Took BEC today - Page 5

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    I just took BEC this evening and got my ass handed to me.
    I was fairly confident after FAR and AUD and got an 85 and 84 respectively but I will be utterly shocked if I pass BEC.
    I studied Ninja MCQ- completed all questions but maybe 100. My average was 72% and was trending 82% before I ran out of time.
    Some questions on the exam I had never even SEEN the material before. And the icing on the cake was that 2 out of the 3 WCs I had ZERO clue on how to answer since in my opinion they were more FAR material than anything I studied for BEC. And unfortunately I studied FAR so long ago, I couldn’t remember much on the 2 obscure topics.
    So frustrated right now… =-(

    FAR 4/24/16 --85--
    AUD 7/5/16 --84--
    BEC 8/30/16 --?--

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  • #829771

    I didn't use the practice exams for Roger. I only watched the lectures, read the book and did the interactive practice questions. But you should be in good shape if you are scoring that high on the practice exams

    FAR - 80 (05/2015)

    AUD - 68 (08/2015, Retake (07/03/16)

    REG - 77 (11/2015)

    BEC - Sometime in 2016

    We are destined for this.


    I took BEC today. My body was at the Prometic center, but I think I left my brain at home ????!


    Sorry that was a sad face!


    @msbeekie how was it!? Was the material out of left field?

    Haha did you basically get an IT/COSO exam like @Ryan?


    @AMGcpa Yes. But it wasn't really those topics that got me, but more the way the questions were being asked, which made me internally scream at the computer. Moreover, my money making topics didn't show up as much as I had hoped. BEC is certainly a logic exam; thus doing MCQs over and over IMO want work without a true understanding of the material. But, I am hopeful for a pass on 9/20!


    I took BEC today and holy IT/COSO hell. I can't believe how the content was dominated by so few topics. It seemed that IT was easily 25% of the exam, and I've already spent a few hours looking through my book and there's no way I could've prepared for the garbage I saw no. Several topics that never came up during my studies somehow magically appeared during the exam.

    First testlet went fairly well, 2nd was beyond brutal, and the 3rd was extremely rough too. 90% of the formulas and ratios I studied for never appeared during the test. And the ones that did came up numerous times and and few of them were sections I was extremely weak on. The WC's were utter BS too. One FAR type WC and the other two were very obscure BEC topics that I would never have guessed to rear their faces on my exam. Also, besides IT they chose a few of the same conceptual points to keep hitting me on. I studied my ass off for this test and probably put 150 hours to get my ass handed to me. Rather upset about this tonight and don't know how to hone my studies if I didn't pass, which I doubt. Plus, Cindy and Yaeger are terrible for BEC. I'm going to make a separate thread though about Yaeger and how dissatisfied I am with their home study program. The lectures are beyond worthless.

    FAR (6/9/16) - 81


    @nolan7120 @ryan @msbeekie

    I'm not sure how to study for COSO other than the flashcards becker provides and the couple questions in NINJA and Becker. Are there ways to study for it that I'm missing? Does Ninja provide a lot of COSO questions? That's chapter one right?

    I take it Thursday and am terrified after hearing all of your experiences. Haha but I'll do my best and definitely come back to this thread and tell you guys how it goes


    Ninja only has 63 Corporate Governance questions. CPAExcel has about 85.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ



    The best you can do I think is to master all of the formulas/ratios even though just a fraction of them will be thrown at you. Don't be surprised if you use 10-15% max of the formulas you pounded in your brain come test day. So know them all so when you're hit with the same time over and over again you'll be good. As far as the conceptual questions….very similar to audit in that the majority will test your critical thinking skills and be hard to deduce the proper answer. Very few will be on the easier side, and as always, many are worded very poorly (thanks AICPA!). Many you will not even recognize either. The 3-4 that I could remember and checked afterwards were not covered at all in the Wiley book which is just absolute horsesh!t. BEC loves to test on controls and advantages and disadvantages. The financial calculator is beyond terrible. I couldn't believe it didn't even have an exponential function on it.

