AUD Study Group – Q3 2018 - Page 16

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    @allsheneededwassome @big4beancounter thank you guys! best of luck for you as well! Hopefully we'll be seeing all of us on score release day in an “I PASSED” kind of board 🙂


    Does anyone else keep a tally during the exam of how many questions you knew the answer to, how many you had to guess, and how many you had to deduce what you were pretty sure was the right answer and project a %?

    I did so and scoring conservatively I should be in the 80 to low 80s % range. Not sure how this translates into a score though.

    Also I could tell I got a lower score on my 2nd testlet than my first. I hope that means the 2nd testlet was the harder one, right?
    Does getting the harder testlet 2nd increase the odds of passing?


    Anyone has used the final review from Becker and would highly recommend it?

    Jack Molitor

    I'm studying AUD, using Wiley CPA software. I've reached the lesson on User Auditors, and I'm frustrated to say that I'm totally lost. I want to start working on the questions, but I still don't even know what has been discussed in the video or text. I'm not familiar with the terms, and the way they're introduced is completely disembodied and without context in practical application. I've read some of the definitions several times, and I'm still not sure what they are.
    Maybe I'm just really tired or frustrated, but I don't succumb to complete befuddlement like this very often. It's hard to pinpoint exactly where I'm lost, because I don't even really know what to ask. Has anyone else had this problem? What are user auditors? User entities? Service auditors? Service organizations? What do they do? What are some real life examples?


    @Jack Molitor,

    My understanding of user auditors is that many companies will hire a service company to do work for them (For example: Google hires company ABC to do their A/P). In this situation Google is the user and company ABC is the service. Both Google and Company ABC need to be audited, but likely won't be audited by the same firm, so there will be the user auditor (Google's auditor) and the service auditor (company ABC's auditor). Then, from what I remember the rules from here are pretty simple in terms of how the user auditor has to keep the service organization's internal control system in mind in addition to the user's Internal control when conducting an audit. Just another entity to consider when performing an audit


    HI all,

    Need some suggestions on AUD I'm taking on Sep 6th. I failed last time but want to give my best shot now. I'm afraid as-usual with assertions and adjustments questions.


    Auditing and Attestation
    Content Areas
    • Ethics, Professional Responsibilities, and General Principles Allocation 15-25%
    • Assessing Risk and Developing a Planned Response 20-30%
    • Performing Further Procedures and Obtaining Evidence 30-40%
    • Forming Conclusions and Reporting 15-25%

    Skill Weighting
    • 5-15% Evaluation
    • 15-25% Analysis
    • 30-40% Application
    • 30-40% Remembering and Understanding

    Does that mean that application and Remebering and Underataing are most of the SIMs? Can anyone able to make sense out of it


    2:53 AM Still up studying, finally decided to go to bed.. So stressed Exam Fri Sep 7…
    I passed Far -79 / Reg -77 / Bec – 87 … on the first time
    I ve been here 3 times before … and dangg they never get easier all of them are so hard. You never come out feeling like you passed…
    I studied my *Butt* off for this one … Doing Beckers .. still got 3 lecture questions(All Ethics Stuff), 2 Sims to redo, 4 Sims to do, and the practice exams(tomorrow Monday then Wednesday. I feel like i know majority MCQ
    But, like every exam, its those darn Sims… my biggest concern is time.. I could surely get a 90+ if had like an extra hour.
    I feel like keep missing stuff and keep going back to find information then look at my timer and im thing omg im doing one question for like 15-20 mins blehh so stressed :/

    Best part my computer is 13′ and w/ beckers new update stuff i can barely read since i have bring browser screen to 75% just see it
    well im done ranting lets go see how we do on that test tomorrow :/


    @big4: how was it? Same feeling like last quarter or do you feel better about this one?

    I haven’t scheduled mine since we were busy moving. I’m going to see if there are dates open and if so try and squeeze it in before the window closes.


    I took the AUD section this morning. The multiple choice were as expected (used Becker to prepare). The sims were interesting and a little tricky, but hopefully I will come out with a 75. Advice I would give is to practice timing of each testlet. I finished an hour early but I could've used that time to review my multiple choice.

    Good luck to everyone taking it this week!!


    I just took my second AUD Becker mock exam. My first one I scored a 69% and the second I scored 63%. Not feeling too confident about my exam next week.


    If an auditor is completing the first audit of a client and the manangement wasn’t able to do a physical inventory at year end and the auditor was hired after year end so they would not be able to do one either, this would be a scope limitation. The inventory amount is material to the financial statements. Would this be a qualified or disclaimer
    Of opinion?

    BEC 8/14/14 - Passed
    Graduated from college 12/13/14
    AUD 8/31/15 - 74. Retake - Passed


    The auditor was engaged after 12/31 year 2 and needs to issue an opinion on the financial statements of year 2 and no other procedures were available. Express an opinion on financial statements as a whole. Auditor was not able to verify inventory balances ^^**

    BEC 8/14/14 - Passed
    Graduated from college 12/13/14
    AUD 8/31/15 - 74. Retake - Passed


    Real quick question on bank trasfer sheets. Is this a deposit in transit?

    Disbursement Date Reciept Date
    Book Bank Book Bank
    Dec 31 Jan 3 Jan 2 Jan 2


    @Allsheneeded – I thought the SIMs were a lot more subjective than the ones I've seen on the exam in Q2. I'll find out on 9/11 whether I passed both REG/AUD or not. Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst!

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