Took BEC today - Page 8

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    I just took BEC this evening and got my ass handed to me.
    I was fairly confident after FAR and AUD and got an 85 and 84 respectively but I will be utterly shocked if I pass BEC.
    I studied Ninja MCQ- completed all questions but maybe 100. My average was 72% and was trending 82% before I ran out of time.
    Some questions on the exam I had never even SEEN the material before. And the icing on the cake was that 2 out of the 3 WCs I had ZERO clue on how to answer since in my opinion they were more FAR material than anything I studied for BEC. And unfortunately I studied FAR so long ago, I couldn’t remember much on the 2 obscure topics.
    So frustrated right now… =-(

    FAR 4/24/16 --85--
    AUD 7/5/16 --84--
    BEC 8/30/16 --?--

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  • #831208

    @drojmg- Sorry to hear about your score. Now I'm nervous because it sounds like we had the same exam. Did you feel like the testlets got any harder while you were taking it?

    @FUBARFAR- How did you do?

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    @RE2PECT, don't worry too much man, I felt like I got stabbed in the chest by BEC & I passed. if you're bubbled hopefully the grader likes your style!

    FAR - May 23rd (24th, Prometric power outage) - 89 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)>⌐■-■
    AUD - July 18th - 88 ┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
    BEC - August 29th (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
    REG - TBD ಠ_ಠ

    "You better cut the pizza into 4 pieces because im not hungry enough to eat 6!"


    @re2pect I felt ok about the exam but I did not notice a difference in difficulty between the testlets. I figured if I failed, I would have been close (70-74) range. The 64 is definitely surprising.
    You win some and you lose some. I'm going to start over with BEC because I think it's more feasible than FAR at this point.

    Now granted, while studying for BEC I had surgery and my grandfather's funeral out of state the day BEFORE my exam. I also have 3 kids and a FT job. Although I felt ok going in, I think life can be distracting and persistence is key. At the end of the day, once you get the letters, no one cares how many fails you had or how many years it took you to get it. Suffer a couple of years for 30 years of career success seems worth it. Brutal but worth it in the end. Hoping next window I can knock it out of the park!

    REG: 69, 73, 80!
    FAR: 62
    BEC: TBD
    AUD: TBD


    @drojmg- Just goes to show that we have no idea how the exam is graded. My first attempt at BEC was similar to yours and I ended up with a 71. Life definitely can effect your preparation and overall attitude going into the exam. It seems like you have a positive outlook and will be ready for it next window!

    @ShutUpStupidGetBacktoTeachin- Congrats on passing! We've been posting a lot in all the recent BEC threads and I know you were just as worried as I am about not doing well. I just want my score asap so I can plan for a retake. I have REG scheduled for 11/21 and my NTS expires a few days after that so if I have to do a retake I want to give myself enough time to study for REG.

    If I knew I would get bubbled I would have added a little PS at the bottom saying, “If you're reading this please don't fail me!” lol

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    @RE2PECT I managed an 88. I'm not sure how. I give up on trying to gauge how I did on these exams.

    FAR - 7/19/2016 - 83
    BEC - 8/30/2016
    AUD - TBD
    REG - TBD


    Took mine yesterday… 1st testlet def the easiest, and I feel like it got harder and harder. Lots of I/T questions that I had no clue about, like I hadn't seen them before… I was guessing about 5 questions on testlet 2/3. WC was ridiculous. I BSed in the memo format, trying to make it sound professional and in several paragraphs. Sounds like a lot of us had the same test.. I'm hoping to get a passing grade, and if not I know it will be close to 75. But then again….. all these unknown questions freak me out, hoping I've guessed them correctly and that they will give me SOME points for the WC!! Fingers crossed. To REG next (AFTER THIS WEEKEND)!

    Oh, I study with BECKER.


    Been posting it in other threads, but I ended up with a 73. Kind of felt like I wasn't going to pass, but it's really frustrating because I feel like I haven't had a fair exam both times I took it with all the bs IT/COSO questions from left field. Either way I'll be looking for a new plan of attack and expect to end the streak next month!

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    @re2pect that makes me hurt for you 🙁 maybe we will get lucky next testing window. Was this your second attempt with BEC? What was your score last time?

    REG: 69, 73, 80!
    FAR: 62
    BEC: TBD
    AUD: TBD

    Valar Dohaeris

    2 of my writing Sims were straight out of FAR. One was about a change in a pension plan and one was about an interest rate swap. Evil AICPA.

    BEC - 85
    AUD - 81
    REG - 84
    FAR - 7/24/16


    Thanks drojmg. This was my second attempt after getting a 71 in June. Hope we can both put this section behind us next window.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    Anyone knows how BEC 10 point combo/ninja works? I am trying to see a demo and/or what I get prior purchasing. I cannot find anything…..unless, I am not looking in the right place?

    if you know, can you please share?



    passed with an 83, glad that's over. I know we were all super confused/irritated at how this information technology… oops I mean Bec exam went.


    I am posting this to give heads up for people taking BEC. Took BEC yesterday. Total 45 days of study full time combined with audit. Did Becker Homework problems, Gliem , Roger MCQ and Little Wiley. Wrote the concepts down. Almost filled 500-page notebook. I want to let you know that I am serious with this stuff. I passed FAR in Nov. That gave me an extra push while preparing.

    So now to the exam. From the first test let it was very hard. I felt like FAR 2. All three test lets were full of calculation. COSO was very little. IT was like I have never heard the names before. I had 35 minutes left for written communication. I didn’t even had time to review it. But finished all written communication. Most of calculation problems was not even direct. It was like these Becker three step problems. So, please don’t go to the test center hoping for lot of COSO and IT like me . I will say less than 5% of my exam is COSO.

    fruity snacks

    Any last minute tips for those that have already taken BEC? (Especially Q4). Really hoping there will not be too much cost accounting


    Know something about IFRS. You might or might not get a WC question about IFRS, but it's always great to be ready.

    Good luck!

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