I just took FAR yesterday. Silly me, I went against Jeff's recommendations and studied for more than 300 hours over 12 weeks. When it came time to hit the MCQs two weeks ago, I was amazed at how much I had forgotten again. Even reading my own notes, I was like, “Did I write this?”.
But fortunately, I think (and hope and pray) that I passed since I nailed the MCQs and only had probs with two sims. The MCQ sessions definitely paid off. Looking for themes and patterns in the questions I missed helped iron things out.
My new study strategy will be to lighten up on my notes, read thru the sections more frequently, rewrite Ninja Notes, and hit the MCQs sooner to help me dig deeper on areas of difficulty.
Finally, getting up at 6am every morning has helped with studying, and the productivity of my day in general since I also squeeze in some yoga stretches. And a few weekend days locked away in my office or a library were productive too.
Here I come AUD, you're next on July 14th! Why do others think AUD is so tuff?