    I passes FAR first and came out mildly optimistic although more on the pessimistic side. I passed with an 81. Audit was next and I failed by 4 points which I could've passed if I just used the authoritative literature during one of the SIMS. I felt slightly a little worse about it than FAR and my expectations were correct. With, BEC I was rather down after the test but that has turned into being really pissed off. I felt that they simply bent me over with that test and had their way. By far the most BS out of the tests I've taken. FAR was more straightforward, Audit was sneaky, and BEC was sneaky and a punch in the face.

    Sorry for the little rant. I let loose after the test because it's been so damn stressful over the last few weeks. I probably put 130-150 hours in this test only to most likely come up short.

    Oh yeah, as afar as IT don't focus on any of that easy content like fields and records because it most likely won't be in your exam. Almost every IT question was a major b!tch. Maybe two out of 18 were somewhat easier. I studied with the Wiley book and ninja notes and neither prepared me for that nightmare.

    FAR (6/9/16) - 81


    @ryan @nolan7120 @mtaylo24 @msbeekie

    Does anyone know how the NINJA MCQ practice BEC test works with the written communication? I see it gives a box to type, but I just skipped that, and answered the quick mcq's after. Does it actually grade the written portion?

    Ps. I skipped most of the computational problems (except for the short ones), and just focused on the other types of questions. If I skipped a question, does it count it as zero? In all, I scored a 69 so I wasn't that upset!


    @AMGcpa- I think Ninja only grades you on how you answer the mcq's after. You're pretty much on your own when it comes to the WC because I don't think any review courses actually grade the content that you write. When you do them on Roger, a sample answer comes up and you have to grade yourself based on how your response compares to theirs. It's pointless to bother spending time practicing them imo. Just make sure you have a good template for how you're going to respond and fill in the blanks with what they're asking.

    @nolan7120- Looks like we had the same exam. I was extremely frustrated about halfway through my exam and was starting to lose focus because of all the bs IT questions they kept throwing at me. I had most of the formulas down cold, but some of the questions they asked that involved them included other steps I had never seen, which made me second guess how to answer them. I even had a couple questions on topics that I remember seeing in a random section of my text and never would have thought I'd get a question on it, but of course it shows up. I'm hoping that most of the “wtf is this?!” questions were pretest and my FAR related WC doesn't count or I'll be studying for my third attempt.

    I don't think I could have done much more to prepare for my retake. These review courses are crazy if they think just 80 hours is enough to pass. I just took it in June and put in about 140 hours and ended up with a 71. For this attempt I did about 150 hours and around 3400 mcq's between Ninja, Roger, and cpareviewforfree. I almost hit the review stage for Ninja and was averaging 74 and trending 93. I really want to put this exam behind me because it's been the worst one to study for, however I don't have a good feeling going into score release in a couple days.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    BEC tomorrow! Definitely not feeling confident at all after all the posts i've seen. Did all the Wiley and have about 500 unseen questions in the Ninja MCQ's. Just hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. It's not like I haven't been there before. I thought this was supposed to be the easy one!! I keep telling myself I would prefer REG over this one any day.

    FAR - 84
    REG - 72, 73
    BEC - Sept 2016

    Sticky Nicky

    Just took BEC this morning. Dunno how I feel about it to be honest. A lot of technical questions not covered in review materials. All in all i think Roger as well as Ninja MCQs did a poor job preparing me for this section. The WC were like wtf?! One was FAR IFRS. Others were nothing I came across in the material. BSed all three. Nailed the slim amount of calculation questions. Formulas are def a waste of memory. Overall I'm 50/50. gave it my best though for sure.



    good luck! I'm using becker with NINJA so hopefully becker will have more similar material?

    What do you mean when you say technical!?

    Thanks again!


    How important would you say Cost Measurement and Assignment is?

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