BEC Study Advice

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  • #1691369

    I am taking BEC this Friday. I have taken all four exams using solely Becker and it has worked well and I feel like it has done a good job preparing me for the actual exam. After reading through this forum and people’s exam experience for BEC, I have noticed everyone says Becker does a poor job preparing you for BEC and there is a ton of IT questions on the exam that Becker does not prepare you for.
    So I decided to use the two week free trial of Wiley solely to do the multiple choice because I heard it does a good job on the IT section. But as I am doing these multiple choice I’m straight failing (40-50s) because Becker didn’t teach me any of these questions they are asking. On Becker I am getting over 80s on the IT multiple choice.
    So my question is, is the Wiley similar to the actual BEC IT questions? Should I spend my last two study days learning Wiley IT or just jump ship and stick to Becker?

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  • Author
  • #1691609

    I think you should spend time getting familiar with IT.
    the Wiley lecture is very helpful.
    In my experience, those IT questions are easy points, if you had read them and known them.

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