BEC in One Week!!

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  • #158011

    Hey guys any help would be appreciated! I took BEC in mid April and found out that I did not pass (73) at the end of May. I had given myself a 2 week window to take a retake if necessary in the beginning of July (scheduled FAR for August 31). I took and passed AUD in May. I got my new NTS for BEC and scheduled it for July 6th…

    On my comparison table I was much better in business structure (76 vs. 70), I was comparable in IT and Econ, and I was worse in Financial Management and Cost/Performance measure- (64 vs 70). I have reviewed business structure and econ, and feel pretty good about them. I have not looked over any other modules. I have Yaeger and have planned to watch all the videos again (16 hrs of them left – with work 4 days…). So I have 3 other days including a July 4th party, but the following monday off (test on tuesday)

    What has been your retest strategy I guess is the question…

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!

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  • #233119


    We are in the same boat – 73 in April too! I studied Business Structure, Econ, and IT. The next few days I am focusing on problems for finance and cost.

    My last test had a lot of calculations and I needed to pick up my speed in calculating problems. I also have the Gleim testbank and review these MC questions. Becker has practice tests and I dothese daily for areas completed.


    cpa journey,

    yea a 73 was the worst thing I could have seen. Maybe a 74 would have been worse… ok so basically a lot of multiple choice questions? thats a good idea, I probably did not do as many as I should have. I felt comfortable with Finance however while studying the first time, but I guess I felt wrong… I had a lot of calculations too, I rushed through the last 6-8 questions in my second testlet to try and leave time for the third. Ended with 6 minutes left – lesson wait till time is running out in the third to really panic. Thanks I gotta hit the multiple choice!! Good luck

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!

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