Testlets got easier – is it even possible I passed?

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  • #188254

    From what I read on this forum and from what my friends tell me, the consensus seems to be that if the exam is getting harder it means you’re doing well. On my test however, my testlets went from hard hard easy. Has anyone experienced this and passed? I’ve taken the other parts of the CPA and they all went easy hard hard. I didn’t study too much for audit but I averaged around 80 on Becker progress tests and practice exams.

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  • #596432

    Judging from your score, may be you really did well.

    However, if your exam questions were really easy compared to your testbank, you have a problem.

    When exam questions are harder, your questions are worth more.

    REG-82 Again!

    Done with the exam and LICENSED in VA as of 11/17/2015.


    They may have gotten easier because you knew the answers. There is hope until you see your score.



    Is it possible that you adjusted your expectation as to what was “easy” and what was “hard” by the third testlet? I know that mine were easy, hard, hard, but I know that the second hard testlet was easier than the first because I had gotten used to seeing the more difficult questions and reasoning my way through them. Maybe that happened to you too! Either way, don't count your chickens before they hatch! If you did well in Becker, I am going to assume that you did well on the exam.

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 97
    REG - 91
    FAR - 1/8/16


    I thought 1st testlet is always Medium?


    Yeah, the first testlet is always medium. It's more likely that your testlets went medium-hard-medium, or that you just simply found the “hard” material to not be difficult. Judging by your previous scores, I would bet you that passed (easily).

    BEC - 72, 82! ✓
    FAR - 80! ✓
    AUD - 70, 92! ✓
    REG - 74, 78! ✓

    Licensed CPA 5/2015


    They always are @dksmoove.


    From my previous experience, the first testlet is always around Becker level. But for this exam it wasn't. That's what's worrying me. If the first testlet was medium then I don't know what hard is… Thanks for the support though. Hopefully the score isn't too bad.


    You still have the SIMS to save you too (in case you did bad on M/C). Even if you get a 60-65% on the M/C, you could still pass if you scored high on the SIMs (90-100%). Based on your past test scores, and you Becker scores, I would be shocked if you got anything in the 70s.

    AUD - 87
    FAR - 82
    BEC - 75 - Danced with the bubble and I won!!!!
    REG - 73, 80


    Aug 8th will be your dancing day.

    REG- (1) 76
    FAR- (2) 64, (5)74, (7)83 (Over achiever!)
    AUD- (3) 70, (4) 75
    BEC- (6) 75


    what do you mean first testlet is around becker level? then the second got harder or easier? everyone says the exam is easier then becker, im talking mostly for FAR


    What the AICPA deems difficult may have played well to your strengths.


    The first testlet which is supposed be medium is usually similar to Becker questions. If you do well on that one it's supposed to get harder. I wouldn't say the exams are easier than Becker though…


    ohhh. i got a 66 and 77 on my two practice exams and have been scoring in the 80s on my 90 question progress tests. im also trending at 77 in ninja. i take FAR Sunday, hopefully i can get through this


    The way I think about it is that everything you study is hard up until the point you know it then it is easy. It's Like a brain surgeon that learns complex brain surgery must have thought it was so hard while training and then 15 years later he/she candoit in their sleep.

    Most people would say knowing all the words to “it's the end of the would as we know it” is a very tough task. But I for some reason wasted a week of my childhood and memorized the whole damn song. Now I can rattle it off like nothing.

    I think you'll be fine. If most questions you thought were easy and you knew or mostly knew you were picking the right answer, then how many could you have actually got wrong!!

    Audit(11/5/13) - 89
    Reg(5/16/14) - 86
    FAR(7/18/14) - 82
    BEC(11/14) - 85


    So how does everyone judge a testlet by being “medium/easy” or “hard”

    The length of the question, or amount of information in the question? Or the content of what it is asking, even if it's only 2 or three sentences?

    I took REG on Saturday, and this whole thing was messing with me in the back of my head. There was a bunch of B-law questions, but those are only 2 sentences max. So not sure if I had medium testlets throughtout the entire exam?

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