AUD Study Group – Q3 2018

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    Hey my name is Jay and I'm sitting for Aud on July 7th. I'm currently waiting on scores from taking FAR and BEC 2nd qtr.


    Hello, Jay I am Sam and I am just starting my CPA journey and I am hoping to take AUD on August 11th using Roger CPA Review.


    Taking AUD at the end of August !! I am really going to buckle down and grind through this book !!! Took FAR last week and decided to take a few days rest to rest my brain !!!


    Failing the CPA Exam has nothing to do with intelligence.

    It's all about perseverance.

    There are people who passed all four sections the first time that you wouldn't want running a company.

    Similarly – there are struggling CPA candidates, still scrapping, still in the fight, who barely make it out of the CPA Exam alive – who are future CEOs.

    It has nothing to do with how “smart” you are.

    Video – Failed CPA Exam Multiple Times


    NEW AUDIT REPORTS testing in 3rd qtr window. Let's talk about the difference in them vs the older reports. GO


    Can anyone tell me what new items are being tested on Q3 AUD? What are the Audit Report Changes for Q3? I take the exam on day one of Q3 (7/1), so I would love to know what the upcoming changes are. I have to go over Audit Reports, SSAE/SSAR, and professional responsibilities still before the exam. Hoping to get a lot done today.


    Also, does this post need to be stickied so that it stays at the top?


    To me, it looks like the only big change is that SAS 130 now REQUIRES Audits of Internal Controls Over Financial Reports that is Integrated with an Audit of Financial Statements. Apparently this was previously optional. SAS 133 is also eligible for testing in Q3.

    Of course, SAS 132 is also eligible for testing in Q1, which is related to an Entity's Ability to Continue as a Going Concern.

    Below is directly from Roger CPA Review. I do not use Roger, but their website always seems to clearly outline the changes for the upcoming Exams.

    Below we have provided a basic breakdown to how each Exam section is changing come 2018, and how we are addressing these issues in our course materials:

    Auditing and Attestation (AUD)

    Blueprint: There were no new content areas added or removed from the AUD Blueprint for 2018. However, one content group and 12 representative tasks have been revised to reflect the terminology changes in SAS 130, An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting that is Integrated with an Audit of Financial Statements. For example, under Area IV, A, 3, the task has been changed as follows: “Prepare a draft report for an examination of internal control engagement or for an audit of internal control integrated with the audit of an entity’s financial statements, starting with a report example (e.g., an illustrative report from professional standards).”

    Content: The AUD section of the Exam will see some notable changes for 2018. Our team has been hard at work overhauling relevant course materials to ensure candidate success:

    SAS 132, The Auditor’s Consideration of an Entity’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern (AU-C 570)—Eligible for testing Q1
    SAS 133, Auditor Involvement With Exempt Offering Documents (Amends AU-C 560 and 925) —Eligible for testing Q3


    I am Sophie, and I am going to take the exam in the early Oct.
    I am worried about the practical experience and the subjective judgement required to get good scores in the AUD exam.

    I think taking notes and doing lots of SIMs help me to build a big picture of different topics.


    My name is William and I am taking AUD on 7/1 (thanks to Jeff's advice), so that I can have enough time to study for REG at the beginning of September in Q3.
    I have currently seen 75% of all NINJA MCQ's and aim to wrap the last 370 up before the weeks end so that I can get into my review phase. My weak area is assertions. I get some of them without too much trouble, and yet some of them still boggle my mind. I am hoping to get them sorted out during my review phase.

    Although I have not gotten my scores back yet, what I do believe has helped me this go around as opposed to my past attempts is consistent studying. Honestly, its all about the consistency. Wake up each morning early and study a couple of hours before I get ready for work, then plug in about 8 to 10 hours on the weekends. It sounds obvious, but find the best time(s) that work for you during the day and stick to the plan. I also really enjoy actually writing down notes. I believe that putting pen to paper helps solidify my understanding.

    All the best to everyone that is out there hustling!


    This is new:
    2017, the AICPA issued Auditor Involvement with Exempt Offering Documents. This new standard is effective June 15, 2018, and is testable for exams scheduled after June 30, 2018. Your Becker Auditing V 3.2 textbook page A1-78 should be updated to include the following text (modifications are in italics). The rest of page A1-78, starting with 4.1 Auditor Action, should remain as is in V 3.2.
    The auditor has no active responsibility to make any inquiries or to perform any further auditing procedures to discover subsequent events after the original date of the auditor's report except as described in the chart below. However, if the auditor becomes aware of any information relating to subsequent events before the report release date, the auditor should consider whether it is necessary to adjust the financial statements or related disclosures.
    The auditor should extend subsequent event procedures beyond the audit report date for the situations identified below. The purpose of these procedures is to identify information that, had it been known to the auditor as of the date of the auditor's report, may have caused the auditor to revise the auditor's report.

    Extend subsequent procedures to:

    * Involvement in the offering includes assisting the entity in preparing or reading information in the document, issuing a comfort letter, participating in due diligence discussions of the offering, issuing an attestation report on information relating to the offering, providing a written agreement to use the auditor's report, or updating an auditor's report for inclusion in that document.



    Auditor's report on financial statements is included in an exempt offering document and the auditor is involved* in the offering.
    Extend subsequent procedures to: The date of the distribution, circulation, or submission of the exempt offering document. * Involvement in the offering includes assisting the entity in preparing or reading information in the document, issuing a comfort letter, participating in due diligence discussions of the offering, issuing an attestation report on information relating to the offering, providing a written agreement to use the auditor's report, or updating an auditor's report for inclusion in that document.

    2) Situation
    Auditor's report is included in a registration statement. Extend subsequent procedures to:The date of or shortly before the effective date of the registration statement.


    is there anyone studying for audit with Yeager material?
    I have a month studying full-time, and I'm considering Yeager over becker because of how Yeager implement the blueprint in the course
    any advice would be appreciated


    I would suggest supplementing your main course with Ninja. I did so with FAR and felt better than when I took BEC with just Becker. Hoping to get ninja back again, wife and I have been budget cutting for trip. But Ninja MCQs definitely helped reinforce the concepts, I normally try to do 250 or so a day.


    Hoping to begin studying for AUD next week with the belief that I somehow passed REG. We will see come JUNE 28! I hope to sit for AUD either the very last day of August or first week in Sept. I don't know how I am going to memorize all of the vocab for this section. I am so much better at working out problems than remembering all the Audit Standards and Engagement Planning steps. so LETS DO THIS! All I can say is RE-WRITE, RE-WRITE, RE-WRITE!!

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