74 getter :(

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  • #174885

    Hello everyone,

    I took my FAR back in the beginning of the year and passed it with a couple of points above 75. Since then I took REG (74), then BEC (74) and just found out I got another (74) on BEC. I am studying very well for the exam. I don’t understand why I keep getting 74. I am getting sick of all this and am on the verge to just quite. Anyone know why I might be getting this. Should I appeal? I know it’s almost impossible to have my grade changed but 74 again, seriously.

    I don’t know how else to study. Has this happened to anybody else? If so can you please tell me how you dealt with it. I am not motived to study anymore. And my Becker 18 months is ending. And so is the CPA exam 18 months. And there is no way I going through FAR again. Please help!!

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    That sucks. Hang in there. Remember that 90% plus of people eventually pass. Just keep studying and keep taking the exams. Eventually you will pass.


    74s stink, so does the thought of retaking FAR. Have you tried supplementing Becker with other materials like NINJA Notes or Audio? You are so close to a passing score it sounds like you are just missing a few things. You probably need some additional study materials to pick up on what you are missing.

    Also make sure that you are rewriting your notes. That helps to make things stick and reminds you about some things that you might have forgotten. You can do this!

    AUD 74, 83
    FAR 75
    REG 71, 71, 70, 86!!!!!! 🙂
    BEC 85


    I practically recopy the entire book. Do the practice questions twice. Everything.

    The second time I took the exam I was so sure I did great. Then the results came out. And boom 74 again. 🙁


    getting a 74 on the CPA exam is like driving a hundred miles to a job interview and not getting hired. It's great that you did the MCQ twice, but do you really understand why the questions are right or wrong? I also did all the becker MCQ twice, and I passed all 4 sections, because I don't just look for the right answers, I want to know why they are right.


    I agree with monsterchiz. Whenever I did a question I made sure that I knew why the right answer was right and the other answers were wrong. Do you have the Wiley testbank? Those questions are the best for studying.

    AUD 74, 83
    FAR 75
    REG 71, 71, 70, 86!!!!!! 🙂
    BEC 85


    That sucks. I can't believe the AICPA would give you a 74 three times in a row. Whatever you do, don't quit now.


    @FeartheBeard — I don't think it's a function of the AICPA “giving” someone a 74 as much as them distributing the grade that they earned.

    @OP — Hang in there, dude. Getting a 74 has got to sting like a mofo, but now it's rally time. You gotta put on a little “Eye of the Tiger” music while you're studying…maybe with the number “74” in your mirror…and at the end of the montage (in my mind), you'll rip the 74 off the mirror in a totally Rocky-esque way and dominate the exam like someone you met at an S&M conference. Good luck, brotha!


    I understand everything and I read all the explanations carefully. And some multiple times. How can I get the Wiley test bank?

    The funny thing is I didn't put much effort into the second BEC exam and still got the same grade. I am starting to think this system is flawed.



    Sorry about those scores. Appealing would be an emotional strain from what I have heard (likely results is 1% of 1%). However, the positive is that you are very close. Sometimes I think the AICPA scores are crazy but we cannot do anything about that only study harder, retake and pass. Make use of notecards (write down key concepts and formula) and it just take a minute to look at anywhere you go. If you took FAR in early 2012 you still have at least 6 months to pass the other parts, as for Becker you may want to ask them for an extension.

    I struggled with FAR it was my last exam and got 70 a number of times. Not that I did not know the material, but once I heard the words, “exam” I am one nervous wreck then add in time constaints and I will make simple errors. I made sure to build up my weak areas after I was done with Becker I went on cpareviewforfree and try some of the questions in my weak areas and “calm the hell down for FAR”

    Look at your score report(s), focus on your weak areas and make them your own do not ignore your strong areas. Focus more effort on your weaker areas.

    Follow those advisors above and you will pass those parts early in 2013. Motivate yourself by saying you don't ever want to face FAR again(..that monster) and you have at most 6 month to accomplish pass.

