How to prepare days leading up to exam?

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  • #1944862

    Hey guys,
    I’m taking AUD in a few days. For those of you who have already taken AUD or any of the other sections, how did you prepare in the final days leading up to the exam?
    Tons of MCQ? Only focus on SIMS? Rereading notes?

    AUD - 86
    BEC - NINJA in Training
    FAR - NINJA in Training
    REG - NINJA in Training
    Am I done yet?
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  • #1946200

    Tons of MCQ!! And spend time making sure you understand why you got them right or wrong. I also reread my notes and rewrite the particularly difficult ones, but not everybody does that. Doing Sims is a waste of time, unless this is your first exam. Just do the AICPA sample test to familiarize yourself with the structure of Sims. Studying them beyond that is a waste of time because it takes too long and the topics you do a practice Sim on will likely not be a Sim topic on the actual exam. Drilling MCQs is a much better use of your time to make sure you are understanding the concepts. Good luck!!

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