AUD CPA Exam Scores: October-November 2009 - Page 28

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    since FAR scores have been released by the AICPA to NASBA already…and REG is right around the corner, i wonder if they will experience the same problem that we are having with AUD? i would think so

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    I bet you're right, MPoni123.

    I'm so upset with NASBA – it was torture waiting for BEC last window, I so hoped this will be avoided in this one…


    Anna i take REG 11/30 as well! What state are you in? I'm in MA. It is just ridiculous that they are having “IT issues”…come on…really?? I don't get it.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Thanks for the info ruturani. Fingers crossed that they are right! I'll just have to stay patient and continue to check tonight and tomorrow and hope it shows up eventually. I am also waiting on REG for this window. Apparently it's already going to be a wait for that one since FAR got released but hopefully I won't have to play this waiting game again next week!


    I know, right???

    I'm in NY. I'm pretty sure I failed FARE – so I'm not that anxious about my grade, anyway. REG is much better for me…


    “I am sorry but we are not authorized to give out scores by email, phone or fax. The paper copy is on the way to you.

    Nan Buchanan

    Senior Examination Coordinator (NE, PA & VT)”


    ya I am in the review process right now for REG, which is good because i still have a week and a half. but it doesn't even matter because you can never expect what they throw at you!! ESPECIALLY with tax related stuff!!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    m_218 – at least that means you are in wave 1??? and should receive your score soon

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    MPoni123 – i certainly hope so. I got the reply within like 3 minutes so maybe they didn't even bother looking it up. I really don't feel like waiting a few more days to receieve it. Idk why they can't get their IT systems straight.


    ya, seriously. it is a joke!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    So IL hasn't released yet? I've called them (independent state) a few days ago and the rep said that they had not received my name yet. I took it Oct. 1st (some were talking of a possible new sim on that day). It's my last test!! I need that bonus from work for Christmas shopping!! Jeff — any news??/


    Should I be worried if I took my exam 10/7 and will be in Wave 2? And are predictions for wave 2 AUdit, December 19? I was in wave one on my reg exam so this is new to me.


    I received the following e-mails from IL:

    “We have received some AUD scores and they have been posted. I don’t know if we will receive any more AUD scores for this wave. We do not anticipate that we will receive any more but just don’t know for sure.”

    Have a great day.

    Sylvia on behalf of the Help Desk.

    Board of Examiners

    100 Trade Centre Drive Suite 403

    Champaign IL 61820-7233

    Phone Number 217-531-0950

    Toll Free Number 866-782-7230

    Fax Number 217-531-0960



    Jeff: Any news from NASBA in regards to AUD, wave 1 score for NON-independent states? (Such as NM)

    Thank you for all your postings!


    I just got an email reply from nasba stating they are having a system

    issue with uploading scores from the first wave and that they are working on it. I was told to give them 48 hours to resolve the issue and check again at that time… Apparently they don't fully appreciate what it's like to wait up for your score two nights in a row after waiting a month & half then to be told to wait even longer!

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