AUD Study Group – Q3 2018 - Page 5

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    @RealCPANinja To do the research questions, you need to use the authoritative literature to search for what the question is asking. Many times you can point out certain keywords that are given in the question and then do a search for those keywords. Then you click into the areas where the keywords were found, read the section and determine if it matches what they are asking for. Once you find the matching section, plug in the information that relates to that area. For instance you would type in something like “AU-C 200.06”.

    I would recommend doing AICPA practice exams to get a feel for how to do research SIMs. You only really need to do the practice once. They give you the exact same practice SIMs each time you try it. But, go into the research question SIM and practice looking through the Authoritative Literature to get a feel for how the real exam will look.


    Well, I just found out I failed with a 74. Looks like I’ll be taking it again soon.

    BEC 8/14/14 - Passed
    Graduated from college 12/13/14
    AUD 8/31/15 - 74. Retake - Passed


    Back to auditing again. Failed with a 73! In so much grief right now.

    @GoVPI..whats your plan of action going to be? You must be even more angry than me


    Yes I am in much grief right now. I feel sick at work. Can’t concentrate on anything else. I plan to retake within the first month of Q3 so in July sometime.

    BEC 8/14/14 - Passed
    Graduated from college 12/13/14
    AUD 8/31/15 - 74. Retake - Passed


    Hi all, I borrowed a becker book from my friend to study AUD, so I don't have the software to do MCQs and simulations.

    I just finished reading the book for AUD, and am ready for MCQs and simulations. I studied FAR using NINJA Monthly and got good result. Is NINJA monthly good for AUD as well? How many MCQs and simulations are there? Any other recommendations?



    @Fam110: I am sorry to hear that. I got 2 74's in arrow, so I understand the despair. I almost gave up when I got a 74 the first test. It took almost 6 months to get back on track. I hope you push through. You will do great next time.
    I always studied like it was a new test and just did MCQ and Sims for 2 months.


    @Julia, I saw you passed AUD and BEC. Do you think BEC is harder or AUD is harder? I am waiting on my BEC and not feeling well about it


    I passed audit, here is the video how I did it in 3 weeks!


    @RealCPA: I took REG & BEC first b/c they were the hardest for me. People says it's easy but hate Eco& Blaw.
    I studied so much for both & failed & then passed.
    AUD I kind of slacked on & got a 75.
    But I'm good @ AUD & FAR. I plan to do 20 hour weeks until Sept 8


    @Julia, Thanks for your support. I really do appreciate it! I am feeling so defeated right now. I spent way too many hours on this to only come out with a 73. I scored a 76 on Becker mock exam so I felt decent about my preparation but not sure what happened to the 5-10 point curve they say exists on Becker exams. Its something along the lines that you would usually come out at least 5-10 points higher on the real thing vs Becker mock exams.

    So will be studying for Aud for the third time (73,64 first attempt) and I need to take that like ASAP. I need to pass FAR and REG as well by December in order to avoid losing my BEC credit. Do you have any advice for me on how should I approach this retake and how much time to allocate for the rest of the exams? Even though, I did read my notes several times leading up to the test but i just couldn't find the time to re-write them like i said I would. Can you talk about how you were managing to go through the material and found the time to rewrite the notes weekly? also, when you did weekly notes did you go back from the first week and recopy everything.


    Hopefully this is my last time in one of these, just got a 73 on AUD. Time to push restart and slay this beast. Unfortunately, my ninja package expired for this section since I didn't get a full year like I did for BEC and FAR, so I guess I'm going on the monthly plan! Good luck to everyone.


    @Fam110: My beasts were REG & BEC. I listened to audio non stop. At work, on drive, kids in my car would know bout taxes.
    I rewrote all the notes 1x a week.
    Studied 2 months & failed. Then I did MCQ & Sims for 2 months. I also rewrote notes 1x a week. I did all MCQ & then reset & did them again.
    I was trending in 80's both times & still failed once. Because material took longer to stick. I also did AICPA test 1x a week.
    Watched vids on YouTube from different sources till I understood a topic. I would just put vids on & listened anytime I could b doing something that did not require my FULL attention.
    I kno u can u do it. Ur a great mom & wife, that's harder.


    @Julia…Thanks so much for getting back. I appreciate it! I regret not rewriting those down and should have practiced SIMS a bit more. I will do them this time. Lesson learned! Back to back 74 must be have so demoralizing but its amazing to see that you put up a good fight and got 80 plus on REG and BEC. Keep doing what's working for you and you will knock out FAR this qtr. I wish you all the best.


    Hi! I just found out the score for my very first try at a portion of the CPA and I made a very underwhelming 51 🙁 It was AUD and I feel like I killed the multiple choice, but didn’t do so well on the TBS. Any advice? I am very discouraged that my grade was so far off from 75. It almost makes me feel as if I dont have a chance.


    Hi folks…just checking in to see how's everyone doing? I am working on MCQS for Becker Chp 1. Need to get this exam done in four weeks max.
    @krsicpa2018–Just dust yourself off and know that you are not alone. These exams are very tough. I would recommend you start from scratch and do everything that suits your learning style. How did you prepare for the first take?

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