BEC Study Group April May 2017 - Page 28

  • This topic has 471 replies, 96 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by jeff.
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  • #1509592

    Welcome to the Q2 2017 CPA Exam Study Group for BEC. 🙂

    AUD - 79
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 76
    REG - 92
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  • #1557351

    Yeah i checked it out, its pretty useful. I'm def gonna use it as a supplement as well!


    Johanna Nason has a home-based business producing handcrafted candles. She can either make basic soy candles or process them further, adding wax shapes to the candles for a more decorative effect. Due to the added labor involved, she can either produce 100 standard candles in a week or 70 of the more decorative candles. The added cost per candle is $1.20, but each candle will sell for $4.60 more. The profit per standard candle is $2.20. Assuming unlimited demand for either product and no fixed costs, determine whether Johanna should sell the candles as-is or process them further into the more expensive candles.

    A.Johanna should sell the candles without further processing.
    B.Johanna should process the candles further, due to additional profit per unit of $3.40.
    C.Johanna should process the candles further, due to increased total profit of $18 per week.
    D.Johanna should process the candles further, due to increased total profit of $172 per week.

    I don't get why the answer is (D). To process further we have selling price of $4.2 less $1.2 processing further cost = $3.2

    70 x 3.2 = 224

    Basic soy candles were 100 x 2.2 = 220 so in the end process further. But this question takes the $2.2 and adds it to the $3.2 x 700. Is it because we have unlimited demand?

    AUD - 86
    BEC - 70
    FAR - 78
    REG - 84
    People who subject themselves to the strictest discipline, who give up certain pleasurable things in order to obtain a goal are the happiest of men.

    AUD (08/02/2016)


    I looked over the questions on the AICPA sample test. For the TBS questions, I noticed formulas were provided when the question used the quick asset ratio, for example. Do the TBS questions generally provide formulas? I noticed the TBS on variances did not provide formulas.


    Just getting back from the exam a few hours ago. Loved the break.

    AUD - 76
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 82
    REG - 86
    Becker & Ninja MCQ




    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    Hi everyone:

    I have scheduled to take BEC in August 26th, then I would go for REG or AUD and will save FAR for last.

    I am using Becker 2017 (which changed from 2016 by the way) and I am doing the way the recommend, 1-watch the lecture, 2-Skills Practice Question and 3-MCQs, after I do all that then I read my Flashcards to memorize e few things go over all concepts for the prior week.

    I am covering a unit (B1, etc) every week, and I am planning to do it at least three times before taking the exam, this first time I am going fast just to take a general knowledge of all the content that has to be covered, and then the 2 round would be more detailed and in my last round I will focus in my weaknesses.

    Studying 2 hours 5 days a week, and 7 – 8 on Saturdays, Sundays only if needed.

    I am really overwhelmed with so much content, formulas, etc.

    Any recommendations ??

    Thanks in advance,



    Hi everyone, working on my 3rd attempt on BEC and working on the weak areas which is Economic Concepts.

    Whenever I think I have the right answer, it's always wrong. How are you guys handling this section? Below is a question from Ninja MCQ. How do you answer this?

    The government has a number of policy options designed to stabilize the level of aggregate demand. If policy makers expected a recession, it might be expected that the government would pursue:

    an expansionary monetary policy and an expansionary fiscal policy.

    an expansionary monetary policy and a contractionary fiscal policy.

    an expansionary fiscal policy and a contractionary monetary policy.

    a contractionary monetary policy and a contractionary fiscal policy.

    "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." - Confucius

    FAR 65, 66 NINJA in training

    BEC  66, 68, NINJA in training

    AUD  NINJA in training

    REG NINJA in training



    What I find helpful for this part is to consider these synonyms:
    1) Recession = Contraction
    2) Recovery = Expansion

    If going in either direction, the government will want to adopt policies going the other direction (to keep the economy stable etc). Based on that, I believe the answer is a) expansionary for both. If headed for a recession/contraction, the government will want to counter-act that by adopting expansionary policies. If headed for a recovery/expansion, the government will want contractionary policies.

    I don't have Ninja MCQs, so I'm not able to verify if a) is correct, but I'm pretty sure that's the answer lol.

    AUD - 59
    BEC - 81
    FAR - 69
    REG - 93
    BEC - 81 (expired), Dec 2019

    AUD - 59, Apr 2020

    REG - 93 (expired), Jan 2020

    FAR - 69, Feb 2020


    Javier – that sounds like a great plan and may even be overkill, but I prefer overkill due to hefty exam fees and outrageous wait times. Once you go over it the first time and do all the problems, and then re-read the chapters everything really starts to come together and click. I'm in my review stage and I have such a better understanding of financial mgmt, econ, and certain other areas I scored poorly on. Also, studying is no longer as painful because I understanding the material and am scoring much higher.

    Did a 45 question Becker progress test on 1-6 and scored 78%. Finished reviewing chapter 2 this Am and plan to finish 3 this weekend. 10 more days till exam day!

    AUD - 86
    BEC - 70
    FAR - 78
    REG - 84
    People who subject themselves to the strictest discipline, who give up certain pleasurable things in order to obtain a goal are the happiest of men.

    AUD (08/02/2016)


    HI guys,

    Thanks for the great tips everyone.

    Just one quick question. Is Process management, financial decisions and financial valuations tested in the CPA exam ? It was Topic 6 in the 2014 Becker review.


    How did your exam go Holly?


    I am struggling with the financial management portion! Difficult!

    AUD - 82
    BEC - 79
    FAR - 75
    REG - 77
    NINJA & Roger

    Passed AUD!

    Passed BEC!

    Passed FAR!

    Passed REG!

    FAR (66,68) Aug 26
    REG (66) July 25
    AUD (66) December 1st
    BEC - October 3rd


    @Dave it wasn't bad. Not the mix of questions I expected but only one that I had no idea of what they were asking. That one was a MCQ so I just chose. I thought the simulations were short and sweet. I think I know which ones were protest because they belonged in different sections and not BEC.

    AUD - 76
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 82
    REG - 86
    Becker & Ninja MCQ




    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16



    Took my bec cpa exam may 21st 2017. Not sure how I felt About the exam. I thought it was a lot of simple definition questions and hardly any computation. Anyone else take it in this time period?


    Can anyone give me idea on the task based simulations? Are they all computational or are they essays like the simulations? Do you have the formulas for the task based simulations?


    @cmpk13 Check the AICPA practice exams. They give a very clear idea what you should expect when you take the exam.

    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 81
    REG - 82
    FAR - 74 first attempt
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