Official I Passed BEC Thread - Page 3

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    Finally passed this nightmare!! 82!!!!

    @Sticky Nicky – NYC stand up!!!

    Waiting on McKan and Mtaylo….

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    Congrats @Sticky Nicky and Re2pect (now go crush Reg)! Ms. BEC told me to go sit back in the corner smh.

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    @mtaylo24- I actually want to punch someone in the face on your behalf. I am so sorry. Hang in there… you WILL pass it next go round!!!

    CONGRATS! @Sticky Nicky and @Re2pect WE EFFING DID IT!!!!

    I HATE BEC with every fiber of my being

    and they ask me why I drink...

    FAR- 61-next time I'll ask for lube instead of a calculator
    REG-75- Never been so happy to see such a low grade
    BEC- 8/11
    AUD- 9/2


    @Mtaylo- I thought you had it this time! That makes me so mad! You're so close with BEC and REG there's no way you won't pass next time.

    @mckan514w- I told you not to feel like you bombed it! Congrats on the matching score! One more to go!!

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    @re2pect – you did, and seriously I have been thinking about it since 1 this morning 🙂 my test was way too heavily weighted towards one topic think about it in hindsight / more rationally the only thing I can come up with is that almost half of those questions had to have been pre-test for AICPA not to be a “big fat liar” on their %breakdowns… I don't take back one thing on my exam experience thread the whole exam seemed grossly unfair and I actually get mad all over when I think about it… and get mad when I think about how none of us know how the heck any of this is scored… BUT DAAAAMN no complaints!!!!

    and ha yes noticed our matching scores!! 🙂 ONE MORE TO GO! wish I could switch with you actually liked studying for REG! ha ha ha

    and they ask me why I drink...

    FAR- 61-next time I'll ask for lube instead of a calculator
    REG-75- Never been so happy to see such a low grade
    BEC- 8/11
    AUD- 9/2

    Sticky Nicky

    Nice guys! on to AUD for me..good luck with your other sections


    Congrats to you both! @McKan513w, your support is definitely appreciated! Like I said in the experience thread, I got robbed on a few questions due to lack of information (I know for sure this was the deciding factor) . Next time I just need to know how to manually calculate something (I didn't say what) rather than expect them to provide tables like every single testbank under the sun and study a few chapters of FAR, then I should be good.

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    @mckan514w- I actually like studying for REG more than any other exam. Whether that will translate into a passing score is another story lol.

    @mtaylo24- I know exactly what you're talking about. I got one of those questions on my exam and was like wtf is this?! I remember seeing how to calculate it in one of the books and said to myself, “I've never seen this asked and they always give you the numbers”, and never bothered memorizing the formula.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    @re2pect well DAMN and here I was hoping that you liked FAR better and would want to swap ha ha ha ha ha ha…

    @mtaylo- know EXACTLY what you are referring to– it was on my first BEC exam and I memorized it for my second and of course it didn't show up there… but BEC seriously makes me so mad because you have to know EVERYTHING for only a few things to be tested- and then they throw in extra random stuff that you didn't even know you needed to know…

    and they ask me why I drink...

    FAR- 61-next time I'll ask for lube instead of a calculator
    REG-75- Never been so happy to see such a low grade
    BEC- 8/11
    AUD- 9/2

    C / X

    85 on BEC! Yay. 🙂


    91 on BEC! So pumped. Only reg left

    FAR- taken 8/11/ the wait begins
    AUD- scheduled 9/8/16
    BEC- scheduled 10/9/16
    REG-scheduled 12/10/16

    Live a few years like most people won't, to live the rest of your life like most people can't.


    Finally!!! BEC 77. Ninja and Roger. If I can do it anyone can do this.


    I'm taking BEC on 12/8. Crushing through becker and nina mcq…Its a ton of material!!


    First time taking BEC and passed with a 76! Used Becker and NINJA MCQ. I skipped the videos and book and just did MCQ. Having two test banks definitely helps.


    @CPAWarrior – When you skip the videos and the book, how do you get the basic knowledge? How do you link subjects together?

    FAR 8/2016
    AUD 1/2017

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