AUD Study Group – Q3 2018 - Page 3

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    1. Giving AUD exam on Aug 4.
    2. Exam topics which keep me awake at night are- Compilations, Review Engagements, Sales- Receivables Cash Cycle, Governmental Audits, Research Questions & SIMS
    3. Study/Career Tips- Do what benefits you, explore, invest time, do not copy others, take guidance, ensure extreme use of optimum resources available and be patient towards any of your goals.


    When are you taking your exam? August 2018
    What exam topic keeps you awake at night? paperwork simulations
    One study or career tip others might find helpful. You need to put in the time to get results. Nothing comes easy.



    My name is Tasha and I am re-taking AUD for the third time Aug 3.

    I got a 72 on the old format, 73 on the new format (both with Becker), and looking for a study program to help me pass. I have BEC passed and waiting on REG results. Looking for a strong study program that will help me refresh for the next 6 weeks.

    Good luck to everyone out there!


    Hi my name is Iram. I am currently studying for Audit and plan to take it around July 15th. I struggle mostly with remembering the reporting requirements for an audit. One career tip is that no matter how smart you are the thing that will help you get the furthest in any company are your networking skills!


    I'm taking it in Aug too. The exam topic I have the most trouble with is sampling. A study tip is have is to drink green tea. I think it's better than coffee at keeping you sharp, and it's healthier too.


    Hi Im Divya, writing the exam Audit exam in Nov 2018.
    What I find challenging is approach to studying for Simulations. Are there work arounds using authoritative literature? How does one make the best use of the literature?
    A piece of advice wrt studying/exams – Persevere and take notes. It gives structures my thought process, and I re-learn a lot of stuff that I may have missed out when someone tells me something (at work) or I watch a lecture (wrt studying)


    Hi I'm Kristal. I'm currently studying for AUD, and take it August 8th. I'm most concerned with auditing public companies (PCAOB related questions), I've been doing audits for almost 5 years, only working on non-issuers. I have never even looked at a public company in real life. I'd say the biggest tip is don't wait to take the exam. The farther you are from school, the harder it is. Also, I like to budget my time so I'm studying less after work and more on the weekends. I do 1-2 hours of studying on weekdays and make up the rest on the weekend, because I'm exhausted after work. As a manager, my days are usually much longer than my staff's, as I have to prepare work for them and get my work done too. 🙂


    Hi, Kristal, don't sweat the differences between public and private audits too much. The test is not that in depth on this. Your experience auditing with private companies should help you tremendously on this section.


    1) I’m taking AUD in January. I passed REG in February and am currently waiting on my FAR score, which I took in May. I know it’s quite a while until I take AUD, but I’m also working on my Masters of Accountancy and the program revolves around studying and taking the CPA exam. I have chosen to stick to the program’s outline and will take exams along with that schedule. My AUD class is this fall.
    2) I’m so tired from work, school, and balancing family life that I don’t have any troubles sleeping 😊 I am nervous about the AUD exam overall because I brain-dumped everything from undergrad and I have zero experience in Auditing.
    3) As for studying: make a schedule and stick to it, but don’t wear yourself down or else you’ll be useless. During the work week, I study a few hours after my child goes to bed (I study until I feel that I’m not learning/retaining anything). On the weekend, I study 2-3 hours on Saturday, and I leave Sunday for family time. Passing these exams is important to me, but my family is far more important. You only live once, and you can’t get time back.
    As for career advice: many have to start at the bottom to work their way up. This may mean internships when you feel you deserve a full-time position, or just accepting lower-level positions. If you have a good work ethic, intelligence, resourcefulness, and integrity (among other things), you will excel. Passing the CPA exams is great, but you still need to gain experience to prove your abilities.


    Hi I'm Amin, hope to take audit exam in August. but the biggest problem that I don't take too much of MCQ's and get bored quickly.

    Any recommendations!!!


    Took Far in April, studying for AUD and will take it 7/23.


    Hello, I'm Kyle.

    *I am taking Audit on 7/2/2018.

    *What keeps me up at night is determining which topics I should hit hard in the days leading up to the exam.

    *Best career advice I can give is to never cut yourself short and believe in yourself.


    1. Taking Audit 8/6/2018
    2. Long wordy Sims keep me at night….I need lots of practice on Sims.
    3. Make your self motivated somehow, I think it will make you get going no matter what.

    I am old and non-native English speaker trying to become a CPA. I came to the U.S. 2017 and took FAR in May 2018, which was my first section(waiting for the score release) When I was taking FAR, I felt like I was being tested on English and Accounting at the same time. I had hard time managing my time especially on Sims(too long) because it took me a lot of time just to understand the questions. Anyway, I am still trying and I hope I can make you guys feel a little bit relieved since most of you guys at least don't have to worry about English.^^ I am struggling now, but I will do it somehow. I hope all of you guys succeed too~ Good Luck!


    My name is Heidi. I am in the beginning of studying for the Audit exam. I will find out in the next week if my 2nd attempt at the BEC exam was a success. Graduated 3 years ago (non-traditional student with 4 kids was a struggle). Kudos to those who do this before having a family!

    I appreciate your links and this forum!! While at work I get to look in and see updates and the struggles that are real for me as well!

    Jan 2017 – BEC attempt 1 = 74

    Persevering & enduring!


    Hey everyone – taking AUD in the beginning of July and attempting to take 2 more in that window (wish me luck!).

    I struggle with the difference audit reports presentations (i.e. changes to paragraphs and wording). For some reason I can't just grasp it.

    One tip I can give, especially to those early on in their careers, is not to worry about what everyone else is doing and focus only on your pace and your path. Don't let what's going on around you distract you from going after your goals.

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