    Yes you can.


    Thank you so much for all your incourangement. I will try “cpareviewforfree”.


    You can get the Wiley in Jeff's store. It is the best. cpareviewforfree is ok but there are a lot of mistake in it. Wiley is going to be a bigger help.

    AUD 74, 83
    FAR 75
    REG 71, 71, 70, 86!!!!!! 🙂
    BEC 85


    Omg so I took my BEC 3 times and all 74. What is going on? I think this test is corrupt. My grades have improved I see more strongers, how can I still get a 74. This is seriously such bs. How could this happen? Has anyone had this before?

    FAR- 77

    Reg – 74

    Bec – 74,74,74

    Aud – 74


    @sick I am sick for you. Yuck.

    What kind of feedback have you received on the written communications? That could be what the difference is.

    I feel for you about the Becker expiring. I had to repurchase the FAR section. Wasn't easy but I had three parts behind me at that point so I had no choice. If you passed FAR once, you can pass again.

    If you give up now, you will regret it. My AUD was set to expire on 1/31/13. I took FAR on 1/28/13. And passed. However, as hard as it would have been to BUY AUD AGAIN (passed in 2011) I was going to do it.

    I was NINJA blogger Karen. In my last blog, I wrote about the 4D's. Take a look at it.

    Good Luck and never, ever give up.



    I am at my lowest! I came to this forum to start a tread just about this, being tired of 74 and 73. Seriously. I lost AUD back in Feb when I got another 73 for FAR. The score report is such a BS. The first 73 I was stronger in all areas for MQ and weak for MQ. The second 73 I had a mix of weak, comparable and strong in MQ, and weaker in SIM.

    Second time when I took FAR Becker was expired and I had print outs, I studied of those and I had Wiley test bank. I did ALL Sims there. Another 73.

    Now I have Becker again to study, Wiley and Gleim. I am scheduled to take FAR again on 4/15. I will lose REG if I do not pass this time. I am crying. It's hard to even thinking about it.

    Back in November and February I was 2 points close to pass the CPA exam and be done, now I am back to 2 credits!

    I studied for a week and took advantage of the extended window for AUD and just got a 71. I only studied half of the book and the rest was memories and FAR knowledge.

    How should I approach this? I know Becker MQ already. I don't have time to do ALL 3 Wiley, Becker and Gleim.

    I need some moral support, I am so depressed. Add to this 2 small kids..


    Wow… @Sick.of.this… 5 separate results of 74??!?! I certainly wouldn't have made it as far as you; I would have stopped after the first or second so you can take the following for what it is worth, but I commend you for your push and perseverance to keep moving forward.

    In terms of advice, it's really difficult to suggest anything that universally works; it just depends on the particular candidate. However if I may offer one thing that seems to work for me (in contradiction to what others might say). It is often said that you should take your weak points and make them your strengths; I just don't see the logic in that. There is a reason that a person is better in certain topics than others. Instead, I think that you should build on your strengths and just try to get up to par in terms of the material with which you struggle.

    For example, I didn't study much at all for BEC for various reasons (I only had three weeks to study; the second week I was away for Thanksgiving and the third I was sick), but I knew that my strengths would be economics and finance and I first concentrated on those, making sure that I would get the vast majority of available points. Then I just wanted to make sure that I was “good enough” for the other parts… i.e. cost accounting, corporate governance, etc. I ended up with an 85 and sure enough, I was “stronger” in economics and finance and comparable in everything else (stronger on both the MC and WC as well).

    While I did relatively better on FAR (“stronger” in everything), my focus was the same… concentrate on my strong topics and then move to those in which I didn't feel as comfortable. I'm doing the same thing now with REG… starting with taxation and then moving to business law concepts where I don't have as much experience.

    Anyway, that's what I can offer to this thread, but once again I commend you for your resilience and I hope that you find whatever it is to put you over that 75.

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