I emailed my nasba State Rep…and this is the blanket response I got…has anyone heard anything real about Florida scores???
Currently, we are awaiting scores from the testing window that you participated in recently. You may confirm your scores online by visiting your state specific page at http://www.nasba.org.
The AICPA has to wait for a certain percentage of candidates to be received in order to calibrate their scoring process for that section. Once received, your scores will be mailed to you. We cannot release scores via fax, email, or telephone.
Beginning with the July/August 2005 testing window, scores will be reported by the AICPA to NASBA in two waves on an accelerated schedule. This means that candidates who test in the first month of a testing window may qualify for earlier receipt of scores, depending on the examination content administered to them, the examination volume and the distribution of examinees within the testing window. Given these factors, it is impossible to tell in advance which candidates and how many will qualify for early score receipt. After the AICPA releases scores to NASBA, NASBA processes them and forwards them to boards of accountancy for approval and release to candidates. Boards of accountancy determine the actual score reporting schedule. Candidates should note, however, that FROM NOW ON, SCORES MAY NO LONGER BE REPORTED ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
The following chart provides approximate score release information in effect beginning with the July/August 2005 testing window.
Testing Month AICPA Releases Scores to NASBA Scores Reported to Candidates
3rd week of Feb & 2nd week of March
February or March or April
2nd week of March
March or April
3rd week of May & 2nd week of June
May or June or July
2nd week of June
June or July
3rd week of Aug. & 2nd week of Sept.
August or September or October
2nd week of September
September or October
3rd week of Nov. & 2nd week of Dec.
November or December or January
2nd week of December
December or January
Online scores are available for this state. Note: A response of “No Record Found” indicates that your score for the current testing window has not been received.
Candidates are advised that only the scores from the current testing window are available online.
For additional information/frequently asked questions, please visit http://www.cpa-exam.org. Note: The AICPA does not provide score information to candidates. Please note that candidates who test on the same day may receive scores at different times due to differences in necessary quality control procedures.
. Thank you.