AUD CPA Exam Scores: October-November 2009 - Page 42

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  • #211297

    I'd certainly go for that!!

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker

    soon CPA

    Final push 3-7 days to go!!


    “The last 3 weeks have been great not having to go home and study after work every night… “

    The sad thing is, I almost miss the studying. In a way. It's tough to come to grips with. I've been going to school and taking tests my whole life….and now, *all* of that may well be over. Yeah, I could go take the CMA or CIA…..but that would just be gravy, it's not entirely necessary.

    In a way, getting that passing grade on AUD in less than a week would put pressure on me. OK, Mr. Bigshot CPA, what are you going to do now? The truth is, I don't know. I don't need to be a CPA to function in my current job.

    soon CPA

    Only 1-6 days to go!!!


    I have been checking the BEC forum to see if they are getting their results yet. Looks quiet over there. Another day when I will be useless!


    Will they release BEC already so that I can get that score and start waiting for my AUD score…this is going to be a really long week! Hopefully I will never need to check these scores again after this week! Good luck to everyone!

    (IL) REG(73,78) | FIN(61,79) | AUD(58,77) | BEC(57,74,77) DONE!!!
    I Wished and Wished, Studied and Studied, And now I AM A CPA!!


    Here is an email I just received from the VA BOA concerning BEC scores and they are usually released first, so it could be a long wait 🙁

    Mary Charity to me

    show details 1:58 PM (7 minutes ago)

    They have not been released yet, hopefully within the next week or so

    they will be released.

    Mary T. Charity

    Licensing/Examination Manager

    Virginia Board of Accountancy

    9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 402

    Richmond, VA 23233

    Telephone: 804-367-0495

    Fax: 804-527-4409


    Original Message

    From: george []

    Posted At: Monday, December 14, 2009 10:23 AM

    Posted To: Virginia Board of Accountancy

    Conversation: Scores

    Subject: Scores

    Live Support Message Delivery:

    Are BEC scores released yet? Do you have an idea when they will be

    released? Thank you!

    I AM A CPA 🙂


    I'm currently waiting for my last score. AUD I'm in IL. Hopefully someone is also in IL waiting for AUD???? anyone?? please!!!

    85 REG 77 BEC 85 FAR ?? AUD

    Peter Olinto 4 President!


    I'm in IL and waiting for BEC and AUD…waiting, waiting, waiting!

    (IL) REG(73,78) | FIN(61,79) | AUD(58,77) | BEC(57,74,77) DONE!!!
    I Wished and Wished, Studied and Studied, And now I AM A CPA!!


    IWanta75…YES!! when you get your score…YOU better post it on here! So then I know my score should be coming soon….

    85 REG 77 BEC 85 FAR ?? AUD

    Peter Olinto 4 President!


    I will post it here, from past trends and Jeff's predictions, I should be getting my BEC score first. Then my AUD score should only be a couple days after…how did you feel you did on AUD?

    (IL) REG(73,78) | FIN(61,79) | AUD(58,77) | BEC(57,74,77) DONE!!!
    I Wished and Wished, Studied and Studied, And now I AM A CPA!!


    LegendKillerRKO have you done the AICPA Ethics course yet? I cannot seem to stay awake watching the DVD…have you taken the test? Is it general or very specific to the topics covered in the course?

    (IL) REG(73,78) | FIN(61,79) | AUD(58,77) | BEC(57,74,77) DONE!!!
    I Wished and Wished, Studied and Studied, And now I AM A CPA!!


    Don't look for AUD until Thursday/Friday-ish.

    When scores get released by the AICPA, I get an e-mail…I'll post the info on the forum for sure.



    IWANTA- I felt I did OK on AUD. which is the way I have felt with all my other tests and have passed. The Ethics course I took for 3 days and passed it on the first try. The questions are general. And the test is open book. No need to stress out.

    Thanks Jeff!!!


    85 REG 77 BEC 85 FAR ?? AUD

    Peter Olinto 4 President!

    soon CPA

    75 75 75 75 75 come please come to me my sweet 75 and I will give you cookies!!!!

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