they stated that I would have no issue. OR even if they stated they are not going to give us any insight into the scoring method. But don't go out of your way to use caps and emphasize that our scores are 100% independent on ourselves and other results from the exam or from a question will have no basis in our scoring. Because if that was true this situation would not exist.

    Bec, 6/8/2016 - 84!
    Far, 7/12/2016


    @dwill2nd Thanks for reading my post, you have made some valid points. I agree the situation is frustrating and I'm sure if I was in the position of waiting 3 months for a score I'd be very irritated as well. I'm sorry that I didn't include that in my post. Not all of my points were directed at you specifically, mostly addressing other comments in the thread. I sincerely hope that state boards and the AICPA get together and come up with a fair plan to allow candidates a one-quarter extension to pass if they are affected by the score release delay. Thanks for giving me something to think about while I'm sitting in the office on a Saturday.

    Public Accounting is great!

    B - 88 (2/16)
    A - 84 (4/16)
    R - 73 (6/16), 82(7/16)
    F - 67 (1/16), 84(4/16)

    Ethics - 93

    Roger course & Ninja MCQ - HiYa!


    @rtalfson That's fair.

    And honestly I would not have minded waiting (Would have been rough) if they just said hey, we have new questions and we need collect the responses to increase our statistical inputs from test takers in computing questions expectations and setting the passing score. Or the CPA grading process is confidential and must be keep confidential in order to maintain the integrity of the exam. I might not love it but I can live with anyone of those because they would be being consistent and not dishonest.

    This is not just the AICPA, I just have an issue with certain people, organizations, ect in society wanting to set and push rules and expectations on others when they themselves are not living and following those same expectations. It's just a pet peeve of mines.

    Bec, 6/8/2016 - 84!
    Far, 7/12/2016


    the issue I have with the delay is that if you test in 2nd Q, you don't get your score until 3rd Q is almost over. if you need to retest, you won't find out until it's really too late to retake. and is everyone going to keep studying in the assumption they need to retest? if you assume you passed, but didn't, that only leaves you about a week to apply for an NTS, schedule your test, AND study.

    BEC - 8/8/16
    REG - 66, 77
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 9/8/16



    it's even worse for people in my position who only have one test left… if I didn't pass BEC yesterday, then i'll have to take it again in the 2nd quarter

    I lose FAR on November 4th

    and due to the score release lag, I won't be able to take BEC again in the 3rd quarter… so while everyone else is taking tests and utilizing all of their 6 windows, I, along with everyone else in my position, will only be given 5 windows..

    I feel like writing an email to the California board…. but for some reason I feel like i'll just get an email back saying “lol”

    if I even get a response at all.

    either that, or some pure BS that they pulled out of their ass to somehow “justify” violating a tons of candidate's rights to have 6 windows…

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