BEC = 91, Here's how I did it

  • Creator
  • #1743021

    I think the most important part of my preparation was using Ninja MCQ with heavy focus on my weaknesses.

    Here’s what worked for me:
    1) Roger CRAM course
    2) Ninja MCQ once through, up to 100% and then click reset to start over.
    3) Wiley MCQ once through
    4) Ninja MCQ a second time, making handwritten notes along the way.
    5) Print all trouble questions, hand-write the relevant concepts 3 times.
    6) Random Ninja MCQ until I puke. I didn’t work any simulations at all.

    This formula worked great for me. The Ninja software is the best because it allows the user to focus on their weaknesses.


    BEC - 74,85 Expired (12/09/14)
    AUD - 75 Expired (04/23/11)
    FAR - 74, 78
    REG - TBD

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  • Author
  • #1743065

    I'm willing to try this concept next.. I have tried 900 different ways and can't seem to get a passing score. Did you happen to read any of the course books by chance?

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD


    Thanks for sharing your process.

    I passed 3 part using ROGERS while watching 70% of his videos and about 80% of his MCQs once.

    I’m having a harder time with BEC for some reason. Ppl say it’s the easiest but it’s hard for me.

    Study Material:
    BEC - FEB/2012
    AUD - FEB/2012
    FAR - JULY/2012
    REG - JULY/2012


    Hi Pokey. I only read the course book one time, making sure to make note cards out of anything that I knew I would need during the exam. As trite as it sounds…I was much more focused on writing my own book than reading one that somebody else wrote. I even wrote a few of my own questions just for practice. I tried to find ways to make the practice questions more difficult and test them on my friends. Hope that helps.

    BEC - 74,85 Expired (12/09/14)
    AUD - 75 Expired (04/23/11)
    FAR - 74, 78
    REG - TBD


    Awesome job! I can't even imagine that have a 90+
    How long have you prepared for it? How many hours you studied per day?


    Ice4856 : my hours were as follows:

    Ninja 160 hours
    Wiley 60 hours
    Roger Lectures 20 hours
    Notes/Review 10 hours

    Total Hours: 250 hours, over the course of about 18 weeks

    BEC - 74,85 Expired (12/09/14)
    AUD - 75 Expired (04/23/11)
    FAR - 74, 78
    REG - TBD


    i got the same score on the last release date only with Becker


    “BEC = 91, Here's how I was attacked by a jealous loser with a 72.”

    A: 75
    B: 72
    F: 78
    R: 75

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