AUD Study Group – Q3 2018 - Page 2

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  • #1837604

    I'm giving away 20 NINJA MCQ Memberships (1 month) … 5 per exam (5 BEC, 5 REG, etc).

    To Enter – Post in one study group (for the exam you're taking next) the following:

    When are you taking your exam?
    What exam topic keeps you awake at night?
    One study or career tip others might find helpful.

    That's it 🙂

    20 Winners … 1 (one) month of NINJA Monthly … you may enter once (but keep posting in the Study Groups … that's kind of the point of the giveaway – to fire them up during a Blackout Month lull 🙂

    You'll get all of the NINJA Monthly benefits … Book, MCQ, Notes, Audio, SIMS, videos, private study group, etc. If you're already a NINJA Monthly member – good news – you'll get a free month when your subscription renews – we'll just credit you.



    1. I am taking my exam on July 16, 2018.
    2. Transaction cycles!!!
    3. Before studying each day, I wake up, relax and eat breakfast before I begin to regroup my thoughts! 🙂


    -Taking AUD July 24
    – Segragation of duties for AP,AR, inventory keep me up at night
    -Friendly advice, get an internship in Junior year

    Let me win me some ninja MCQ


    Hey all!

    I am currently studying for BEC and testing July 3rd. My next (and hopefully last) exam is Audit which I have scheduled for August 10th. I saved Audit for last so that in the event that I have to test after starting work, it is the test over my field of work.

    While I haven't dove into the material for Audit yet, I am most concerned about the vagueness of answers that I have heard. I've heard that some questions have multiple correct answers but only 1 best answer. I think that will confuse me the most.

    I am lucky to have just graduated so that I am able to study full time and have a very relaxed schedule if needed. My tip may not be relevant to most who are working full time but I enjoy doing a few hours then going home for lunch and going back and doing more studying. I always try to take 1 full day off from the books since I am starting to burn out with studying every day. So my advice would be to try to be flexible with your studying and don't pressure yourself into thinking you need to study 8+ hours every single day.


    I am scheduled to take AUD on 7/21/2018
    Currently, AUD assertions keeps me up at night 🙂
    Study tip: work MCQs, MCQs and more MCQs


    Taking the exam in July.

    The topic keeping me up at night is Audit Evidence.

    A study tip I have for all is not to compare your results or progress to someone else'. We all learn differently and apply skills differently.

    Also, another tip is to do a few mcqs right after you wake up, in an app or desktop. Even a round of 10-15 questions is fine; this keeps the content you learned the night or day fresh in your mind longer and/or give you insights on if you ‘really' learned the topic you had check marked as completed.

    Hope this helps! Good luck all!


    When are you taking your exam? – July 30
    What exam topic keeps you awake at night? – anything with calculation
    One study or career tip others might find helpful. – dont be scared and always ask for something not sure, speakup and be vocal. #askforit


    Hi everyone,

    My name is Cheryl and I am sitting for AUD on July 7. This will be my first exam, and I am pretty nervous.
    I study 20+ hours a week, outside of my full-time accounting job.
    My biggest worry is the sampling/ratios area.
    Time management, determination, and discipline is the key to staying focused. My CPA review courses are tied in to my Master’s program, which has taught me the importance of time management and discipline. Sometimes it’s hard to say ‘no’ to family and friends, but I remind myself of my goals, and that this process is temporary and worth it!!


    Hi everyone:

    I am scheduled to take my AUD on 7/25/2018. This will be my first part of the CPA exam and I want to get off to a good start. I am a hard studious learner. If I see the benefits of this free program from AUD, I have no problem investing in money for other parts of the Ninja CPA.

    Personally to me, the toughest exam topic is the different types of transactions cycles.

    One career tip that I would recommend others is to start working on interpersonal and communication skills because it is extremely important for any type of face to face, client driven job.



    Hello All,

    After repeat failure I am back to try to conquer the CPA exam!

    -I will be taking AUD in August 2018
    -Financial Statement Assertions keep me up at night
    -And (I'm not one to take advice from), but I would recommend repetition is the most important ingredient to success!!!

    Hope to get access to some MCQ Questions in this giveaway 😛




    When are you taking your exam?
    What exam topic keeps you awake at night?
    One study or career tip others might find helpful.

    Hey I’m joe, I’m taking audit hopefully in the first week of September (baby coming first week of August so we will see what happens). The topic that keeps me up at night is not so much a topic, but simulations. Even when I know the material well I sometimes have trouble with what is being asked on simulations and often overthink my answer. For example, there’s a new process introduced to a company how does it effect risk, i start out thinking well that will increase detection risk but then I know that if you introduce a new process you will do more work so it will lower detection risk.

    I think my best career advice is to ask questions and take notes. I always refer back to old notes and I even have a process folder I have for monthly tasks that I pull out whenever month end comes around just so I don’t miss a step.


    Hi I’m Mouse, started my CPA journey in 2014. I’m taking AUD July 9th and don’t feel confident AGAIN. Currently, MGMT Assertions keep me up at night.
    One career tip is if you’re starting a new job, be patient with yourself, MGMT doesn’t expect you to be truely caught up until a couple months on the job.


    Hi I’m Bianca and I will be taking my exam July 3rd.


    Hi, I'm Rosie,

    I'm planning on (re)taking AUD mid-July.
    What keeps me up at night are is any topic that's not governmental or not-for-profit related.
    Best career advice I can give – push to make sure you're trained in multiple disciplines. I work for a mid-sized CPA firm and have been locked into NFP and Government since I started. It makes a big difference when you're sitting in the test if you've seen something in action rather than just studying it. If your firm won't help make you a well-rounded accountant, maybe it's time to find another firm.



    Hi my name is Colina Outerbridge and I am currently studying for AUD. I am taking the exam on Friday, July 13th. What are the odds aye. Well I hope that I am a winner of a month free access because I have previously gotten 72 and would like to use Ninja to take me over the passing range.

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