Official I Passed BEC Thread - Page 22

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    For those of you who just passed, what was your testing experience like and what was your score? Iā€™m not feeling all that great about my experience but Iā€™m hoping to get a passing score.


    @GetThisCPA94 I took the test on August 30th.

    I think I may have commented on a thread you started. This was my third attempt at BEC. I don't know who started the rumor that BEC is the easiest because it sure as heck was not for me…LOL. The first two exams were maaaaadd.
    MCQs weren't bad but the SIMS were long as heck and didn't have enough time to finish. Only finished one of the WCs.

    Aside from my major test anxiety, this time around I think God heard my prayers (I had to pray and trust him to take the wheel). The MCQs again wasn't bad but the SIMs were mostly drop downs, not as long and not as bad. Plus one of the SIM was similar to an AICPA practice test. I only had 39 minutes for the WC so I spent the last 2 minutes on the third WC typing buzz words (or what I thought were buzz words). I made sure I reminded myself that 12 MCQs and 1 WC were not tested so I tried my hardest to not fall victim to wasting time, especially since some of the questions may not even count so my waste time. I flagged a ton of MCQs (I will say about half each testlet) and then went back to them after answering the ones I knew for sure. I also TRIED to not panic as bad this time. Ended up with a 78. Honestly, there is no way to really tell how great or not great you do on these tests. My State does not issue score summary if you pass so I will never know how well I did on the MCQs, SIMS and WC. Praying for positive news for you.


    I passed with an 82 using only Ninja! I mostly just cranked out MCQ, rewrote Ninja Notes, and listened to Ninja Audio non-stop. I studied for 6 weeks and was trending 84% on Ninja MCQ. After getting a 72 on AUD, it feels good to check the box on passing my first one. Now studying for FAR before retaking AUD and then hopefully only having REG to go!


    I passed BEC!! Now on to FAR, my last exam.


    I had failed with a 70 last October and retook it 09.09.19 Just passed my retake with an 85. I was feeling sick to my stomach…. glad I passed it with a 15 point increase.


    Passed BEC (again). On to REG then I'm done. Crazy it was only two years ago when I failed AUD that I figured the CPA was impossible to pass unless you were an accounting genius.


    Passed BEC with a 92. I thought I bombed it. I used all but 30 seconds of the allotted time and triple checked my written answers. I passed both REG and BEC on the first try and I thought I absolutely tanked on both of them. I studied at least 90 hours for BEC and at least 120 hours for REG. I took reg at a stupid time (July) since the tested law changed between when I started studying and when I took the test. I'm planning on taking FAR next but I worry that I'll run into the same problem with the exam changing for Q1.


    Congratulations @Vanquished!
    Can you please recommend me topics to prepare for the WC?
    Thank you!


    Bump for Score Release šŸ™‚


    Passed with an 86. Finished. šŸ˜€


    86 and done!


    I passed BEC with a 91!! Stating I am thrilled would be an understatement. It was my first CPA exam, and I walked out of the testing center feeling like I could have easily not received a passing score. Once I reached the 15 minute break (after 2 hours of dashing through multiple choice questions and 2 difficult sims), I had thoughts of whether I should just walk out and quit embarrassing myself!
    Hopefully my story speaks to someone. Stick it out. Don't give up during the middle of it. I regained my strength and powered through it and I feel so proud of my work. Good luck to the other test takers! For the record, I studied an older Becker book in depth, read Ninja notes, and did plenty of Ninja multiple choice.


    Bump for score release šŸ™‚


    75! It's my last one and I'm done šŸ™‚

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