Failed AUD Again? Help!

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  • #198941

    Looked at my score yesterday and saw that I failed AUD once again with a 69 (70 last time). I really have no clue what to even do. I use Roger right now and supplement with NINJA MCQ. Perhaps have to change scenery? I really thought I passed it too. I got the an exact sim on second attempt and none of my questions got harder. Now you might say that’s my problem but all my passes have come from me not getting harder questions so that’s why I kind of thought I was going to get a little above a 75. Anyway what do you Ninja’s think I should do?

    F- 78
    A- 70, 69, 74, 70
    R- 68, 70
    B- 76

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  • #751503

    EDIT* I was also considering taking it again at the end of January. I just started working for a small CPA firm and was thinking about trying to take it again before we got super busy.

    F- 78
    A- 70, 69, 74, 70
    R- 68, 70
    B- 76


    To be honest when I got my 69 of Audit I realized that I thought I knew the material but in actuality I did not have a good understanding of the material. How did you study when you got the 70 and then what did you do when you got the 69. Its easier for people on the forum to give you feedback when we know what you did the first time around and then what did you change or do differently the second time around.

    I know a lot of people always think about switching the material when we are the ones studying wrong. I finally learned after multiple retakes that videos were a waste of time for me on audit. I needed to read the textbook and work every single question in the testbank. I explained concepts to our dog to make sure I had a good understanding of the material. The only thing I screwed up on the last retake was that I did not practice the FAR related material thrown at you in the sims and syure enough I had 3 sims like that. I knew that was it for me. This go around I am not going to be bother reading the book. My plan is to work every single Ninja MCQ and SIM at least 3 times. And then spend a weekend going over the FAR sims that I found in the Wiley textbook that look similar to what I saw on exam day.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    I failed the exam 2nd time . First time secured 42 then 52 !!!
    Need help badly . I was trending in 65-70 in wiley test bank.Please help!!


    What kind of FAR material do they test on AUD?

    BEC - 77, 03/2015 (first try)
    FAR - 79, 05/2015 (second try)
    REG - 83, 12/2015 (first try)
    AUD - 84, 03/2015 (first try)

    I got 99 problems but the CPA ain't one.


    I got 42 on first go and then 52 on second go. I do not know where I went wrong . MCQS went harder with the testlets. the sims were absolutely correct 3 out of 7. I used wiley book and did 50% of test bank for preparation.
    The trending score was 70. Kindly suggest how to go with it.



    Jigyasa to be honest when I scored 47 on audit I thought I was doing everything right and when I walked out of the exam I thought I had passed. Personally I think anything below 70 means you really do not have a good understanding of the material. When you go through the questions in the testbank can you explain why the correct answer is correct and why the other 3 are wrong? Trending scores do not mean much especially if you are familiar with the questions and you pick the right answer or you make educated guesses but do not bother to go back and actually understand the material.

    With a score that low you literally have to start from scratch. Act like you have never studied for audit before and figure out you best learn the material.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    My first AUD attempt I got 55 and I felt like I had a good shot at passing. Needless to say I was totally bummed. The thing that got me a pass was really understanding the engagements with every little nuance. You need to memorize the rules for each engagement enough to know what answers clearly do not fit. AUD is tricky because under alternate circumstances almost all the answers can be right.

    Make sure that you can identify why the answers are not choosing are wrong in addition to clearly explaining why the answer you are choosing is right. I actually talked myself through many questions, audibly. I found that I had to deductively figure out the right answer.


    What were your stats using NINJA MCQ?

    Go check out the Ninja MCQ Trending vs Actual thread. I have yet to see anyone that has hit the review phase and trended above 85 fail.

    I guarantee you'll pass if you get to the point.

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88


    well my first shot at AUD I watched videos, read the text, answered questions. when I was in final review ~3 weeks I did 5k questions. I didn't understand anything and I should've rescheduled after my first crack at NINJA MCQ.

    my second attempt I watched videos, answered questions, and tried to understand everything better. And in my eyes I thought I did because there were some concepts that I didn't know the first time around or like when someone said Test of Details I knew what the entailed. After I went through all that I did about 1500 MCQ. my trending for that was 68. I didn't invest as much as I did the first time around because I didn't want to burn myself out. not making excuses here just explaining my methodology.

    F- 78
    A- 70, 69, 74, 70
    R- 68, 70
    B- 76


    @ruggercpa2b: Understanding is where I still lack . I will be using same material with different methodology.I am studying full time so will try giving maximum hours.

    Probably :

    1.Reading book at first. Understanding & learning the concept.
    2. Hammering the wiley book questions.
    3. Hammering wiley test bank questions.
    4. Making note of all wrong questions and rewriting it in a notepad.(Revisiting it frequently)
    5. Taking numerous progressive tests.



    Please share insight on which FAR sims (for AUDIT) you will be practicing on! Are there similar sims in Ninja/Becker?


    Please share insight on which FAR sims (for AUDIT) you will be practicing on! Are there similar sims in Ninja/Becker?


    A 69-74 means usually you have a good grasp on the material. Do the lectures again, all sims, all MC.. It also may sound odd but take it at a different prometric facility. I honestly think a change of scenery helps.

    Audit- 86 5/27/2015
    Regulation- 89 7/2/2015
    Bec- 83 7/23/2015
    Far- 80 8/31/2015
    Ethics-62, 90
    Part 1: Passed 12/10/2015
    Part 2: Passed 3/11/2016

    CIA- Pass 1/29/16/// CRMA- Pass 2/9/16// CCSA- Pass 2/21/2016/// CFE- Pass 2/29/2016/// CFSA- Pass 3/15/2016


    I had the same scores but on FAR. I did study harder this time, and the only thing I didn't do this time was to watch all the Ninja Blitz. I agree with jrb0048, I'll change the testing center and do all the sims and MCQs again.

    FAR: 78 (5x)
    AUD: 80 (3x)
    BEC: 9/07/2016
    REG: 12/06/2016

    Failure is never an option.

    "Faith in your own powers and confidence in your individual methods are essential to success." Roderick Stevens


    I know how you all feel. I took AUD last month and thought I absolutely SMOKED it…..71.

    I'm on this forum a lot and read all the threads on what people to do pass the 2nd, 3rd time, whatever it is. I think it is helpful to consider other people's methods to find out what works for you, but at the end of the day that is exactly what you have to do – find what works for you. Take into account the different study methods, apply them, and find the one that provides the most growth for you.

    In my experience with FAR, I can tell you with complete confidence that it is very possible to bounce back and pass with an extra few weeks to a month of studying. The only advice I can give that I believe to be 100% full proof is do something different when you restudy for an exam. Going about it differently makes you think about the material differently and process it differently – and all that just adds to your knowledge bank (and hopefully application too). Thats what this is all about, reaching that certain level of knowledge it takes to prove to the AICPA that you are worthy of a 75 and applying it on whatever monster of an exam they want to throw at you.

    Whether your score is in the 40s or 70-74, the bottom line is your understanding and application of the material is not sufficient, so dig a little deeper and pull those threads to reach that level. Audit is a horrendous exam and I hope we can all put it away on our next try.

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016

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