AUD Study Group Q4 2014 - Page 92

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  • #623222

    Actually never mind, only an engagement letter is required for compilations.


    And I finally got the concept of piecemeal opinion down. Someone asked how is it possible to only report on the B/S without reporting on the other statements? Well, you could do that as long as all the evidence is accessible and not restricted. You just can't report on an INDIVIDUAL account on say the income statement (net income), when there is a disclaimer of opinion for that statement.

    And there is a mistake is either Roger's book or wiley. I know Mary answered this last week, but on Roger's book for a question asking which paraphraps are omitted when disclaiming an opinion due to a client imposed scope limitation? His answer is scope paragraph stating the scope paragraph is omitted while the opinion paragraph is modified. The wiley book states neither paragraphs are omitted, can anyone confirm this?


    The unmodified Auditor's responsibility consists of 3 paragraphs, if it's qualified or adverse, 1st and 2nd paragraph are the same, 3rd will be modified based on the type of opinion. If disclaimer of opinion, the auditor's responsibility should only have the first paragraph with the 2nd sentence modified. So if the entire Auditor's Responsibility portion is considered “scope paragraph” then, it's modified, not omitted. But if the 2nd paragraph in the auditor's responsibility (it states the procedures performed) is considered the “scope paragraph” then it is omitted.

    Mary 2496

    Here is the Becker explanation to help you — I went to the MCQ that asks this question and selected NO – NO for omitting both paragraphs. It was scored correct with this explanation —

    “When disclaiming an opinion because of scope limitations, the auditor should indicate in a separate paragraph(s) the reasons that the audit did not comply with GAAS. The Auditor's Responsibility paragraph is revised to mention the disclaimer, but is not omitted. The Opinion paragraph is not omitted; however it indicates that no opinion is expressed.”

    (Becker, 2014)


    I had BOTH those explanations and it just makes it more confusing LOL.

    Future Ninja

    i do not have actual experience in manufacturing industry. How would I know to prevent charging of direct labor hours from being charged to manufacturing overhead?

    becker said: use of time tickets to record actual labor worked on production orders.

    explanation: the use of time tickets to record actual labor worked on production orders is the best way to prevent direct labor from being charged to manufacturing overhead.

    wt.. i need to know why? kindly help.


    AUD - 79 (expired) retaking July 28,2016
    FAR - 76 expiring July 31, 2016
    BEC - 85
    REG - 74,74,74,74,59,70,


    The simple answer I wud think is, labor is paid as per hour worked…if there is time tickets available for every labor…an auditor can match the amount with hours worked and can make sure that the amount is not charged to mfg. overhead.

    FAR 72,71,81 🙂
    AUD 64,71, 72, 75 🙂 I'm done !!!
    REG 73, 74, 74, 84 🙂
    BEC 76 🙂


    To compile financial statements, the accountant should possess a general understanding of the nature of the entity's operations. This most likely will include which of the following?

    A.Stated qualifications of the entity's accounting personnel

    B.Design of the entity's internal controls placed in operation

    C.Risk factors relating to misstatements arising from noncompliance with laws and regulations

    D.Internal control awareness of the entity's senior management

    FAR 72,71,81 🙂
    AUD 64,71, 72, 75 🙂 I'm done !!!
    REG 73, 74, 74, 84 🙂
    BEC 76 🙂



    Was the answer to your other question C?


    Can you guys clarify why this answer is B and not C? Even after reading the explanation, I'm still seeing C as the answer.

    Which of the following statements is correct about an auditor's required communication with those charged with governance?

    A. Any matters communicated to those charged with governance also are required to be communicated to the entity's management.

    B. The auditor is required to inform those charged with governance about significant errors discovered by the auditor and subsequently corrected by management.

    C. Disagreements with management about the application of accounting principles are required to be communicated in writing to those charged with governance.

    D. Weaknesses in internal control previously reported to those charged with governance are required to be communicated to those charged with governance after each subsequent audit until the weaknesses are corrected

    Here's the Ninja explanation as to why B is correct:

    The auditor is required to communicate to those charged with governance certain matters related to the conduct of the audit. The matters to be communicated include:

    the auditor's responsibility under generally accepted auditing standards,

    an overview of the planned scope and timing of the audit, and

    significant findings from the audit, including:

    the auditor's views about qualitative aspects of the entity's significant accounting practices,

    significant difficulties encountered during the audit,

    uncorrected misstatements,

    disagreements with management,

    management's consultation with other accountants, and

    significant issues discussed, or subject to correspondence, with management.

    Doesn't *uncorrected* misstatements and “disagreements with management” make C the answer? Am I missing something??


    Because disagreements could be communicated orally and doesn't just have to be in writing. That was the key word in the answer.


    @cpahopeful …yup answer is A…and was C for other question.

    FAR 72,71,81 🙂
    AUD 64,71, 72, 75 🙂 I'm done !!!
    REG 73, 74, 74, 84 🙂
    BEC 76 🙂


    So now the audit report has four paragraphs instead of three and the city/state of the office location must be added as well?


    @cpahopeful11 I see what you're sayin, thanks!

    ugh I missed a whole day of studying, time to hit the books

    FAR - 89 (8/19/14) Wiley TB, Wiley Book, Books from School, Ninja Audio/Notes
    AUD - 92 (10/14/14) Wiley TB, Wiley Book, Ninja Audio
    BEC - 82 (5/8/15) Mostly Ninja MCQ, sprinkles of Becker lectures and Ninja Audio
    REG - (8/14/15)



    Which of the following elements ultimately determines the specific auditing procedures that are necessary in the circumstances to afford a reasonable basis for an opinion?

    A Auditor judgment.

    B Materiality.

    C Relative risk.

    D Reasonable assurance.


    When applying analytical procedures during an audit, which of the following is the best approach for developing and evaluating expectations?

    A Considering unaudited account balances and ratios to calculate what adjusted balances should be.

    B Identifying reasonable explanations for unexpected differences before talking to client management.

    C Considering the pattern of several unusual changes without trying to explain what caused them.

    D Comparing client data with client-determined expected results to reduce detailed test of account balances.

    FAR - 89 (8/19/14) Wiley TB, Wiley Book, Books from School, Ninja Audio/Notes
    AUD - 92 (10/14/14) Wiley TB, Wiley Book, Ninja Audio
    BEC - 82 (5/8/15) Mostly Ninja MCQ, sprinkles of Becker lectures and Ninja Audio
    REG - (8/14/15)

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