sick as a dog- 101.3 fever during exam

  • Creator
  • #1682077
    shawn in VA

    Hi Everyone,

    For those that passed …congrats!! I am writing this post b/c I took AUD dec 10 2017- last day of window. I failed once before with a 74. I only had 3 weeks to study for the retake and found out this AM I GOT 84!!!

    The reason I write is b/c a few days before my exam I got ill (flu maybe) and really did not study much at all. Maybe 1 hour a day for the 5 days leading up to exam . Dec 9 before exam I slept all day sick as a dog with fever

    DEC 10 my exam was at 1PM. I tried to sell my seat the day before for 1500$ but no one bit. So I woke up at 10AM out of house by 11AM and got to prometric at 1230 with a 101.3 FEVER. Oddly, it did NOT slow me down one bit I was like Michael Jordan in that Finals game against the Utah Jazz . It was all adrenaline.

    My point to all this is give your body rest it needs it. And don’t study the day before. I will do that for my last exam not study the day before and sleep all day.

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  • #1682096



    @Shawn in VA…you can sell your seat? Thought they already had the names at Prometric of the people taking the exam. Am I missing something here?

    FAR 8/20/15 - Passed 77
    AUD 10/10/15 -


    You can't sell your seat.
    People who got screwed by the winter storms on the east coast had their prometric centers close with no chance to reschedule before the window closed.
    He tried to get someone to pay him $1500 to cancel his seat, so they could try to buy it, but you can't schedule a seat inside of 5 days according to prometric.
    Appears a blatant attempt to stir up the drama again, while also patting himself on the back for testing while sick.


    Shawn, I love your posts. Please, after/if you pass all parts, never stop posting on this forum.


    dear shawn,

    eat farts.



    shawn in VA

    Yahman- you can sell your seat as long as you find a buyer . You meet at starbucks, cancel you appt while the guy/gal watches, you take the money and go shopping,the buyer goes on prometric and signs up for the seat you just cancelled. not brain surgery but BOURNE and RICE RACER have a mental deficiency and cannot understand normal matters.

    I was like MJ that night at the United Center in Chicago IL. Where he had the flu against the Jazz and make like 10 points in last few mins of game and Scottie Pippen picked him up and hugged him


    Hiya! I love you Shawn


    funny you mention that shawn, every time ive seen your posts around here my immediate thought is Michael Jordan. Excellence only comes around once a generation i feel blessed to have experienced it.

    Merry Christmas buddy, keep up those posts man. I'll need something to keep me coming back here now that ive passed and all.

    shawn in VA

    very impressive scores I must say . Do you qualify for that award? I forgot the name . Alija Watts I think ?

    shawn in VA

    could you tutor me in FAR ( or anyone) I have never taken it and would like to around Jan 20 saturday so I only have to wait 16 days for result

    I heard its a beast. If I start to study tonight is it enough time for JAN 20 exam. assuming I put in 5 hours a day ?


    It's actually called the Elijah Wood award.


    Elijah Watts^^

    In my personal opinion, one month is not enough time for FAR. However, people do pass with 4 weeks of prep. I took about 7-8 weeks and a solid guess of at least 450 hours.

    My key was to get through the Wiley material (watch videos, complete assessments), then in the final 10-14 days do a hardcore review with Ninja. Listen to the Ninja Audio and spare time outside of studying, study more with Ninja Notes. Every chance you get in the final review stage leading up to the exam hammer away at the MCQ's. Working the MCQ's allowed me to refresh and “relearn” what I've already forgotten from reviewing Wiley for the prior 6-7 weeks.

    I believe without a doubt that if not for the final 10-14 days of Ninja review I would've failed.


    Yes the Elijah Tiger Woods Award. I do not qualify for it. FAR is a beast, I dunno if 1 month is enough study time, even if you go at it 5 hours a day solid. I spent 4 months doing about 2 hours a day on average.

    I believe you need to have an average score of 95.5 or some shit like that.

    Good luck


    cracking up about eat farts!!!!!

    shawn in VA

    below is more directed to older ppl like me in mid 30's

    Please do nothing the day before the exam and the morning of (if applicable). Your body needs rest and your mind needs time to “digest” all the info. I did that with AUD and got a pass. Usually I would study up to 1.50 hour before exam but would walk in exhausted to prometric.

    The strategy where I did nothing the day before DESPITE being sick as a dog the day of exam I felt very well rested and did well.

    I felt like Michael Jordan that night against the Utah Jazz in the finals- i was unstoppable despite being ill.

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