Aud Q1 2016

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  • #200467

    I’m terrified!!

    My sims were insane. I guessed on around 80% of the sims, but made sure to fill in everything.

    Anyone else just take the exam? How did it make you feel? I’m riddled with stress and anxiety, but need to start studying for Reg.

    Aud: 2/27 ?

    Reg: ?

    Far: ?

    Bec: ?

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  • #760089

    I got AUD tomorrow. Ready to kill this and be done.

    BEC - 77, 03/2015 (first try)
    FAR - 79, 05/2015 (second try)
    REG - 83, 12/2015 (first try)
    AUD - 84, 03/2015 (first try)

    I got 99 problems but the CPA ain't one.


    Took mine 2/24, the SIMS are no joke! A lot of anxiety here as well, know that others are in the same boat as you! I also need to start studying for the next one but a part of me just wants to keep studying Audit since I feel like I am likely going to need to retake.

    AUD- 98 2/24/16

    Self Study CPAExcel


    I got one SIM question that I completely guessed on.

    I am a bit nervous about the exam too. It would feel so good to have 3 exams knocked out. Then 1 more test before I get a piece of a paper with my name on it that says I am a CPA…

    BEC - 83 Oct 23
    FAR - 84 Jan 8
    AUD - 81 Feb 26
    REG - 84 May 23


    In a way this test was more draining on me than FAR. by the time I got to the third test let my brain was exhausted and I remember having to reread one question four times. And I guessed on at least 3 Sims.

    Good luck to everybody.

    BEC - 78 (August 2015)
    FAR - 80 (November 2015)
    AUD - 73, 67. (Ok I gotta confess I was even more lazy this time around)
    REG - August 27th, 2016


    I feel somewhat better after reading this thread…My sims were no joke either. Even if I had more time to study, there's no way that I could've prepared for those! I just feel like I need to prepare for another round of AUD exam…

    To those of you who passed with over 90, how did you feel after the exam?

    Starting all over again...
    BEC - 79 Lost credit
    AUD - Retake April 2016


    I retook the test Saturday. The MCQs were more manageable than the first time and the Sims were brutal. The Sims in my first test I found some word for word in the AL not this time. I do not want to retake this test.

    BEC Feb 2015 68 - rematch Apr 2015 - 84
    FAR July 2015 77
    AUD Oct 2015 74 Feb 2016 71 April 2016 85
    REG Jan 2016 67 July 2016


    @Key522; TheHoundThatRides; EuroAddict; JustAnotherWannabe; CryingPersonAlways

    I started studying AUD today. Please mention what review you all are using . Any help would greatly appreciated.


    I took AUD this Saturday. The simulations were crazy. I feel I was not prepared for that. On the bright side, I got 2 research questions, that I am hoping I got right. My first test-let was hard, but my second and third were a little bit more on the concepts I have studied. However, by the third testlet I was so drained.

    Advice, please don't be like me, in addition to your review course get additional MCQ's. I think I memorized a lot of the material I was studying from on my CPA excel course that I did not really comprehended everything well.

    I am going to start studying for FAR now … while awaiting for AUD scores :/


    I took AUD on 2/26.. and yes same experience.. I thought I was doing amazing – had over an hour and half left for the sims.. Then on the first question I used nearly 30 mins! I had to guess at 5 of the sims.. One of the sims had nearly 14 questions in one. I felt okay on the mcqs but I'll have to wait to find out on 3/10 what my results are. Hoping for a 75.

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD


    I just wrote AUD today. I had not really practices SIMs too much, just went over the ones in the Becker “final” review course and I found the SIMs in my exam to be easy. The concepts were easy, but finding the answer was tedious. I had one question with 3 info pages. I really only had choices of 3 to 5 answers, so not too hard to guess. But, I found the MCQ harder than expected. Some of the blanks were very simple calculations, almost like free marks. So easy that I went back and read the question just to make sure I wasn’t screwing up the answer.

    REG Aug 20/15: 88
    AUD: Feb 29/16: 80
    FAR: Jun 10/16: 80

    Becker self-study, Becker Final Review & NINJA MCQS



    I used Roger.

    BEC - 78 (August 2015)
    FAR - 80 (November 2015)
    AUD - 73, 67. (Ok I gotta confess I was even more lazy this time around)
    REG - August 27th, 2016


    Just took mine. My MCQ were much harder than my practice. They were medium to hard hard. I really don't know what think. There were questions I couldn't tell exactly what they were asking and equally on answers I was unsure what the answer was saying.

    SIMS were challenging but not unfair.

    I'm hoping for a. 75. 🙂 Anything more is overkill.

    B Passed
    A Passed
    R Passed
    F 8/31/2016


    Took my AUD exam today. MCQ were not too bad but the SIMs were ridiculous. Nothing like what I had practiced. Only had one research. Need to know your FAR material for the AUD exam. Doesn't seem fair to me, but whatever.

    REG - 81
    BEC - 83
    AUD - 86
    FAR - 78 (Done!)


    I just took aud today. Second attempt, got a 73 last time. I prepared a lot, and I think I killed the MC. But the sim was tough.

    Had two research Qs, one I got, the other not sure. And yes, a couple sims required FAR.


    just took audit today.. the simulation was crazy… but Im glad that Im not the one who felt that way..

    FAR-passed 11/29/15
    BEC-1/12/16 passed

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