Took BEC today - Page 4

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  • #826348


    I just took BEC this evening and got my ass handed to me.
    I was fairly confident after FAR and AUD and got an 85 and 84 respectively but I will be utterly shocked if I pass BEC.
    I studied Ninja MCQ- completed all questions but maybe 100. My average was 72% and was trending 82% before I ran out of time.
    Some questions on the exam I had never even SEEN the material before. And the icing on the cake was that 2 out of the 3 WCs I had ZERO clue on how to answer since in my opinion they were more FAR material than anything I studied for BEC. And unfortunately I studied FAR so long ago, I couldn’t remember much on the 2 obscure topics.
    So frustrated right now… =-(

    FAR 4/24/16 --85--
    AUD 7/5/16 --84--
    BEC 8/30/16 --?--

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  • #828562

    Haha exactly, if I pass, then I'm on my last test going for the sweep, if i fail i wont finish until end of year

    FAR - May 23rd (24th, Prometric power outage) - 89 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)>⌐■-■
    AUD - July 18th - 88 ┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
    BEC - August 29th (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
    REG - TBD ಠ_ಠ

    "You better cut the pizza into 4 pieces because im not hungry enough to eat 6!"


    I'm in the same boat. If I pass BEC I'll only have REG left, which is scheduled for late November. Was hoping to give myself enough time to study for it and not feel rushed, but if I fail BEC I'm going to try and take it again beginning of October.

    All I have to say is it's a great feeling not studying these past few days. I've been enjoying all this extra time with my wife and my son. That's my motivation for getting these tests over with.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    Just took BEC Friday. Very, very strange exam.

    First testlet I flew by. Was done in like 12 minutes. I was prepared for a more difficult testlet next and boy did I get it lol.

    The next 24 questions took me 55 minutes, and I flagged like 8 questions.

    Final testlet was similar to the second. Took me about 45 minutes. Similar length questions, both were harder (imo) than the first.


    dnob – was your 2nd and 3rd testlets mostly ridiculous IT and COSO questions? My first testlet was a nice mixture of all BEC topics…then it turned into a IT exam.


    @Ryan- Yes. My second and third testlets were Coso/IT dominant. It was overwhelming, there were a couple of Econ and cost questions sprinkled in, but was nowhere near as balanced as my first testlet.


    I took a look at the AICPA exam topic weightings. I don't think I got that exam. I had almost no economics and barely any financial management. A large portion of the exam was all IT and Internal Control. Kind of frustrating, I wonder if they changed the exam and haven't changed the weightings?

    FAR - 07/07/2016 - 81
    BEC - 08/23/2016
    AUD - 10/05/2016
    REG - 11/23/2016


    Looks like a lot of us got the IT/COSO exam in order to ensure a low passing rate. Really frustrating that our preparartion was for nothing


    Only glimmer of hope is that I know for sure my questions got harder. Even the level of COSO questions I received during the first testlet were relatively easy to answer.

    If I fail an exam BEC would be the one I would pick. Wasn't too bad studying and the only material I hated wrapping my head around was COSO and IT


    @dnob04 just to make sure, COSO is part of Corporate Gov right? Like chapter 1?

    And IT of course is IT, like chapter 4?

    Just want to make sure I hit the appropriate sections hard.


    I had about 15 questions on strategic planning, cost and finance. The other 55 were IT/COSO/ECON. This is not an exaggeration, my exam seemed like the one the AICPA throws in to make sure the passing rate stays low. To hear someone tell me they had 5 IT questions on their exam makes me really question the integrity of this process. I understand changing the questions, but the weights of topics should be the same for everyone!!!

    Porma Fierles

    Is there a way to prepare for IT and COSO or not really? I have becker and ninja.


    @ porma no idea, everyone says they could not have prepared for the material in regards to the IT/COSO

    but people have different exams…


    I took Audit yesterday and in my opinion everything that was on the exam I saw during my preparation, I used Roger CPA review. Some of the questions were common sense questions in my opinion. The writing portion was also straight forward nothing out of left field. I hope I'm not too over confident but I think I did enough to get at least a 75. Scores out on the 20th.

    FAR - 80 (05/2015)

    AUD - 68 (08/2015, Retake (07/03/16)

    REG - 77 (11/2015)

    BEC - Sometime in 2016

    We are destined for this.


    @theblackcpaseeker you mean BEC?

    Sticky Nicky

    @theblackcpaseeker How were you doing with Roger Practice Exams? Im also using Roger. Practice Exams I'm gettin high 80s. Just took one and got a 94. Test Wednesday

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